Panel 2
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Alfred B. Nelson
This is the student portrait of Alfred Nelson, class of 1864. He served as the Professor of Mathematics pro tem from 1864 to 1869 and left Centre to work for the U.S. Internal Revenue Service from 1869 to 1872. He received an M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1874 and practiced medicine in Danville from 1874 until 1876. He then returned to Centre and served as Professor of Mathematics from 1876 until his retirement in 1908.

Total Students Enrolled at Centre
1860 185
1861 172
1862 99
1863 57
1864 103
1865 87
All numbers have been taken from their respective year's college catalog and do not reflect the enrollment of the preparatory department.
1860 College Catalog
1857 Diploma
This diploma is a typical example of a nineteenth century diploma at Centre. It belonged to John Henry Bruce, Director of the National Bank at Lancaster, Kentucky, and the representative of the Nineteenth Senatorial District of the Kentucky Senate from 1877 to 1878.
1860 Commencement Program

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