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Hinitt, Frederick W. Letter to Andrew Carnegie (March 24, 1905)

March 24, 1905

Mr. Andrew Carnegie,
New York City

Dear Sir:

Your favor of March 15th was duly received on my return to the city. It gives me great pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your generous proposition. I have called a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Central University of Kentucky for the 31st inst., when formal steps will be taken in the acceptance of your proposition and provision for the meeting of the condition as stated. Allow me to say that your gift will be a very welcome stimulus to the constituency of the University, and will be exceedingly useful in enabling me to carry forward plans of importance in the development of our work.

With many thanks for your kind and ready response to our application, I remain,

Respectfully yours,
F.W. Hinitt

1. In 1905 Andrew Carnegie offered Centre $30,000 for the construction of a new library building on the condition that the college raise a matching $30,000 to endow the library. It would take until 1912 before the money was raised; the new building, named Carneigie Library, would open by the summer of 1914.