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Alpha Kappa Phi. Letter from Georgetown College (June 5, 1869)

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June 5th

To the Grand Moderator Chap A of Grand Order Centre College

Our brother:

All difficulties have been overcome, the Fates have been propitious and another chapter of the glorious "ΑΚΦ" [Alpha Kappa Phi]has been established through your deputy at this College. From the earnest goal, and united effort which have been the leading characteristic of of [sic] our little band since their formation, we predict great success! Because of your deputy having come so late in the college year, we have not been able to be a "fully organized body" in time to procure badges (over)

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and devices. Though we have now ten members, all "true as steel" we shall not be able to have any regular exercises or to keep up a regular correspondence with the other chapters of the order until next year. We have been very circumspect in our admittance of members will be even more so next fall. We can have the "pick" you know, there being no other society of the kind here. To say that all who have enlisted in the cause of the "ΑΚΦ" [Alpha Kappa Phi], are heartily pleased would scarce be giving a definite idea of the deep, heartfelt feeling of friendship and brotherhood which [illegible word] our [illegible word]. We are more than pleased - delighted. May the spirit of brotherly love ever [unclear word: educate?] as it has, and will ever [unclear word: educate?] us!

Respectfully. W.W. [unclear name: Tebell?], Grn. Mod. [Grand Moderator] of chap [chapter] Θ [Theta]
ΑΚΦ [Alpha Kappa Phi] order