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Agore Adelphon Literary Society. Constitution (1855)


We, a portion of the sophomore class of Centre College, do agree to form ourselves into a society for the purpose of our mutual improvement by means of the discussion of questions, and such other means as may be thought conducive to this end, and in doing so we pledge ourselves to be governed by the following constitution and by-laws.

Article 1

This society shall be called the Agore Adelphon Society

Article 2

The officers of this society shall consist of a President, a Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Censor morum.

Section 1

The President shall serve two successive meetings, and it shall be his duty to call the house to order, preside during the meeting, to decide upon the questions and constitutional matters, decide upon all questions discussed, and to appoint all committees and his associate officers.

Section 2

It shall be the duty of the Secretary to call the roll at the opening and closing of each meeting and to mark the absentees if there are any, to make a record of all the transactions of the society, and to read the same at each meeting.

Section 3

It shall be the duty of the Censor morum to collect all dues to the society, to arraign any member who shall fail to discharge his duty, or shall violate any of the rules by which we are governed.

Section 4

The Treasurer shall receive and pay out all monies as the society may direct.

Article 3

The society shall receive no petitions for membership from any one, but shall, if they think proper, elect any one to membership by a majority of three fourths voting in favor of the candidate, and such persons shall be notified of their election by the Secretary.

Article 4

It shall be the duty of members to debate – to deliver a short address taken in rotation one at each meeting, and to light and warm the room when his turn shall come, their names being taken alphabetically.

Article 5

The fines to be imposed by this society shall be as follows.

For non-attendance – 50¢
For non-performance of duty – 50¢
For violations of the rules of order – from 10¢ to 50¢ according to the discretion of the President

Article 6

Upon initiation, the following question shall be posed.

Do you solemnly promise upon your honor as a gentleman not to reveal any of the secrets of this society?

The answer having been answered in the affirmative, the constitution shall be read to him, and if adopted by him, he shall be considered as regularly initiated.

Article 7

Any member revealing any of the secrets of this society ignorantly shall be fined one dollar, and if he shall reveal anything purposely, he shall be expelled.

Article 8

Five members shall constitute a quorum.

Article 9

Two-thirds of the members can at any one time change the constitution.

Article 10

The proceedings of this society shall be secret.