1860 | Centre Faculty | 1862
Centre College Faculty Minutes (Vol. 1 - 1861)

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January 2, 1861

Faculty met. All present but Dr. Green.

Resolved that we begin our semi-annual examination on the 1st Tuesday of February and occupy the remainder of the week in the following order -

Tuesday February 5th  
8:30 - 11:30Prof. BeattyJunior Class
11:30 - 12:30Prof. MatthewsSophomore Class
3 - 5Prof. MatthewsSophomore Class
Wednesday February 6th
8:30 - 11Prof. CooperFreshmen Class
11 - 1Prof. McKnightJunior Scientific
2:30 - 5Prof. CooperGerman
Thursday February 7th
8:30 - 11:30Prof. CooperSophomore Class
11:302 - 12:30Prof. MatthewsFreshmen Class
3 - 5Prof. MatthewsFreshmen Class
Friday February 8th
8:30 - 11:30Prof. MatthewsJunior Class
11:30 - 1Prof. McKnightJunior Scientific
3 - 5Prof. PattersonFreshmen Class
Saturday February 9th
9 - 12Prof. PattersonSophomore

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January 11, 1861

Faculty met. Dr. Green & Prof. Cooper absent. Resolved that a record be kept by each professor of the deportments of each student, and that the average grade of such deportment be entered in his circular.

January 18, 1861

Buford allowed to enter the Sophomore class on trial, with the understanding that he is to make up all deficiencies in Greek & Latin.

February 21, 1861

Lee dismissed from College for drawing a dirk on a fellow student.

February 25, 1861

Allen suspended from College for one month or until the 1st of April for assaulting a fellow student & cutting him with a pocket knife. Grudgell admitted Freshman on trial to make up deficiencies.

March 8, 1861

Of the four names presented by the Athenean Society for speaker on 22 February 1862, the faculty selected Messrs. John F. Hendy & H. W. McKee.

March 15, 1861

In answer to a note of inquiry from Mr. Nelson F. Dickson as to whether he could enter his class again after having taken a letter of dismission, the secretary was directed to say to him that his having received such letter was evidence that he lay under no College censure, and that all that was necessary in order to his reinstatement was to return the letter of dismission.

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March 22, 1861

Chamberlain cited to answer for disorder in Prof. Cooper's room & a remark of an insulting character made to his teacher in the classroom. Ordered that Mr. Chamberlain have his option to make a satisfactory apology in presence of the class, or be dismissed form College. Allowed until Monday morning to make his choice.

March 25, 1861

Chamberlain made, in presence of the class & faculty, a statement intended to exculpate himself from blame, and a formal apology for the words addressed by him to Prof. Cooper, but when asked if he would abstain from such disorder in future, he declined to promise, whereupon it was unanimously judged that the apology was insufficient, & Chamberlain was dismissed from College.

March 28, 1861

The faculty having received through Prof. Beatty a communication from Mr. Chamberlain concerning their action on Monday last, and the apology offered to Prof. Cooper on that occasion, report to find the same vagueness & ambiguity of language which marked his former public statement, and think it proper to say that they do not require, and never required anything more from Mr. Chamberlain than a distinct acknowledgment that his language and demeanor towards Prof. Cooper were wrong, and the appearance that he sincerely desires & intends to avoid all similar disrespect hereafter.

April 1, 1861

Mr. Chamberlain made before the class & faculty the statement required and was thereupon restored.

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April 5, 1861

Of four names presented by the Chamberlain Society, the faculty selected Messrs. Brown & Craig for speakers on February 22, 1862.

April 19, 1861

Resolved that no student be allowed to go out during recitation more than once, nor for a longer time than ten minutes; & not more than one shall be out at the same time. Resolved that no plays or amusements of any sort in the campus shall be allowed during the ordinary hours of recitation. Hunter of the Senior class, whose father desired him to return home, permitted to go; but no pledge was given that the ordinary rule requiring an examination to be passed before graduation was given. The faculty reserving the right to be [illegible word] by the circumstances of the case when the time of recommending for a degree shall arrive. Forman recalled by his father on account of ill health granted leave of absence, but under the same conditions as to a diploma. Glass applied for permission to be absent for the remainder of the session, but it was refused until he

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produce the written desire of his parent or guardian for his return home. A communication in writing from the Senior class desiring, on account of the political troubles of the country, that diplomas be granted them at the close of the present month, was laid before the faculty. No action was taken on the request; but Dr. Green was directed to inform the class that the faculty had no power in the case; the whole matter of fixing the length of the session being in the hands of the Board of Trustees. Resolved that hereafter we will meet for prayers at 8 o'clock a.m.

April 22, 1861

Mr. Rule of Senior class permitted to leave College to engage in teaching; but required to attend the examination if possible; otherwise no assurance could be given that a diploma would be granted to him. Mr. Lapsley made the same request on the ground of ill health; request granted on same conditions as in case of Mr. Rule. Mr. Evans allowed to be absent for the remainder of the session, but to stand in examination on the studies of the year before reentering his class. Mr. Wilmore applied for permission to return home on account of ill health; advised to wait until his father could be heard from.

April 23, 1861

McKee, Dunlap & Jacobs absent from College & town three days without permission, appeared

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by summons before the Faculty. After hearing their reasons it was resolved that they be admonished by the President, either publicly or before the class.

Friday April 26, 1861

The Deinologian Society having submitted three names from which two speakers were to be selected by the Faculty as speakers for the 22nd February 1862 - it was resolved that the Society be informed that four names must be presented. Resolved that the recitations of the Senior class cease in two weeks from this time, & that the final examination take place the third week.

April 29, 1861

Barnes granted an honorable dismission, on account of ill health & at the request of his father. Glass, whose guardian had given him permission to return home, to be persuaded to remain until after the Senior examination; but if he goes before he risks the loss of his diploma, the Faculty reserving the decision on the question of recommending him until the time for making such recommendations shall have arrived. Gill, with his father's consent, granted leave of absence for a week. Hanna allowed to return home, his father leaving it optional with him.

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May 3, 1861

Bristow's father having written for him to return home, is to be allowed to go unless he can be persuaded to remain until his father can be written to & send a reply. Mr. Cooper appointed a committee to prepare a body of by laws to be submitted to the Faculty for adoption.

May 16, 1861

It was resolved to bestow but one honor on the graduating class year, inasmuch as Mr. Lapsley was prevented from attending the final examination by sickness - Mr. Rule being absent teaching, & Mr. Chenault having not yet stood the Mathematical examination of the Junior year - The 1st Honour & Valedictory oration was assigned to Wallace, Jr. It was resolved to recommend the entire class for a degree. Ordered that no political or partisan sentiments be allowed in the commencement speeches.

May 30, 1861

Mr. Bowman cited to answer for absence three times from Prof. Patterson's room without excuse. It appearing that he had endeavored to see the President, on the last occasion, in order to obtain leave of absence, & that he had no disposition to transgress the rules of the Institution, he was let off, on giving a promise that he would be careful not to transgress again.

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Barbee cited to answer for three unexcused absences from Prof. Patterson's room. Warned that a repetition of the offence would involve him in serious trouble. Also informed that his very low standing in his class made it necessary that he should be very attentive, to avoid being turned back. The following order was adopted for the Examination.

Tuesday June 18th  
7:30 - 9:30Prof. PattersonSophomore
9:30 - 12:30Prof. MatthewsFreshmen
Wednesday June 19th 
7:30 - 9Prof. McKnightJunior Scientific
9 - 11:30Prof. CooperFrench
11:30 - 12Prof. PattersonCalculus
Thursday June 20th  
7:30 - 9:30Dr. GreenJunior Scientific
9:30 - 12Prof. PattersonFreshmen
Friday June 21st  
7:30 - 10Prof. CooperSophomore
10 - 12:30Prof. MatthewsFreshmen
Monday June 24th  
7:30 - 9:30Prof. MatthewsSophomore
9:30 - 12:30Prof. CooperJunior (Greek)
Tuesday June 25th  
7:30 - Prof. McKnightPolitical Economy

Ordered that Dr. Green prepare the faculty report for the Board of Trustees & the Synod, & lay it before the faculty at next meeting.

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Tuesday June 25, 1861

Faculty met. Ordered that Barbee be required to enter the next Freshman class. Also that he receive a public reprimand at the beginning of next session for absenting himself from the Mathematical Room, not only without the permission, but against the decision of the Faculty. Shelby probationed on the portions of Greek & Latin read by the class last session, & to stand an examination upon them at the opening of next session. Welsh having fallen below probation in all three departments, required to repeat the studies of the Freshman year. Ordered that a note be inserted in the circular of Yerkes, calling attention to his low marks, & deterioration in study. Bell probation on Greek.

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September 9, 1861

Faculty met in the absence of the President. Prof. Beatty took the chair. Brent admitted to the Junior class. Brown & Craig admitted to the Junior class on trial - but required to make up deficiencies in Mathematics. Humphrey admitted to the Sophomore class. Mason admitted to the Sophomore class, but conditioned in Geometry. Lucas, Sr., Lucas, Jr. & Thomas admitted to the Freshman class on recommendation of Principal of the Preparatory Department. Moore admitted to the Freshman class. Messick admitted to the Freshman class, but conditioned on Sallust.

September 10, 1861

Faculty met; all present.

Givens admitted to the Freshman class on trial until Christmas. In answer to an application of the youth, it was resolved that Dr. Smith be advised not to send his son Joseph back to College; and further that if he do return, he must pass an examination before reentering his class, or else take the next lower class.

September 11, 1861

Faculty met; Prof. Beatty absent. Lapsley & Young admitted to the Junior class, but conditioned on Geometry & Trigonometry.

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September 16, 1861

Reid admitted to the Sophomore class on trial, conditioned on Greek and Mathematics. Price to be advised to enter Sophomore, but allowed to enter the Junior class on trial & conditioned in all departments. Graves admitted to recite with the Sophomore class for the present. Scott allowed to recite with the Sophomore class in Latin & Mathematics.

November 29, 1861

Faculty met. Present Messrs. Green, Beatty, Patterson & Matthews. Resolved that the examination of the Junior class in Geometry take place on Thursday 19th December. That the Christmas recess commence on Friday the 20th after College exercises are over, and that we resume recitations on Thursday the 2nd of January 1862.

December 2, 1861

Faculty met. All the members present. The Faculty were informed that the position of chaplain in Col. Landram's regiment of Kentucky volunteers had been offered to Prof. Matthews, & that he, in order to lighten for the time the pressure on the finances of the College, was inclined to accept the post. That the President of the Board of Trustees & some of the members had been consulted and they saw no objection to granting him leave of absence for a time, provided arrangements could be made for instruction in his department by the other professors. Prof. Cooper expressed his strong desire to go instead of Prof. Matthews on account of

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his freedom from family ties & earnest wish to enter the Army at any rate. Whereupon it was resolved that in case either of these brethren obtain leave of absence from the Board of Trustees, the remaining Professor will cheerfully render any additional service necessary in order to supply instruction in the vacant department. Minutes read thus far & approved.

James Matthews

December 13, 1861

Faculty met. Prof. McKnight absent. Messrs. Cooper & Matthews were appointed a committee to prepare a plan according to which to arrange & classify the books in our new Library Building.