1862 | Centre Faculty | 1864
Centre College Faculty Minutes (Vol. 1 - 1863)

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January 9, 1863

Faculty met: present Messrs. Green, Beatty, McKnight & Patterson.

Messrs. Cleveland and Grundy were re-admitted to the Senior class; Mr. Scott was re-admitted to the Junior class, and Mr. Davies was admitted to the same class; all upon condition of making up their respective deficiencies. Mr. Yerkes was admitted to the Freshman class. The admission of Mr. Humphrey to the same class was omitted from the record of September 10, 1862.

The examination of classes was fixed for the 4th, 5th and 6th February.

January 16, 1863

Faculty met: present, Messrs. Green, Beatty, McKnight, & Patterson. Messrs. Legh W. and Alfred B. Robertson were admitted upon trial to the Sophomore class. The consideration of Mr. Moore's case was deferred till next meeting.

January 23, 1863

Faculty met: all present; no business transacted.

January 30, 1863

Faculty met: present Messrs. Green, Beatty, and Patterson. The following order of examinations was adopted:

Wednesday February 4  
9 - 10Juniors: ChemistryProf. Beatty
10 - 11Freshmen: GreekDr. Green
11 - 12Sophomores: GeometryProf. Patterson
Thursday February 5  
9 - 10Juniors: LatinProf. McKnight
10 - 11Sophomores: GreekDr. Green
11 - 12Freshmen: AlgebraProf. Patterson
Friday February 6  
9 - 10Sophomores: LatinProf. McKnight
10 - 11Juniors: Analytical GeometryProf. Patterson
11 - 12Freshmen: LatinProf. McKnight
2 p.m. Faculty members to fill out circulars

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February 10, 1863

Faculty met: present Messrs. Green, Beatty, McKnight, & Patterson. Owing to the detention of Prof. McKnight in Cincinnati, the examination of his classes did not take place until yesterday, Friday. Circulars are filled and dispatched; recitations arranged for the remainder of the term.

February 20, 1863

Faculty met: present Messrs. Green, Beatty, McKnight, & Patterson. Examination of Sophomore class in Geometry fixed for February 27th at 11 a.m.

April 13, 1863

Faculty met: present Messrs. Beatty, McKnight, & Patterson. Various causes having combined to prevent a meeting since last date.

The Chamberlain Society having made application for the temporary use of the book-cases in the room lately occupied as a College Library, resolved, that their request be granted upon condition that the use of the cases shall be restored to the College by the Society whenever required by the Faculty; this order to be signed on the Faculty Minute Book by the officers of the society.

John D. Goodloe, President [signature]

April 17, 1863

Faculty met: present Messrs. Green, Beatty, McKnight, & Patterson. After consultation in regard to the condition of the College, Dr. Green was requested to prepare a report for the Board of Trustees.

April 20, 1863

Faculty met: present as above. Dr. Green presented his report, which was unanimously adopted, as expression of the views of the Faculty.

April 27, 1863

Faculty met: present Messrs. Beatty, McKnight, & Patterson. College exercises to commence from May 1st at 7:45 a.m.

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May 8, 1863

Faculty met: present Messrs. Green, Beatty, Matthews, McKnight, & Patterson. The examination of the Senior class was appointed to take place upon Wednesday and Thursday, June 3d & 4th, in the forenoon; and the Secretary was instructed to notify the Examining Committee. (Notice given, May 19th)

May 15, 1863

Faculty met: present Messrs. Green, Beatty, McKnight, & Patterson. Mr. Buford's examination in Chemistry and Mathematics was sustained. Minutes read thus far and approved.

Robert Patterson, Secretary pro tem

May 22, 1863

Faculty met: present Messrs. Beatty, McKnight, & Patterson. A brief statement to accompany the Circular (issued this year in place of the Annual Catalogue) was considered and adopted. Mr. Buford's examination in Latin was sustained.

May 27, 1863

Faculty met: present as above. As a token of regard for the memory of Rev. Lewis W. Green, D.D., President of Centre College, whose death occurred May 26th, at 1:30 p.m., after an illness of five days' duration, the exercises of the College are suspended until Monday next, June lst; the Faculty and students, in a body, to attend the funeral, May 28th, 10 a.m.

May 28, 1863

Faculty met: present as above. Resolutions of respect for the memory of Rev. Lewis W. Green, D.D. were adopted. Copy transmitted to the family (May 30th)

June 1, 1863

Faculty met: present same as above.

Upon consultation, resolved that the Greek recitations of the Junior and Sophomore classes be omitted for the remainder of the session, and that more work be assigned to these classes in the other departments of study; their standing in Greek to be determined next session by the Prof. of Greek.

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At a meeting of the Faculty of Centre College, held May 28th, 1863, the following Preamble and Resolutions were adopted.

Whereas an all-wise though mysterious Providence has seen fit to remove from us, by death, the Rev. Lewis W. Green, D.D., for nearly six years the President of this Institution, therefore.

Resolved, that in the dispensation of Divine Providence we recognize the will of Him whose ways are not as our ways, whose path is in the great waters, and whose footsteps are not known.

Resolved, that in the removal of Rev. Dr. Green from the superintendence of this Institution, Centre College has lost one of its oldest and warmest friends; one who had devoted himself to the furtherance of its welfare as, next to preaching the gospel, the great work of his life; and one whose labors, during the brief period so suddenly terminated, had been eminently successful in the promotion of its interests.

Resolved, that Dr. Green is entitled to the grateful remembrance of the friends of Centre College for the wisdom with which, especially in the time of trial through which the Institution has recently been called to pass, he guided its course, amidst surrounding difficulties; and for the cheerfulness with which he undertook and discharged duties that doubled his labors as an Instructor, - labors which, we fear, must have overtasked the energies of his exhausted frame.

Resolved, that whilst we profoundly feel the loss which the College, the Church, and the community have sustained in the decease of Rev. Dr. Green, we cherish also the conviction that, released as he has been from a life of labor, cheerfully undertaken and faithfully performed, in the service of his God, ours only is the loss and his the infinite reward.

Resolved, that we tender to the family of Dr. Green the assurance of our deepest sympathy in their sudden and sore bereavement; whilst we pray that the God of all comfort would sustain them with the consolations that transcend all human sympathies.

Resolved, that a copy of these Resolutions be transmitted to the family of Dr. Green.

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The following record having been lost, as mentioned on page 1st, has been obtained from the family of Dr. Young, and is restored to the minutes, in memory of that revered President, by order of the Faculty.

At a meeting of the Faculty of Centre College held in the College Library on the 24th day of June, 1857, the following minute in relation to the death of President Young was made and entered of record; and a copy ordered to be sent to the family of Dr. Young, and one to the Danville Tribune and the Presbyterian Herald respectively, for publication.

Inasmuch as it has pleased the Sovereign Disposer of all events, to remove from our midst by death our beloved friend and brother, the Rev. Dr. John Clarke Young:

Therefore we, his surviving colleagues, desire to record our high estimate of the great personal worth of our deceased brother, of his gentleness, his sincerity, his childlike simplicity, his earnest piety, and our deep sense of his unverging kindness and cordiality in all his official relations to us, as well as of the many marks of personal favors extended to us during the period, (in the case of some of us, a very long one), that we have been associated with him.

We wish also to express our profound sorrow and sincere sympathy with his bereaved wife and family in this, their and our great loss.

And further, we record our deep conviction that in the death of President Young the College has lost an able, faithful, and distinguished head, who has long presided over its interests, and who, by his kind and paternal treatment, greatly endeared himself to all his students; the Church, one of its ablest and most efficient ministers; the cause of liberal education, one of its brightest ornaments and most steadfast friends; and the community in which he lived, one of its most eminent and useful citizens.

(Signed): Ormond Beatty, James Matthews, Alfred Ryors, Jacob Cooper

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June 4, 1863

Faculty met at the close of the final examination of the Senior class: present, Messrs. Beatty, McKnight, & Patterson.

Of the Board of Examiners appointed by Synod, only one member, John R. Lyle, Esq., was present at the examination of the Senior class. The first Honor, with the valedictory, was assigned to John D. Goodloe conditioned upon his standing his examination in Natural Philosophy & Astronomy (see June 15). The second Honor, with English Salutatory, to William C. Condit, with the understanding that if Mr. Goodloe fail to stand his examination, Mr. Condit deliver the valedictory. Messrs. Cleland, Cleveland, Condit, Goodloe, Grundy, and Weedin, were recommended for a degree. Mr. Bell was required to prepare for examination in Calculus and Greek. (see June 23)

The examinations of the lower classes were appointed for Friday, Monday, and Tuesday, June 19th, 22nd, and 23rd, the forenoon of each day and Monday afternoon; and the Secretary was instructed to notify the examining committees. (Notice was sent, June 8th).

June 12, 1863

Faculty met: present as above.

The following students, Messrs. Barbour, Brumfield, Davies, McKee, Scott, and Wallace, of the Junior class; Mr. Welsh of the Sophomore class; Messrs. McKee, T.C. Moore, Underwood, and Weedin, of the Freshman Class; and Mr. Clifton, of the Scientific Department, having absented themselves from the recitations of their classes to attend Mr. Sloan's examination on the 2nd instant, were cited to appear before the Faculty; and the case of each having been

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investigated separately, the faculty direct Prof. Beatty, the senior Professor, to state to them that the reasons assigned for their absences are regarded as insufficient and unsatisfactory; to explain fully the laws of the College in relation to leave of absence; and to state that their names and offence have been spread upon the Faculty Book, to stand against them in case of a repetition of the same, or the commission of any offence whatever.

Prof. Beatty was directed to call attention to Mr. Wallace's case as an extremely flagrant one, inasmuch as he had been before the faculty once already for a similar offence, and to warn him against the danger of any future transgression of the laws of the College. The remarks and reprimand, as above directed, to be delivered publicly in Chapel on Monday next.

June 15, 1863

Faculty met: present as above.

Prof. Beatty was instructed to prepare the report of the Faculty to the Board of Trustees. Mr. Goodloe, having passed his examination in Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, receives the valedictory (see June 4th).

The Senior class having requested that the Commencement might take place at night, it was thought best not to accede to their request, and the exercises were appointed to begin at 10:30 a.m.

Prof. Beatty was requested to invite Rev. Dr. Humphrey to preach the Baccalaureate sermon.

The following order of examinations was adopted for the undergraduate classes:

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Friday June 19  
8 - 10Sophomores: LatinMcKnight
10 - 12Juniors: CalculusPatterson
3 - 5Freshmen: GeometryPatterson
Monday June 22  
8 - 10Freshmen: GreekMcKnight
10 - 12Sophomores: Plane TrigonometryBeatty
3 - 5Freshmen: LatinPatterson
Tuesday June 23  
8 - 10Juniors: Political EconomyMcKnight
10 - 12Sophomores: Spherical Trigonometry & SurveyingBeatty

June 17, 1863

Faculty met: present as above.

Mr. Fields having been cited to appear before the Faculty for an act of disobedience, in refusing to come in to prayers when sent for, explained that having no recitation the first hour, he had been excused from attending prayers, and he therefore did not suppose that the command applied to him. Whereupon he was admonished to more careful obedience; and in view of his misapprehension, and of his uniformly correct deportment previously, he was excused.

June 23, 1863

Faculty: present as above.

Mr. Bell, having passed his examinations, was recommended for a degree (see June 4th). Members of the Examining Board present at the examinations: Rev. Robert G. Brank, through all; Rev. Robert F. Caldwell, Monday & Tuesday; Rev. John L. McKee, Tuesday. Prof. Beatty presented the Faculty request to the Board, which was adopted. In the afternoon, and again at night, Faculty were engaged in filling out circulars, in 15 of which special notes were inserted, for an abstract of which, see "Register of Grades", of this date.

Minutes read thus far and approved.

Robert Patterson, Secretary pro tem

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September 14, 1863

The College session for 1863-64 was opened at 9 a.m. by Rev. Dr. Edward P. Humphrey, with the usual religious exercises and an address to the students of whom there were present some 30 old students, and about the same number of new ones. The latter were then received in the old Library room by the Faculty: present Messrs. Beatty, McKnight, and Patterson.

Messrs. James G. Moore, Eugene C. Warren, and Charles Moore, were received upon certificate from Hanover College to the Senior, Junior and Freshman classes respectively. Mr. William M. Herseman, upon certificate from Westminster College, Mo., and Mr. James F. Fee, upon certificate from Augusta College, Ky., were admitted to the Senior class. Any deficiencies in the preceding course of these young gentlemen to be made up before their graduation.

8 p.m. Faculty met again at the residence of Prof. Beatty. A permanent order of recitations was adopted; and also a temporary one, to continue until the return of Prof. Cooper.

The following pledge was adopted by the Faculty in accordance with a suggestion of the Board of Trustees, as the obligation to be subscribed by every student upon matriculation:

"We whose names are hereunto subscribed, promise, in good faith, to obey all the laws and conform to all the regulations of the Centre College, so long as we may continue members of the same."

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The Secretary was instructed to record this pledge in the new matriculation book, and the Vice President to see that the same was properly subscribed by the respective classes.

September 15, 1863

Faculty met: present as yesterday.

Mr. Henry A. Skomp was permitted to recite with the Senior class, his deficiencies in mathematics to be made up. Messrs. Anthony, Bell, Brown, Glass, Helm, and Huston were admitted on trial to the Junior class, upon condition of making up deficiencies in Algebra, Geometry, and Plane & Spherical Trigonometry. Messrs. Irvine, Lee, and Meyer were admitted to the Freshman class; also to the same class from the Preparatory Department, Messrs. Dunlap, Lucas, and Rodes, the latter upon conditions in Greek.

September 16, 1863

Faculty met: present as yesterday.

Mr. Armstrong was readmitted to the Junior class; Mr. Forsythe was admitted to the Junior class upon condition in Trigonometry; and Mr. McAfee to the same, upon condition in Trigonometry and Greek. Prof. Beatty was requested to have a conversation with the latter, recommending him to take the Sophomore class. Mr. Damiel L. Moore was admitted to the Freshman class. Mr. Cowherd was recommended to take Physiology & Chemistry, Mental Philosophy, and Sophomore Latin.

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Prof. Beatty, having been requested to ascertain any deficiencies in the course of new students in the Senior class, received from other colleges reports Mr. Herseman deficient in Chemistry; Mr. Fee, deficient in Chemistry and Calculus, but as having studied German.

September 28, 1863

Faculty met at Prof. Beatty's residence; present Messrs. Beatty, McKnight, and Patterson. Rev. H. H. Allen, who has kindly heard two recitations daily since the commencement of the session, was also present.

Prof. Beatty was instructed to state to Mr. Thomas Barbee that, if he return to college regularly, he must enter the Sophomore class. In regard to Mr. Volney P. Thomas, (of Bowling Green), who has left college without permission, Prof. Beatty was instructed to write to his father, stating that his son had left College without permission and without satisfactory reasons. The Mathematical examination, on the 21st instant, of Messrs. Lucas, Thomas, Waggener, Anthony, Bell, Brown, Huston, and Glass was not sustained; and Prof. Beatty was requested to notify them that they will be required to stand another examination on the same subjects on Friday, October 9th, 3 P.M.

October 2, 1863

Faculty met at the residence of Prof. Beatty; present as above.

Mr. Uriah Wilson was received to the Sophomore class, upon certificate from Hanover College of membership in the Junior class. The rolls of the several classes were gone over, and the standing

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of each student in his respective studies was stated. Mr. Allen having generously offered to hear three recitations daily until Prof. Cooper's return, the temporary order of recitations is discontinued, and the permanent order adopted, to commence on Tuesday next. The Faculty record their grateful sense of Mr. Allen's kindness in rendering the College such important services under existing circumstances.

October 9, 1863

Faculty met: present Messrs. Beatty, Cooper, McKnight, and Patterson.

Prof. Cooper, having returned on the 5th instant, resumed his duties in College on the 6th instant. The exercises of Bible Class are divided between Profs. Beatty and Patterson; the Senior and Junior classes, and such Scientific students as do not recite to Mr. Patterson, being assigned to the former; the Sophomore and Freshman classes, and the remaining Scientific students, to the latter. After discussing the subject of giving instruction in Modern Languages, the further consideration of the matter was postponed until after the approaching meeting of the Board of Trustees.

October 16, 1863

Faculty met: present Messrs. Beatty, Cooper, and Patterson.

Mr. Biggs was admitted to the Freshman class. The examination in Mathematics (October 9th) of Messrs. Huston and Brown was sustained; and the standing of Messrs. Bell and Glass will depend upon their subsequent examinations in Mathematics. Minutes read thus far and approved.

Robert Patterson, Secretary pro tem

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October 23, 1863

Faculty met in the Old Library Hall. Present: Messrs. Beatty, McKnight, Patterson and Cooper.

It was resolved that henceforth the Senior and Junior classes and the Scientific students whose names in alphabetical order are above the letter L shall sit on the left hand of the pulpit and the other students on the right in Church.

The following persons, viz Barber and Thomas of Junior class, Boyle, Humphrey, McKee, and Paschal, Sophomores, be sent for by the President, and reprimanded by him for disorder in the College building especially between recitations.

The following persons, Helm, Lucas, Thomas, Waggener were examined before part of the faculty October 16 on Plane Trigonometry. Helm's examination was reported satisfactory; but the others, while allowed to pass for the present, it is with the condition that they do better in subsequent trials.

Jacob Cooper, Secretary

October 28, 1863

Dr. William. L. Breckinridge, the Present Elect, appeared with the Faculty and took part in the general discussions of a meeting held to consider the interests of the College. The Faculty being all present, except Prof. Matthews, still absent in the Army, cordially welcomed Dr. Breckinridge, expressing the greatest pleasure at his advent among us, and confidently anticipating the most affectionate and kindly relations with him.

Jacob Cooper, Secretary

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November 3, 1863

Faculty met at Prof. Patterson's room. Present: Messrs. Beatty, Patterson, McKnight and Cooper.

Pawling of the Scientific Course appeared before the Faculty by summons from Prof. Patterson for disorder in his recitation room, being the culmination of reported offenses against good order, and after many private warnings, the Vice President by direction of the Faculty administered a sharp admonition to Pawling, stating that his conduct was in the highest degree reprehensible; and warning him that if he did not reform in demeanor as well as in diligence in attending to his duty immediately, he would be dismissed.

November 6, 1863

Faculty met in Prof. Patterson's recitation room. Present Messrs. Beatty, Patterson, McKnight, and Cooper. The Vice President presented a copy of the minutes of the Board of Trustees, relative to the salary of the President, and to the presentation of a report on the religious instruction in the College, to the Board of Trustees at their meeting in June 1864.

Jacob Cooper, Secretary

November 16, 1863

Faculty met in Prof. Patterson's recitation room. Present, Profs. Beatty, Patterson, McKnight, and Cooper.

The following members of the Sophomore class, Alexander P. Humphrey, McCullagh, McKee, Boyle, Paschal, and William L. Yerkes, now summoned before the Faculty for disorder in the College halls and recitation rooms made by torpedoes. Each being guilty in the matter to a greater or less degree.

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These persons were clearly shown that they had violated College law, which, at their matriculation, they had solemnly pledged themselves to obey; and in the case of Boyle, Humphrey, Paschal and Yerkes the offense was aggravated by the fact that they had been repeatedly warned by members of the Faculty for improper behavior. All were distinctly told that unless they obliged the laws in future by exhibiting a course of conduct altogether better than the past, that they would be summarily dismissed; and that this warning, with their names and offense, will be entered of record in the Faculty book, and will state against them as an aggravation in case of any subsequent misconduct.

Jacob Cooper, Secretary

November 18, 1863

Faculty met in the Old Library. Present Messrs. Beatty, Patterson, McKnight, and Cooper. Mr. Davie admitted to the Freshman class on trial.

November 20, 1863

Faculty met. All present.

It was resolved that the regular exercises of the College be suspended on Thanksgiving Day, November 26th. The students, however, were required to attend church on that day. The examination of Mr. Helm in Spherical Trigonometry was sustained; that of Messrs. Lucas, Thomas, and Waggener was unsatisfactory, but if their subsequent examinations in Mathematics be more creditable, will be allowed to pass.

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November 27, 1863

Faculty met. All present but Prof. Cooper.

Various matters were discussed, but no definite action was taken except [to] determine that whispering in the recitation rooms should be stopped, and that the Christmas holidays should begin on Wednesday afternoon December 23rd, 1863, and end Monday morning January 4th, 1864.

December 4, 1863

Faculty met. All present. No business transacted for record.

December 11, 1863

Faculty met at Mr. Beatty's house. All present but Prof. McKnight who is not well.

Paschal of Sophomore class appeared before the Faculty to answer for creating disturbance during hours of recitation by blowing a little horn. He made such earnest pleas for exculpation, and such fair promises of further good behavior, that the Faculty did no more than explain to him the wrong of his course, and warn him pointedly of the necessity of guarding against a like breach of disorder in future.

Various matters were discussed but not much decided.

December 18, 1863

Faculty met at Prof. Beatty's. Nothing of special importance decided.