Danville, Ky. June 17, 1903
Board of Trustees of Caldwell Female College met at Citizens National Bank. Present Gavin E. Wiseman, Alfred B. Nelson, S.M. Harbison, John J. Craig, John A. Quisenberry, J.M. Wallace and John A. Cheek. On recommendation of the faculty, the following degrees were conferred on members of the graduating class, viz
Bachelor of Science
Clara A. Lee
Katherine Curry
Mary L. Maninni
Elizabeth G. Ward
Lula M. Bruce
Minnie L. Cotton
Bessie M. Shumate
Martha F. Cox
Nellie B. Burke
Angie Lester
Lillie Whitthorne Cecil
Diplomas in Literary Course
Bessie B. Bolton (in blank)
Maude R. Monfort (in full)
Maryam L. Muster
Susan Lee Rowland
For Certificates
Lillian Anderson
Maymie Alson Rawlings
Elise Chenault Engleman
Kathleen DeSales Foley
Polly Duane Taylor
On motion, the Board adjourned subject to call of President.
John A. Cheek, Secretary, Gavin E. Wiseman, Sr., President
Danville, Ky. October 5, 1903
Board of Trustees of Caldwell Female College met at the Citizens National Bank. There were present Gavin E. Wiseman, Sr., Alfred B. Nelson, S.M. Harbison, John J. Craig, J.M. Wallace, John A. Quisenberry and John A. Cheek.
Minutes of previous meetings were read and approved as recorded.
A proposition to the joint committees of the two Synods of Kentucky in reference to the proposed Womans College was read and approved and on motion Mr. Robert T. Quisenberry was authorized to present the same to the joint committee at its meeting in Louisville, Ky. Board adjourned.
John A. Cheek, Secretary, Gavin E. Wiseman, Sr., President