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Caldwell College Board of Trustees Minutes (1919)

Danville, Ky. June 2, 1919

The Board of Trustees of Kentucky College for Women met in Morgan Hall at 2:30 p.m. Present Samuel R. Cheek, S.M. Harbison, John A. Quisenberry, James H. Letcher, N.K. Tunis, Charles G. Crooks, Guy E. Wiseman, J.E. Wiseman & John A. Cheek.

Minutes of previous annual meeting was read and approved as recorded.

Dr. M. Marshall Allen, President of the Faculty, made a report for the year closing and gave outline of plans and prospects for the coming college year.

The Faculty recommended diplomas be granted to following members of the Senior Class with degrees as indicated.

Junior College

Maurine Crockett
Elizabeth Clay Highland
Frances Kennedy
Marguerite Giles Lee
Micha Martin
Josephine Moore
Ellen Worth Wymond
Mary Townes Brooking
Flora Rawls


Evelyn Noel Jeffers
Nancye Minor Muis


Dorothy Tyler

Home Economics

Grace Leach
Theresa Buster Moore
Ona Stanisifer

The plans of the General Board of Education of the Presbyterian Church in U.S.A. adopted at St. Louis, Mo., by the General Assembly were explained to the Board, and the interests of Dr. Hill the new Secretary of this Board were made known to the Trustees.

On motion the Board decided to undertake a campaign to raise $250,000 of which amount $200,000 would be for endowment and $50,000 for completion of the present plans and equipment of same.

On motion it was decided to ask of the General Board of Education of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. the sum of $50,000 as a gift from them under terms and conditions to be named by them, but as a part of the $250,000 to be raised.

On motion the Executive Committee with the addition of Dr. M. Marshall Allen, President of the College, were authorized to take charge of all details of this campaign, with authority to Dr. Allen to visit New York.

The first gifts towards the raising of the $250,000 were announced to the Board as follows to wit

A scholarship of $1,000 raised by the Alumnae and friends of Bell Seminary to be know as the James Lane Allen scholarship. The terms and conditions for use of said scholarship are to be fixed later by the Executive Committee in conjunction with the donors.

A gift from the Faculty and students of K.C.W. of $300 in U.S. Liberty Bonds.

On motion it was decided to ask of the General Board of Education of the Presbyterian Church N.Y. a gift for current expenses for the coming college year of $3,000.

On motion the alumnae association of K.C.W. were requested to recommend four names for alumnae Trustees.

Board adjourned.

John A. Cheek, Secretary