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Centre/Presbyterian Synods

Collection Outline
Collection Description

This small collection concerns Centre College and its relationship with the Presbyterian Synods U.S. and U.S.A., and for the most part reflects efforts to promote Christian education in Kentucky in general, and Centre in particular.

CC-34.1 is a compilation of various papers and volumes found in the library concerning Centre and the Presbyterian Church in Kentucky. The volumes in Series D contain a significant amount of information concerning Presbyterianism and Presbyterian colleges in the state.

CC-34.2 concerns the Presbyterian Education Society of Kentucky, a group formed early in Centre's history to raise funds to enable students interested in the ministry to attend Centre. The society also operated a farm on the outskirts of Danville where young students earned their keep. Anyone interested in the society may locate more information in CC-1, Trustees minutes.

CC-34.3 concerns a more modern group formed to raise funds by subscription drives to promote Christian education, the Kentucky Presbyterian Educational Movement. It should be noted that the files of the group survived fairly intact. However, they were apparently organized into folders by series of code numbers. Unfortunately the code has not survived. Thus, the collection has been organized into a chronological order. Only a small fraction of the original set of files, almost entirely correspondence, has been retained - largely to illustrate how Presbyterians raised funds for education during this period. The correspondence contains a few interesting asides on Centre and the progress of the fund raising. Most of what has been retained concerns efforts to collect from delinquent subscribers.

CC-34.4 covers the complaint of Bennett H. Young against the Synod of Kentucky, 1908-1909. This controversy grew out of the Centre Board of Trustees decision to amend its charter and become independent of the Presbyterians, and Young's appeals to the Synod and the General Assembly to block the decision.

Collection Inventory
CC-34.1 Miscellaneous Centre/Synod Papers
Series A Minutes/Resolutions
Folder 1Miscellaneous minutes and resolutions by the Synods, U.S. and U.S.A., most concerning a joint commission to promote Christian education, undated, and dated 1911-1920
Folder 2Miscellaneous minutes and resolutions by the Synods, U.S. and U.S.A. and Centre Board of Trustees, most concerning a joint commission to promote Christian education, January-September 1921
Folder 3A Covenant Between the Synod of the Living Waters and Centre College, 1969; Mount, Eric. Centre College and the Presbyterian Churches.
Series B Miscellaneous Reports
Folder 1Miscellaneous reports concerning Centre and the Synods, 1830-early 1900's. Includes a report by Rev. David Nelson regarding a proposed theological seminary (August 30, 1830), and a report on Centre by a committee of visitors appointed by the Synod, September 21, 1846
Series C Miscellaneous
Folder 1Photocopy of an appeal for funds to the "People of the Atlantic states" from the Board of Trustees of the Kentucky Academy (March 11, 1795); a "Memorial to the education convention" set up to endow what was to become Central University in Richmond, Ky., May 7-8, 1872. Also contains miscellaneous papers including programs of Presbyterian celebrations that were held in Danville or concern Centre College; materials involving Presbyterian organizations such as the Presbyterian College Union of the South; reminiscences on Rev. David Nelson for the New York Observer, undated, but probably mid-1800's. Approximate dates inclusive: 1795-1953
Series D Related Publications
Folder 1Agreements for Consolidation of the Presbyterian Theological Seminaries at Danville and Louisville, under the name of Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Kentucky and of Centre College and Central University under the name of Central University of Kentucky
Folder 2Centennial of Presbyterianism in Kentucky address delivered at Harrodsburg, Ky., Oct. 12, 1883. Reprint, Lexington, 1933
Folder 3Christian Observer-General Assembly reports, Louisville, Ky., June 2, 1909
Folder 4Christian Observer-General Assembly reports, Louisville, Ky., June 2, 1909
Folder 5Documents relative to the endowment of the Centre College by the Synod of Kentucky Lexington, 1825. (Photocopy)
Folder 6College Board - 28th annual report, Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., 1911
Folder 7Historical sketch of the Presbytery of Transylvania, Ky. by Rev. R.A. Johnstone. 1876
Folder 8Minutes of the 14th annual meeting of the Presbyterian Educational Assoc. of the South. Montreat, N.C. July 5-10, 1927
Folder 9One hundred fifty years of Kentucky Presbyterianism 1802-1952, Sesquicentennial celebration jointly by the Synods of Kentucky, Presbyterian Church U.S. and U.S.A., September 11-13, 1951. Danville, Ky.
Folder 10Presbyterian colleges the College Board of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. 1913
Folder 11Presbyterian system of government and the issues between the General Assembly and the Synod of Kentucky by Stuart Robinson. 1876. (Photocopy)
Folder 12Souvenir program, 1783-1933, the Sesqui-centennial of Presbyterianism in Kentucky, held under the joint auspices of the two Synods of Kentucky, U.S. and U.S.A. October 20, 1933
Folder 13Statement and appeal in behalf of Centre College, Danville, Ky. 1873
Folder 14Working for redemption of the Kentucky mountaineer - success that has attended the efforts of the Presbyterian Home Mission Board by Rev. Donald McDonald, early 1930's
CC-34.2 Presbyterian Education Society of Kentucky
Folder 1Correspondence, reports, membership and subscription lists, minutes, and constitution of the Presbyterian Education Society of Kentucky, undated, and dated 1828-1833
CC-34.3 Kentucky Presbyterian Educational Movement
Folder 1Correspondence concerning the subscription drive, Kentucky Educational Movement, undated, and dated November 1922-July 1923. Also contains the final report of Stephenson Waters McGill (Director), Kentucky Presbyterian Educational Movement to the United Commission, Synods of Kentucky, U.S. and U.S.A. December 28, 1922
Folder 2Correspondence concerning the subscription drive, August 1923-January 1924
Folder 3Correspondence concerning the subscription drive, February-May 1924
Folder 4Correspondence concerning the subscription drive, July, December 1924, January-May, October-December 1925
Folder 5Correspondence concerning the subscription drive, January-July 1926
Folder 6Correspondence concerning the subscription drive, October 1926, January-May 1927
Folder 7Correspondence concerning the subscription drive, January, June-July 1928
CC-34.4 Complaint of Bennett H. Young
Folder 1Reply of the Commission of the Synod of Kentucky to the published complaint of Bennett H. Young and others, undated-probably late 1908 or early 1909. Also includes supplemental material
Folder 2Additional copies of the reply (see above)
Folder 3Pleas to the jurisdiction over complaint against the Synod of Kentucky of 1908 in the matter of Central University of Kentucky, in the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church U.S. 1909
Folder 4Miscellaneous papers and articles concerning the complaint of Young, undated, and dated 1908-1909
CC-34.5 Board of Curators
Folder 1Bylaws, 1959-1964
Folder 2Reports, 1959-1964
Folder 3Minutes and other miscellaneous material, 1959-1962