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Alumni Information Questionnaires

Collection Description

In 1890 Centre College published a catalog of its alumni, both graduates and non-graduates. When such information was available, short biographical sketches were included for graduates. One method of collecting the information was by using a questionnaire. Several of these questionnaires remain, often providing additional information about the student.

Collection Inventory
Adams, De Witt					Allison, Andrew
Alcorn, George Wallace				Alves, William Johnston
Alexander, Henry Washington			Ams, Gregory
Alexander, William				Anderson, William Clayton
Allan, William Thomas				Archibald, George Howard
Allen, George Johnson				Armstrong, James Grayam
Allen, John Newton				Ashby, Joseph Logan
Allen, Samuel F.				Atwood, William
Allen, William Y.				Ayers, Albert Jones

Baker, Robert Douglas				Bradford, Tipton
Baldwin, James					Breckinridge, Cabill B.
Barbour, Ambrose				Breckinridge, Robert James
Barbour, Thomas Pendleton			Breckinridge, Stanhope P.
Barbour, Willis Green				Brigham, William Alexander
Bate, Philip Barbour				Bright, John Rochester
Bayless, John Clark				Brodie, Andrew James
Beatty, Adam					Brosie, Robert Jr.
Bell, Joshua Fry				Brooks, Charles Bradford
Bemiss, James Morris				Brown, James Stephen
Bergin, George P.				Browne, Thomas Reed
Blackburn, Brickinridge F.			Bruce, James Henry
Blake, Augustus					Bryant, James Pendleton
Bogle, John Alexander				Buchanan, Albert Martyn
Bohonnon, Andrew Calhoun			Buford, William Robertson
Bowmar, Anthony Hutchins			Bullitt, James Bell
Bond, Thomas Jefferson				Bullock, Waller Robert
Boston, Thomas Cleland				Burch, William S.
Boyle, John					Butler, John Russell

Caldwell, Jeremiah Clemens, Sr.			Cogswell, Joseph Walter
Caldwell, Jeremiah Clemens, Jr.			Coleman, James Preston
Caldwell, John Fulton				Coleman, John
Caldwell, Samuel Nelson				Collins, Albert Gallatin Craig
Caldwell, Septimus				Collins, Richard Henry
Cameron, John Charles				Comingo, Henry G.
Carr, Charles Babney				Cook, William Robinson
Carr, William Howard				Cotton, John T.
Carter, Alfred Grayson				Cowan, Robert Henry
Carter, Champe					Cowherd, Francis Taliaferro
Carter, Van Buren				Craig, Lewis Green
Cheek, Samuel Best				Craig, William B
Chenault, Robert D.				Crauford, John Aaran
Chenault, Waller				Crittenden, John J. Jr.
Chenault, William Ildham			Crockett, Dandridge S.
Clarke, George Bingley				Crook, James Madison
Clay, Elias Davidson				Crutcher, Foster Brandenburg
Clay, Green					Cullom, Edward N.
Cleland, Philip Sidney				Cunningham, Wellington A.
Cleland, Thomas H. Jr.				Cunningham, William H.
						Curry, Samuel Lewis

Denny, Archibald Kavanaugh			Dunlap, Andrew Jackson
Dickins, Robert Fisher				Dunlap, James Wallace
Dunbar, John Whitfield				Dunn, Oliver S.
Duncan, Blanton					Dunn, Robert Emmett

Elder, William Patterson			Ewing, Eli Metcalfe
Enders, Franklin Henry				Ewing, Presley M.

Fields, Brice G.				Forman, Aaron Parker
Fields, Henry R.				Fork, De Witt Clinton
Fields, Liberty Bascom				Fox, William McKee
Fields, William Miller				Fraizer, John Miller
Fishback, George Taylor				Frith, Christopher E.
Fleece, William H.				Fry, Thomas Joshua
Fleece, William Penick				Fry, Thomas W.
Ford, John Richardson				Fulton, James Harvey
						Funk, William Henry

Gaines, Abner					Goodloe, William Octavius
Garrad, Toulmin Jennings			Graham, James S.
Gillespie, David A.				Green, Pinkey Frank
Glass, Robert Terry				Grider, Henry
Godsey, Henry Livingstone			Grundy, Robert Caldwell
Goodloe, Speed S.				Gruddy, Robert Extine
						Guest, James Welch

Hadden, William Matthew				Hendrick, John R.
Hale, W.W.					Henry, Alexander
Hall, John G.					Heron, Samuel   b.1829
Hall, Junius Leroy				Heron, Samuel   b.1855
Halley, Henry Simpson				Hickaday, William Parrish
Hamilton, James M.				Hill, George Herschell
Harbison, Archibald Addison			Hill, Homer
Harbison, James Brown 				Hill, William Wallace
Harbison, John Samuel				Hiner, Morton M.
Harvie, Llewellin J.				Hodges, George Lincolnfelter
Hawes, Lowman Prince				Hogue, Aaron Alexander
Hawthorne, James Sutherland			Holliday, George Judson
Hays, Andrew Jackson				Horton, Joel Hamilton
Hays, Robert Washington				Howell, Anthony Milton
Hays, Walter Lewis				Hughes, Daniel Henry
Headley, William T.				Hughes, Edward
Helm, George					Hughes, James L.
Helm, Joseph					Humphreys, Joseph Alexander
						Humphreys, Samuel Preston

Irvin, David M.

Jackson, John David				Johnson, John Downing
Jackson, William Cunningham			Johnson, Richard Edgar
Jacobs, John William				Johnson, Thomas Gideon
Jacobs, William Butler				Johnston, John
James, John Robert				Johnston, Robert Terry
Jameson, David Butler				Johnston, Robert Alexander
Jarvis, Robert Yelverton			Jones, La Fayette

Kennedy, John Brooker				Kinnaird, Robert H.
Kenney, John Henry				Kinner, Stephen Girard
Kerr, Benjamin Franklin				Kittredge, Henry Eaton

Lapsley, William Johnston			Luce, Hartwell Jeffries
Lee, George					Luce, Robert Green
Lewis, George Johnston				Lusk, William Jennings
Little, Samuel Porter				Lyle, Joel Kenney
Lowry, Matthew P.				Lyle, John
Lucis, Charles Henderson (catalog spelling Lucas)	Lyle, Robert Boggs
Lucas, William Henderson			Lyle, William Joel

McClarty, Joseph Allen				Marshall, John Gilbert Mesbett
McClintock, John Thimas				Marshall, Samuel Wilson
McCloy, Wallace Emmett				Martin, Thomas Sharles
McCutchen, Leonard D.				Martin, Thomas L.
McDaniel, James Mott				Mason, Lewis L.
McDammold, John Henderson			Mason, Oscar M.
McDonald, James Alfred				Maury, Francis F.
McDougald, John					May, Thomas Cleland
McDowell, Caleb					Meriwether, Henry Clay
McElroy, George Whitfield			Merrifield, Joseph Hamilton
McElroy, Hugh Speed				Miller, John G.
McGoodwin, Eugene				Miller, Lemis Williams
McGoodwin, John Virgil				Miller, William Peyton
McGoodwin, Rufus Preston			Milton, James B.
McGuire, James Edwin				Milton, Tidball
McKee, Ashby					Mitchell, Abram Samuel
McKee, David Davies				Montgomery, James Smith
McKee, Logan					Moore, George
McKee, Samuel					Moore, James Graham
McNickle, Alexander				Moore, John Henry
Maclin, James Nathaniel				Moort, Robert McCombs
Magoffin, Beriah     b.1815			Morrt, William Irwin
Magoffin, Beriah     b.1843			Morehead, Thomas Hungerford
Mahan, Daugherty White				Morton, Anderson M.
Marshall, Clarence Armour			Mosby, Richard Montgomery
Marshall, James B.				Mullins, John Graves

Newell, David K.				Noel, Henry Taylor
Nichols, Michael				Norwood, Daniel Henry
						Norwood, Paschal K.

Offutt, Zachariah				Owsley, Jacob G.
Ogden, James Miller				Owsley, John Ebsworth
						Owsley, William Henry

Palmer, Henry					Perkins, John F.
Palmer, Robert Caldwell				Piper, William Chauncey
Parker, George W.				Pittman, Richard Berry
Parsons, Jacob A.				Pool, David Lucian
Patrick, James B.				Powell, Hobson
Paxton, John Walker				Price, John
Payne, Alexander G.				Price, Matthew Branch
						Pugh, Edward Bascom

Quisenberry, Robert T.

Railey, Daniel Boone				Robinson, George Bright
Rankin, William Robertson			Roby, Edwin Everett
Read, Henry Clay				Roland, James Allen (Rowland)
Reed, Joshua Bell				Roland, John Jefferson
Rice, Horace					Roser, Samuel DeWolfe
Rice, William Winchster				Rout, Joshua K.
Richardson, William Hall			Rue, James B.
Riqua, William					Ryors, Alfred
						Ryors, Robert Steele

Sallee, Howard					Simrall, Graham H.
Schooling, James William			Slack, Aylmer L.
Scott, Samuel Andrew				Smith, John Robert
Scrugham, William Henry				Sneed, Alexander Hamilton
Semple, Andrew Bonner				Sneed, Robert Campbell
Shackleford, William Henry			Stites, Richard
Sharp, Joseph Hord				Stodghill, John Howard
Sharp, William Edgar				Stonestreet, John Darmaby
Shaw, James Payne				Strange, Robert
Shelby, John Todd				Stuart, Robert Todd
Simpson, James David				Sweeney, William Waite

Tandy, David C.					Todd, John Buchanan
Tarrant, Garland Pratt				Todd, John H.
Thomas, James Howard				Todd, Samuel Brown
Thomas, Warren La Rue				Todd, Thomas
Thurmond, Nicholas Damron			Todd, William North
Thwaits, James Humphrey				Townsend, Thomas Jefferson
Tilford, Thomas Daugherty			Trimble, Cyrus B.
Todd, George Roger Clarke			Tunstall, John Pearce
						Tunstall, Pryor Quarles

Underwood, Robert				Urmsotn, Thomas Harcourt

Van Meter, Clinton Clay				Venable, Henry Isaac
						Vick, Thomas Eugene

Waggener, Robert James				White, John Faulkner
Walker, David Jeffries				Wild, Harrison George
Wallace, Andrew L.				Wilkie, John Richard
Wallace, Caleb Baker				Wilkins, James Henry
Ward, Albert G.					Williamson, John G.
Ward, Samuel Davis				Wing, Edward R.
Waring, James Edward				Wishard, Harry Ellis
Warmer, Henry Martyn				Wood, Henry C.
Warnock, James					Woods, William Henry
Webb, Robert Howell				Woods, Dwight
Weedin, Caleb Clay				Woodson, George Nichols
Weedin, Samuel Moore				Woodson, Meade
Weedin, William					Woodson, William Hamilton
Weir, Paul					Worthington, Edward S.
Welch, Thomas R.				Wright, Joseph Melvin
White, Hugh L.					Wylie, Carey A.

Yeiser, Samuel					Young, Henry
Yerkes, Henry Morrison				Young, James Shelby
Young, A. Martyn				Young, John Crittenden
Young, Bennett Henderson			Young, Stanford Crenshaw
Young, George Crittenden			Young, Stanley