J.A. Jacobs, Financial Agent, Centre College, to R. J. Breckinridge, May 25, 1850. Re investment policy of Board of Trustees Breckinridge Papers
138: 25470 - 25471
J.C. Young to R.J. Breckinridge, June 10, 1850 [or 1851] Asks advice about faculty appointment 138: 25495 - 25496
Henry Snyder to R.J. Breckinridge, [August 8, 1850] Professor-elect at Centre in trouble about inadequate notice in resigning from Jefferson College 138: 25534 - 25535
Snyder to R.J. Breckinridge, August 9, 1850 Further on the same 138: 25537
R.J. Breckinridge, Jr. (student at Centre) to R.J. Breckinridge, September 10, [1850] Likes all the professors; was admitted as a sophomore 138: 25563
R.J. Breckinridge, Jr. to R.J. Breckinridge, September 21, 1850 Excuse for absence; tuition due 138: 25573
R.J. Breckinridge, Jr. to R.J. Breckinridge, October 9, 1850 138: 25599
Hart Gibson to W.C.P. Breckinridge, October 12, 1850 Gibson, a junior at Transylvania, rejected at Yale, acct. of deficiency in Greek 138: 25604 - 25605
J.A. Jacobs to R.J. Breckinridge, October 20, 1850 Asks advice re investments of College & Deaf School 138: 25609
James Bentley, Danville, to R.J. Breckinridge, January 30, 1851 Asks payment of $8.00 for pair of fine boots sold his son Robert, about September 13, 1850 138: 25801
L.R.R. Corrigan, [?] Danville, to R.J. Breckinridge, February 7, 1851 Re son R.J. Breckinridge's indebtedness to him, part borrowed of him; part for rolling ten pins 138: 25811
R.J. Breckinridge to Professor S. R. Williams, Jefferson College, February 14, 1851 A paragraph on Centre College 138: 25812 - 25813
John C. Young to R.J. Breckinridge, April 21, 1851 Hopes he will recall his resignation as trustee, though they have not always been in agreement re college policy 140: 25916 - 25917
John C. Young to William Warfield, June 7, 1851 In response to inquiry, gives bad character to one Mr. Lennox, who lost his pre-ministerial scholarship at Centre and accordingly withdrew. Thinks him no good companion for Robert 140: 25989
Henry Snyder to R.J. Breckinridge, October 20, [1851] Urges attendance at Board of Trustees meeting on account of expected resignation of a professor and Snyders desire to get S.R. Williams as the successor 142: 26238
John C. Young to R.J. Breckinridge, October 20, 1851. Same as above. 142:26239
M.M. McCarver of Oregon to John C. Breckinridge, November 16, 1851. Son, Thomas Jennings McCarver, wants West Point appointment. If no vacancy wants to be under care of your brother-in-law, John C. Young, President of "Centre" College 142: 26282-a
W.M. Scott from Pittsburg, Pa. to R.J. Breckinridge, November 18, 1851. Re prospects of inducing Professor S.R. Willliams to move from Jefferson College to Centre 142: 26286 - 26287
Willliam McDaniel, Canonsburgh, Pa. to R.J. Breckinridge, November 25, 1851. Urges that removal of Professor Williams at this time would be a serious blow to Jefferson College142: 26304 - 26305
S.R. Williams to R.J. Breckinridge, December 8, 1851. Still undecided re removal from Jefferson to Centre; expresses high opinion of Centre faculty
143: 26362
S.R. Williams to R.J. Breckinridge, December 15, 1851. Contrary to R.J. Breckinridge's advice and his own inclination, has written Dr. Young declining the Centre offer 143: 26399 - 26400
W. George and T.H. Urmston [pre-ministerial students] to R.J. Breckinridge, December 23, 1851. Student debating society, mostly pre-ministerial, to debate use of instrumental music in Church. Singers are opposed 143: 26447 [copy made]
J.C. Young to R.J. Breckinridge, December 27, 1851. Since Professor Williams declines to accept, should we call special meeting of Board re vacancy? Is unwilling to take someone unknown to any member of Board or faculty on account of two or three bad disappointments along this line. Favors one of two or three Centre graduates to qualify for this field by opening of next year 143: 26474 - 26475
J.C. Young to R.J. Breckinridge, January 22, 1852. Considerable light on past actions of Board of Trustees in filling faculty vacancies; suggestion for handling the present vacancy. Long and tactful suggestion by Young to Breckinridge re his suspiciousness and pugnacity 144: 26682 - 26683 - 26684 - 26685
J.A. Jacobs to John C. Breckinridge, January 24, 1852. Trustees of Centre College also trustees of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum 144: 26696
Walter Bullock [nephew of JCB], to John C. Breckinridge, March 19, 1852. Election of new professor and shift in responsibilities of Professors Beatty and Snyder. Bullock, by attention to one of the Professors, got a higher mark than he would otherwise have gained. Student behavior, and manners of Dr. Young 147: 27111 - 27112
Financial Report, Signed J.A. Jacobs, Financial Agent. October, 1852 and D.A. Russell, Treasurer, June 20, 1852 Showed assets, receipts, expenditures (exact salary of each professor, etc.) Printed - Breckinridge Papers 149: 27621
John C. Young to R.J. Breckinridge, December 3, 1852. Re vacancy in faculty and Board meeting. Breckinridge Papers 153: 28337 - 28338
John C. Young to [R.J. Breckinridge], March 7, 1853. Re special meeting of Board of Trustees in Lexington. Possible appointee for vacant professorship 156: 28968
William C.P. Breckinridge, to Robert J. Breckinridge, September 6, 1853. Registering and getting a room at Centre 160: 29476 (2 pages, 2 exposures)
William C.P. Breckinridge to Robert J. Breckinridge, September 8, 1853. Needs a trigonometry book from Lexington; can't get it in any of the Danville Book Stores, etc. 160: 29483 - 29484 (3 pages, 2 exposures)
Robert J. Breckinridge, Jr. to William C.P. Breckinridge, September 27, 1853. Temptations to students at Centre 160: 29601 - 29602 (3 pages, 2 exposures)
Several pages on inter-"Society" politics at Centre, November, 1853 161: 29849 - 29851 (4 pages, 4 exposures)
William Davis, Danville, to friend Bill [W.C.P. Breckinridge], May 7, 1854. Student discipline case 167: 31053 (2 pages, 2 exposures)
John S. Bransford, Glasgow, to William C.P. Breckinridge, November 3, 1855. Former student, wants to be a merchant, thinking of returning to Centre, asks advice. The "Society" in which he and W.L.P.B. were active 180: 34059 - 34060 (4 pages, 3 exposures)
Speed S. Goodloe, Danville, to W.C.P. [Breckinridge], November 12, [1856]. Rivalry between "Societies" at Centre, etc. 180: 34095 - 34096 (4 pages, 3 exposures)