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Lawhon, J.K. Letter to John A. Cheek (July 14, 1901)


Office of J.K. Lawhon, Treasurer
Atascosa County [Texas]

Pleasanton, Texas, July 14, 1901

Mr. J.A. Cheek, Danville, Ky.

Dear Sir:

In June I prepared and sent you the lease on the tract of land owned by the Centre College, but I have not heard from you yet. I was in hopes that you would attend to this at once, as I was trying to remove the Mexican. But his neighbors are putting in and telling him that he can hold it, so am afraid now that we are going to have trouble with him. At that time he talked fair enough, but I was afraid to close in on him without the proper authority. So please, do something about it, so that I will have some authority to remove him. The longer we wait, the less chance we have to get rid of him, as the people will all take sides and advise him, etc. , so that it may take a suit to remove him. He has a pretty good Mexican home on the land, worth about a hundred dollars. Shall I hold that for you or let him remove it? Trusting that you will let me hear from you at once –

I am yours truly,
J.K. Lawhon