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Centre College Faculty Recommendation For Degrees (July 6, 1824)


[Note: Lewis Warner Green would serve as president of his alma mater from 1857 until 1863. Little is known about John Pope Trotter, except that he appears to have been at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1825. James Buchanan was not a student, but taught mathematics at Centre from 1823 to 1833. In 1824 he was probably serving as an instructor, but without a college degree. The school awarded him a B.A. for his scholarship and deportment.]

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The Faculty of Centre College recommend to the Board of Trustees Lewis Warner Green & John Pope Trotter, students of the Senior Class, for the degree of Bachelor of Arts. They would further state, that the deportment of those two young men has been, while connected with the institution, correct & amiable; they are both good scholars, Mr. Green has especially distinguished himself.

The Faculty also recommend Mr. James Buchanan for the same degree, as a good scholar, an amiable young man, & of unblemished moral

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character. Altho' Mr. Buchanan has not been a student, yet his standing as a scholar, & in the institution, certainly entitles him to the degree of A.B.

July 6, 1824

Jer. [Jeremiah] Chamberlain
Joshua Fry
Redmund Doherty
Alban G. Smith