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- Photographs
- Photographs of several nineteenth-century Centre professors.
- Faculty Minutes (1860-1909)
- Text and images of the Centre College faculty minutes from 1860 to 1909.
- Faculty Legislation (1946)
(PDF, 7.4Mb)
- The 1946 edition of the handbook of faculty laws and regulations.
- Faculty Rules (1950)
(PDF, 3.6Mb)
- The 1950 edition of the handbook of faculty rules and regulations.
- Faculty Recommendation for Degrees (July 6, 1824)
- Letter from Jeremiah Chamberlain, president of Centre College, to the Board of Trustees recommending two students, the college's first graduating class, and one instructor be awarded degrees.
- Faculty Recommendation to Admit Women (September 22, 1887)
- Letter from Alfred B. Nelson, Secretary of the faculty, to the Board of Trustees communicating the faculty's recommendation to admit women.
- Graham, James S. Letter of resignation (November 27, 1848)
- Letter of resignation from Thomas C. Nichols to the Centre College Board of Trustees, in which he discusses his abrupt leaving of the Preparatory school. An 1837 graduate of Centre College, Graham served for many years as a teacher in the grammar school.
- Hart, Augustine Papers
- Hart was the principal of Caldwell Institute from 1864 to 1865. The papers consist of correspondence, photographs, and a printed brochure of the institute.
- Heck, Frank H. (1982))
Part 1 (PDF, 5.6Mb) Part 2 (PDF, 5.8Mb) Part 3 (PDF, 5.1Mb)
- Transcript of a 1982 oral interview with Frank H. Heck, professor of history (1948-1974) and Dean (1955-1965).
- Johnston, Mortimer D. Letter to John C. Young (June 12, 1854)
- Letter from Mortimer D. Johnston to John C. Young, president of Centre College, declining the nomination for Professor of Mathematics.
- Nichols, Thomas C. Letter to Board of Trustees (1832)
- Response to a petition from four Centre students that Thomas Nichols, Principal of the Preparatory Department, be removed from office.
- Nichols, Thomas C. Letter of resignation (September 23, 1846)
- Letter of resignation from Thomas C. Nichols, professor of Latin and Greek from 1835 to 1846.
- Pierce, John J. Letter of Resignation (July 21, 1831)
- Letter of resignation from Rev. John J. Pierce, Professor of Greek at Centre College. The letter addresses the complaints of a student, Samuel G. Mullins.
- Randolph, James C. Letter of Resignation (December 10, 1875)
- Randolph served as professor of Greek from 1867 to 1869, and professor of mathematics from 1879 to 1876.
- Thompson, William R. Letter of Resignation (October 30, 1830)
- Letter of resignation of William R. Thompson from the faculty of Centre College. Thompson served as professor of Latin and Greek from 1824 to 1831
- Thompson, William R. Letter to Robert J. Thompson (June 19, 1833)
- Letter from Thompson to his son, writing about buying horses and the illness and deaths caused by the cholera epidemic of 1833. Thompson was professor of Latin and Greek at Centre College from 1824 until 1831.