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Object of the Alpha Kappa Phi Fraternity

There is a principle of the human breast - heaven-born, divine, eternal. It had its origin in the great heart of God, and is personified in His holy being. It existed far back over the dark ages of Chaos, in the vast Eternity behind us, the very soul of Omnipotence, the source of all that is divine.

It was the living spirit of the new-born world on the Creation-morn, and sent up its anthems of adoration when the "morning stars lifted up their voices in praise and the Sons of God shouted together for joy." It pervaded the Being of the Immortal Son when he "offered up himself a sacrifice to satisfy divine justice," and became the "crucified Redeemer" of the world. This grand principle of Divinity - this first emotion of the heart of God, is Love. The soul of all that is holy, pure, sacred, and true.

It is the desired end of this organization to cultivate this refined feeling, to strengthen the bonds of fraternal intercourse, to create intimacies and friendships in young hearts which purify the moral affections and regenerate the moral being. Casting aside the ostentation of a formal world, we enter here a Temple of Beauty consecrated to "Love, Purity, and Fidelity", and with devoted hearts kneel at the mysterious shrine of Love.

Here we pour out the rich stores of our friendship and pledge our vows of affection. No discordant breath ruffles the sublime harmony of our communion with each other. No unkind feeling is cherished against a Brother in our mystic bonds. With hands clasped in hand, three beautiful links [love, purity, fidelity in Greek] encircling us and the pure white banner of our order floating above us, and shading our heads with its unsullied drapery, with the mysterious three - AKP - emblazoned upon it, we stand a united band of brethren on earth, to be reunited, we trust, at the throne of Eternity's King.
