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Alpha Kappa Phi. Letter from University of Mississippi (undated)

Whereas we the members of the Delta Chapter of the AKP order situated at the Univ. of Miss [University Mississippi] are sincerely desirous of carrying out to the fullest extent the object of our organization, and believe that a convention of all the Chapters to be held at Centre College Danville, Ky. would greatly tend to strengthen the bonds of fraternal intercourse between us and thus tend promote the great end we have in view, therefore, be it resolved.

1st. That if it suits the convenience of the Chapters, a convention be held at Danville at sometime between the Dec. 25th and Jan. 1st composed of delegates from each Chapter.

2nd. That it be the duty of the delegates of this Chapter to make an annual a report of the condition of the Chapter, to compare it's bylaws with those of the other Chapters, etc., etc., to obtain all the information possible concerning our duties and interests and to do whatever else will extend the influence of the organization.

3rd. Resolved that this Chapter pay half the necessary expenses of its delegate, the other half to be defrayed by the delegate himself.