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Centre College Digital Archives - Parody of Caldwell College Rules (1910)

[From the 1910 Caldwell College yearbook. Probably written by Cornelia Renick]

Rules and Regulations

I. Only ragtime music must be played on Sundays as we wish to present a cheerful aspect to passers by.

II. The gentle art of conversation should be cultivated while at Caldwell. We wish the girls to appear talkative at all times, especially in chapel.

III. Do not eat at the table, but take as much from the table as you possibly can.

IV. Everybody must live up to the Honor System. Go and confess everything you do. Honest confession is good for the soul but bad for the reputation.

V. Never exert yourself except to eat.

VI. Young ladies are requested to slide down the banisters as it protects the varnish on the stairs and saves time.

VII. The girls will please make a noise in the dining room, so that the conversation at the head table will not be heard.

VIII. Young ladies are forbidden to come within six feet of Miss Sims' cow.

IX. Miss Davidson requests that the girls have their doors open after light bell as it saves the unnecessary trouble on her part, of opening the doors to see if the occupants of the suites are in their own rooms.

X. Girls will please register on the chapel walls. It saves a useless waste of paper and affords a means of decoration to the bare walls.

C.R.[Cornelia Renick?], '12