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- History of Caldwell College/Kentucky College for Women
- A brief history of the institution.
- Caldwell College/Kentucky College for Women Records
- Inventory of the archival holdings of the college.
- Photographs
- Selection of photographs of Caldwell College/KCW buildings, students, and athletics.
- Act to Incorporate the Henderson Female Institute of Danville (March 6, 1854)
- Act of the Kentucky General Assembly to incorporate "a seminary of learning for the education of females."
- Annual Catalogs (1860-1898)
- Nineteenth-century annual catalogs from Caldwell College.
- Board of Trustees Minutes (1858-1925)
- While there are gaps in the Trustees minutes, along with the annual catalogs they provide the main source of information about the history of Caldwell College/Kentucky College for Women.
- Faculty Minutes (1919-1931)
- Minutes of the faculty of Kentucky College for Women and the Women's Department of Centre College.
- Bell Seminary
- The 1880 and 1883-84 annual catalogs of Bell Seminary
- Danville Female Academy
- The 1864 annual catalog of the Danville Female Academy.
- Augustine Hart Papers
- Hart was the principal of Caldwell Institute from 1864 to 1865. The papers consist of correspondence, photographs, and a printed brochure of the institute.
- Rules and Regulations (1860)
- Excerpt from the 1860-61 Caldwell Institute for Young Ladies annual catalog.
- Commencement Program (1861)
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- Order of exercises for the 1861 commencement at Caldwell Institute for Young Ladies
- Cowan, Emily R. Valedictorian address (June 4, 1889)
- Transcription of address given at the 1889 Commencement of Caldwell College.
- Class Photograph Scrapbook (ca. 1900)
- Group photographs of the various classes at Caldwell College from about 1900.
- Parody of College Rules (1910)
- "Only ragtime music must be played on Sundays as we wish to present a cheerful aspect to passers by." From the 1910 Caldwell College yearbook; probably written by Cornelia Renick.
- Prayer of a Caldwell Girl (1910)
- "Never punish me when I say I am sorry. What more can I do, so give me a chance." From the 1911 Caldwell College yearbook; written by Amanda Welch.
- Reign of Emporer Johannes (1910)
- "Under the rule of the Emperor Johannes, the first province revolted against the interference of the second province." Battle of freshmen and sophomores, from the Sophomore History in the 1911 Caldwell College yearbook. Written by Minnie Parker Durham. Emperor Johannes is John Acheson, president of Caldwell College.
- A Year in the Life of Caldwell College (1910)
- "December 7 - Four p.m. Great excitement. Sarah elopes. 9 p.m. Sarah returns." Humorous look at the 1909-1910 Caldwell College school year. Excerpt from the 1910 yearbook.
- Viewbook (1914)
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- Pictorial viewbook of Kentucky College for Women.
- Students Hand-Book, 1914-1915
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- Kentucky College for Women student handbook for the 1914-1915 school year.
- Rules for the Government of the Household (1915)
- Excerpt from the 1915 annual catalog; includes study, house, Sunday, and town rules.
- Moss, Ruby. Letter to Genie Moss (November 11, 1921)
- Describes Danville's jubilation after Centre's football victory over Harvard in 1921. Ruby Moss Cheek graduated in 1929 from the Women's Department of Centre College, and taught music at Centre from 1932 until her retirement in 1971.
- Official Women's Handybook (1964)
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- "How to play ball at Centre College: girls' rules". Published by the Women's Student Government Association.