1876 (vol. 3) | contents | 1877
Centre College Board of Trustees Minutes (Vol. 4 - 1876)

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Louisville, Ky. October 20, 1876, 7:30 p.m.

Board of Trustees of Centre College met, pursuant to the call of the Chairman, in the Lecture room of the Chestnut Street Presbyterian Church, and was opened with prayer by the Chairman. Members Present: Rev. Edward P. Humphrey, D.D. (Chairman), George W. Welsh, James Barbour, William Ernst, Rev. John M. Worrall, D.D., Rev. Thomas H. Cleland, D.D., William H. Kinnaird, Levi L. Warren, Hon. Tyler T. Alexander, John W. Scott, M.D., Rev. Heman H. Allen, Rev. Albert B. Simpson, D.D., Rev. Stephen Yerkes, D.D., Rev. James P. Hendrick, John B. Temple

The Class of Trustees whose term of Service expired in 1876 were re-appointed by the Synod viz. Rev. Edward P. Humphrey, D.D., Rev. John S. Hays, D.D., George W. Welsh, James Barbour, William Ernst, Thomas Barbee. To as many of this class as were present & to others who had not been qualified since their last election, the usual oath of office was administered. Dr. Edward P. Humphrey was elected Chairman.

On motion a ballot was taken to confirm the election of Dr. Alfred B. Nelson to the Chair of Mathematics; and by the unanimous vote of the members present - 15 in all - the previous action of the Board was ratified and Dr. Nelson was declared to be elected to the Chair of Mathematics, with a salary and duties as previously assigned.

In like manner & by the same vote the election of Prof. Hitchcock was confirmed; and the secretary was directed to notify these gentlemen of their election, and to have the usual oath of office administered to them.

On motion the claim of Prof. Randolph for a full year's salary was allowed viz. to the 10th day of September 1876.

Messers George W. Welsh and Ormond Beatty reported that

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they had effected a sale of about 134 acres of land - part of the Williams tract - in Lincoln County for the sum of $700. Their action was approved and they were authorized to sign a title bond, and to take such other steps as may be necessary to complete the sale.

The Chairman of the Board (Dr. Humphrey), Dr. John W. Scott & Ormond Beatty were appointed a committee to draw up and present, in behalf of Centre College, a formal application for a share in the estate of the late John C. Green, left for distribution among charitable objects; and to employ such means to secure an interest in the property as in their judgment might seem best.

Resolved, That if the Committee on the Fry property, after a further consideration of the whole matter, deem it expedient that the Board should purchase the whole or any part of said Fry property, then the Board of Trustees do hereby recommend and authorize them to make the purchase; and to include in the purchase of the additional ground if thought best, an exchange in part therefor a portion of the Chenault property or of the old College grounds lying west of the old building.

Messers W. H. Kinnaird & S. Yerkes were added to the Committee which now consists of Ormond Beatty, George W. Welsh, G. E. Wiseman, William H. Kinnaird, and Stephen Yerkes. Upon the adoption of this resolution the ayes & noes were called. The ayes were Barbour, Cleland, Scott, Allen, Yerkes, Hendricks, Temple - 7; noes Humphrey, Ernst, Kinnaird, Warren, Alexander - 5. The resolution was, therefore, adopted.

The subject of Dr. McKee's agency was then taken up, and pending its consideration the Board adjourned to meet in the lecture room of the 1st Presbyterian Church at the close of the session

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of the Synod on tomorrow morning.

October 21, 1876, 1 o'clock p.m. Lecture Room of the 1st Presbyterian Church

Board reassembled. After consideration of the subject the seat of the Rev. John H. Nesbit, who had left the bounds of the Synod was declared vacant; and the Board proceeded to fill the vacancy by the election of the Rev. Robert Christie of Lexington, and directed the Secretary to give proper notice to the Synod. Mr. Christie appeared, was qualified, and took his seat as a member of the Board.

A petition of certain members of the Faculty asking the Trustees to erect houses for the Professors was laid before the Board. The petition was referred to the committee on the Fry property (see names above) with instructions to present a detailed report to the Board at its next meeting.

The subject of Dr. McKee's agency was then considered and the following resolutions were adopted by the Board:

Resolved, That the Financial Committee be authorized and directed to purchase the Denny note and to hold said note as a part of the permanent endowment of the Vice President's Chair, and with the proceeds of said note to pay the salary of Dr. John L. McKee, as Agent of the Board, as it becomes due, up to July 1, 1877.

Resolved further, That the Board does not see its way clear to continue the arrangement beyond the 1st of July next, but will rejoice if Dr. McKee shall meet with such success, in the meantime, in procuring funds for the purpose as will justify it in extending the arrangement.

Resolved, That Dr. McKee in his work as an Agent of the College, and an Evangelist, be warmly recommended to the members of our churches in

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Kentucky and that a committee of two be appointed to prepare a setting forth the claims of the College to their benefactions.

Resolved, That the Board highly appreciates the services of Dr. McKee in the past as an Agent, and hereby expresses its sincere thanks for his diligence and fidelity. Messers Beatty & Welsh were appointed a committee to prepare the address.

Board then adjourned to meet in Danville at the time & place of the regular annual meeting.

Ormond Beatty, Secretary