1868 | Centre Faculty | 1870
Centre College Faculty Minutes (Vol. 1 - 1869)

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January 8, 1869

Faculty met. Present: Messrs. Beatty, Yerkes, Randolph, Nelson, and Tevis.

Since the retirement of Dr. Breckinridge from the presidency, negotiations to provide for the

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instruction of the Senior Class in his department have been pending, and have resulted in securing Dr. Stephen Yerkes for that work. Dr. Yerkes entered upon his duties at the commencement of the present week.

January 15, 1869

Faculty met, all the members being present. The days for the semi-annual examination were fixed on the 30th and 31st instant.

Alfred B. Nelson, Secretary

January 22, 1869

Faculty met. All present. No business of importance.

Alfred B. Nelson, Secretary

February 5, 1869

Faculty met. All present.

Mr. Burbank, associate principal of the Preparatory Department, having resigned his office, by preconcessions of the Faculty. Messrs. Randolph and Tevis were allowed to enter into back arrangements with Mr. Walton as would provide for the instruction of Mr. Burbank's class.

Alfred B. Nelson, Secretary

February 12, 1869

Faculty met. Present: Messrs. Beatty, Randolph, Nelson, Tevis. No business.

Alfred B. Nelson, Secretary

February 19, 1869

Faculty met. All present but Dr. Yerkes. No business.

Alfred B. Nelson, Secretary

March 5, 1869

Faculty met. All present. No business.

Alfred B. Nelson, Secretary

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March 19, 1869

Faculty met. All present. No business.

Alfred B. Nelson, Secretary

April 2, 1869

Faculty met. All Present. No business.

Alfred B. Nelson, Secretary

April 9, 1869

Faculty met. Present: Messrs. Beatty, Randolph, and Tevis. No business.

Alfred B. Nelson, Secretary

April 16, 1869

Faculty met. Present: Messrs. Beatty, Nelson, Tevis. No business.

Alfred B. Nelson, Secretary

April 23, 1869

Faculty met. All present but Dr. Yerkes. No business.

Alfred B. Nelson, Secretary

April 30, 1869

Faculty met. All present.

The Senior Class stood their final examination on the studies of the past session, and all acquitted themselves in a satisfactory manner. It was therefore resolved that the following gentlemen, composing the class, be recommended to the Board of Trustees to receive the first degree in the Arts: Messrs. Charles L. Hogue, Richard W. McFerran, Robert B. Lyle, and David A. Planck.

It being found on examination of the record, that Charles L. Hogue's average grade of scholarship was the highest, he was rewarded the first honor; David A. Planck being the next highest, he received the second honor.

Alfred B. Nelson, Secretary

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May 14, 1869

Faculty met, all being present.

Mr. Theodore Daviess having been frequently admonished by the Profs. to whom he recites on account of the irregularity of his attendance, and having failed to redeem his repeated promises of amendment, was summoned before this body to answer for his delinquencies when he admitted the truth of the charges preferred against him. Then being told that he must either reform his irregularities or be dismissed from College, he renewed his pledge of amendment, and it was agreed that he should be allowed further trial.

Alfred B. Nelson, Secretary

September 23, 1869

The Faculty met at Prof. Beatty's room. All present.

The roll was called to ascertain if every student had received his quantum of studies. The young gentlemen reported as not having a full amount of work were referred to Prof. Beatty. The Vice President suggested that in case an assistant be needed in the Preparatory Department, such assistance be employed at the rate of one hundred dollars per recitation. The Faculty fully concurred with Prof. Chenault making it obligatory upon the freshmen and sophomore classes to

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declaim, and upon the Junior and Senior Classes to deliver original orations. There being no further business, the Faculty adjourned.

Salvador DeSoto, Secretary Faculty

Oct. 1, 1869

The Faculty met at the Old Library. All present.

Prof. Beatty stated he had conferred with Dr. Yerkes with regard to his assisting us, and said the Dr. could not possibly render any assistance until the 20th of November. Upon being made known that George Young had declined rendering any service to the Preparatory Department, Prof. Beatty was requested to confer with Mr. Burbank and offer him the position of Assistant in the Preparatory Department.

Salvador DeSoto, Secretary Faculty Centre College

October 8, 1869

The Faculty met in the Old College Library room; all being present.

The following students reported for neglect of duty were referred to Prof. Beatty: Landram, Barclay, Win, and McKee. Upon Prof. Beatty suggesting the

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propriety of relieving the Prof. of Greek from some of his labors, the Prof. of Greek preferred continuing hearing his five recitations until Dr. Yerkes' services could be definitely and permanently obtained.

Resolved that Hanson be more fully dealt with in view of his ancient [illegible word] connection and fidelity to the College, and be suffered to remain on probation, and if it shall appear at the end of his probation that he has well and faithfully discharged the duties of Janitor, that he be retained another year.

Salvador DeSoto, Secretary Faculty Centre College

October 15, 1869

Prof. Beatty being absent attending the meeting of the Board of Trustees of Centre College, the Faculty did not meet.

October 22, 1869

The Faculty met in the Old College Library room.

Prof. Beatty was requested to speak again to the delinquents Landram, Win Barclay, and Fry. He added that the appointments of Profs. Chenault, Randolph, and DeSoto had been confirmed by a full quorum of the Trustees.

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There being no further business, the Faculty adjourned.

Salvador DeSoto, Secretary

October 29, 1869

The Faculty met, all present. No business. The hour was opened in very agreeable conversation in which the learned Vice President in his quick modest way took the lead.

Salvador DeSoto, Secretary Faculty Centre College

November 5, 1869

Faculty met. All Present.

Upon it being made known to the Faculty that Mr. Bellville had signified his intention to resign his assistance at the Preparatory Department of Centre College, Mr. Hogue was appointed at the rate of one hundred dollars per annum per recitation. No further business.

Salvador DeSoto, Secretary Faculty Centre College

November 12, 1869

The Vice President Prof. Beatty having been urged by the local Trustees to attend the General Assembly at Pittsburgh, and he himself, as well as the Faculty, seeing and recognizing the propriety and its duty of his attendance there. No

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regular meeting of the Faculty was held.

Salvador DeSoto

November 17, 1869

Faculty met, all present. The classes were arranged so as to give Dr. Yerkes the first two recitations. The Freshmen in Greek from 9-10 a.m.

Salvador DeSoto

November 26, 1869

The Faculty met. All present except Prof. Chenault. No business.

Salvador DeSoto

December 3, 1869

The Faculty met, all present; also the Principal Preparatory Department.

Mr. Ralston expressed to the Faculty some difficulties growing out between some boys and his assistant. It was therefore agreed by the Faulty that Prof. Beatty have a talk with Mr. Hogue, and that a special meeting of the Faculty be held on Monday in order to confer with the young gentleman personally.

Salvador DeSoto

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December 6, 1869

The Faculty met and held a conference with Mr. Hogue and was decided that he be retained in his services in the Preparatory Department until further developments.

Salvador DeSoto

December 10, 1869

The Faculty met. All present.

Of the three young gentlemen who had been summoned to appear before the Faculty to answer charges of high misdemeanor all obliged the summons except Mr. Walter Fry, son of General Speed Smith Fry. The charges preferred against the two young men, Mr. Barclay and Win, being audibly stated to each separately, they each separately acknowledged the truth and justice of the charges. Whereupon the President requested them to retire to a room below, which they did. It was then decided by the Faculty that the President be authorized and informed to administer to each separately a reprimand proportion in severity to their respective misdemeanor.

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Mr. John Barclay was called up, took a seat assigned him, and then Prof. Beatty in his calm, dignified, parental, but very severe manner, poured upon the culprit a most just and most overwhelming reprimand. The young man exhibited great sorrow and repentance externally [illegible word] internally we knew nothing about, and upon his making a faithful promise, and giving a most solemn pledge to reform and attend faithfully and regularly to his College duties, was suffered to continue his connection with the College, and then required to withdraw. Mr. Arthur Win was called up next. The reprimand administered to him was somewhat milder, but still rough with some diversity; he had promised to do better and was suffered to withdraw. It was agreed by the Faculty that Mr. Fry be summoned to appear at a special Faculty meeting to answer not only to the charges,

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but also for his additional high misdemeanor in having breached the authority of the Faculty with contempt. It was further agreed that the Christmas Holidays begin on Thursday the 23rd of December and that the classes of the College be resumed on Monday the 3rd January 1870. There being no further business, the Faculty adjourned.

Salvador DeSoto

December 14, 1869

A special meeting of the Faculty was held for the special trial and accommodation of young Walker Fry. All present; also the young delinquent himself. After a very severe reprimand from the President, the young man was permitted to withdraw, but not before he had promised to strengthen his sordid ways.

Salvador DeSoto

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December 17, 1869

The Faculty met. All present. No business.

Salvador DeSoto