[This entry is preceded by a blank page, and the next earliest meeting is dated June 30, 1871]
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Tuesday, September 7, 1875
The Faculty held its first meeting in the Faculty Room. It was ordered that a Secretary be appointed, whereupon Prof. DeSoto (to his sorrow) received the appointment. It was ordered that it be the duty of the Secretary to read at every regular meeting the minutes of the preceding meeting for correction and approval, and that the minutes be so corrected and approved be transcribed in the Faculty Record Book. It was ordered that Dr. Beatty be made Chairman of the College Home Committee (Profs. Randolph and DeSoto) It was ordered that an Institute meeting be held at Dr. Beatty's at 8 p.m. for the purpose of talking over the subject of religious instruction to the students. On motion Dr. McKee was appointed committee of one to see and consult the members of the Literary Societies, with regard to the use of
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their Halls for giving instruction in Elocution. On motion, Dr. Beatty and Prof. Fales (Chairman) were appointed a committee to see to the furnishing the recitation rooms with seats. On motion Dr. Beatty was requested to have a private talk with Mr. Semple about his misdemeanor. There being no further business, the Faculty adjourned.
September 9, 1875
The Faculty Institute was held at Dr. Beatty's, all present.
The religious instruction of the students was the subject discussed. After a full expression of opinion, the subject was postponed to the next meeting. It was ordered that during the Lectures in Elocution the lessons be shortened, and then the meeting adjourned.
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September 10, 1875
The Faculty met pursuant to adjournment. All present.
Dr. Beatty reported that Messrs. Weis and Semple had amicably settled their difficulties. The President was requested to take such public notice of the matter as may prevent the repetition of similar offences. It was ordered that we meet in Chapel at 8:30 a.m., that the roll be called, and that Dr. McKee then conduct the religious exercises in any manner he may think proper and most profitable to the students. Prof. Robert Chenault was appointed to the Keep and Roll-Call-Office. Dr. Beatty called the roll to see if every student has his full work. Prof. Randolph is to give private instruction in Analytical Geometry to Mr. Phillips, and Prof. DeSoto is to see that Messrs. Kincaid and Taylor make up their deficiency in Greek.
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The President urged upon every single member of the Faculty the absolute and imperative necessity of keeping the classes the full hour. Dr. McKee and Prof. Chenault were appointed a committee with Dr. Beatty as Chairman to form a plan for the English Instruction. It was ordered that at the next Faculty Institute we discuss the relation of the Sub Freshman Class to the Preparatory Department and then the Faculty adjourned.
September 17, 1875
The Faculty met. Prof. Fales absent.
It was ordered that the Faculty Institute meet every Monday night until further notice. The President then called the roll to see that every student was doing his duty and there being no further business the meeting adjourned.
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Monday Night
September 20, 1875
The Faculty Institute was held at Dr. Beatty's.
The Sub Freshman Class per se, as well as in its relation to the Preparatory Department, was the subject for consideration. Dr. Beatty presented in a very clear manner the difficulties and the troubles we are likely to have by the present arrangement. Dr. McKee very clearly also presented a solution of the difficulties, but no conclusion as [to] definite action was reached, and then the meeting adjourned.
Friday, September 24, 1875
The Faculty met, Prof. Randolph absent.
It was ordered that the subject for discussion at the next regular meeting of the Faculty Institute be "What means can be devised to entirely prevent or reduce to a minimum all disorder in the Hall". It was ordered that all the candidates for the Sophomore Class be examined in Latin and Greek in
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the presence of the Faculty on Tuesday at 2 p.m. The Faculty then adjourned.
Monday, September 27, 1875
The Faculty Institute held its meeting at Dr. Beatty's.
It was ordered that in consideration of being allowed the use of the Deinologian Hall for instruction, the Faculty have the Hall plastered. The time for the examination of the Freshman Class was set at 2 p.m. Thursday. It was ordered that Dr. McKee write a letter to Mr. D.J. Curry advising to let his son go into the Sub Freshman Class.
The subject "What means can be derived to entirely prevent or reduce to a minimum all disorder in the Hall during recitation hours" was then discussed, thereupon it was ordered that during the recitation hours no students be allowed to be in the Hall or about the building, but that every
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student who may have no recitation be requested to go and remain in any of the Professor's rooms. It was ordered that the room in the basement be locked immediately after the ringing of the Chapel bell, but that this shall not be enforced until provision for seating the students be made. It was further ordered that the Faculty furnish the room with at least three [illegible word] very strong arm chairs; and then the Institute adjourned.
September 28, 1875
At a special meeting of the Faculty held on Tuesday September 28, 1875, Mr. Evans appeared to answer to the charges preferred against him for creating disorder in Chapel during the religious exercise. Mr. Evans plead guilty to the main charges, whereupon it was ordered that the President give to the said Mr. Evans a reprimand, and then the meeting adjourned.
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Friday, October 1, 1875
The Faculty met, all present.
It was ordered that Messrs. Givens and Botts go back to the Sub Freshman and Messrs. Reed, Owsley, Hays and McRoberts to the Freshman Class. The subject adopted for discussion at the next meeting of the Faculty Institute was "The importance of examining all new students before admission in the College." The President reported he had considered the instruction of the Faculty in the case of Mr. Evans. There being no further business the Faculty adjourned.
Monday Evening, October 4, 1875
The Faculty Institute met at Dr. Beatty's. All present.
It was ordered that Messrs, Weir, Eifort, Kibbey, and Sharp be made to appear before the Faculty on Tuesday at 12 noon to answer to the charges of gross disorder.
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A note from Mr. Weir stating his wish to withdraw from the College was read. After due consideration and discussion the Faculty concluded it was best under the circumstances of the case that the said Mr. Weir be allowed to sever his connection with the College.
The subject for discussion came up. After a full expression of opinion from each member of the Faculty, the plan suggested and advocated by Dr. Beatty was unanimously adopted, viz that no student shall be admitted to any regular class without such a student undergoing a proper and satisfactory examination. After a pleasant social conversation, the Institute adjourned.
0rmond Beatty, President
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Tuesday, 12 o'clock noon October 5, 1875
The Faculty held a special meeting for a special purpose. The Secretary tardy.
In obedience to the summons Messrs. Eifort, Kibbey and Sharp appeared before the Faculty. After an examination of the defendants and several of the witnesses, the case was adjourned to Friday at 2 p.m.
Friday, October 8, 1875
The Faculty met. All present.
A note was received from Mr. Sharp stating substantially as follows: That whereas in case the Faculty expel him he cannot enter any other Institution, he would withdraw from the College. Mr. Kibbey's case came up. After considerable discussion, it was ordered that the President give him a reprimand with presence of the Faculty, which was accordingly forthwith done.
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Then the Faculty went with the discussion of the case of Messrs. Eifort and Sharp. After very considerable talk, it was ordered that the young men be allowed to remain in the College upon the following condition, to wit: that the said Messrs. Eifort and Sharp give a solemn pledge neither to drink nor take any intoxicating liquor as long as they may be connected with the College; and that they submit to a very severe public reprimand standing on their feet at the front part of the Chapel. It is ordered the ancient but uniform rule which dismisses any student for drinking be revived and enforced, and that the President make an announcement of the revival of that order in Chapel. There being no further business the Faculty adjourned.
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Friday, October 15, 1875
The Faculty met. Dr. McKee absent. It was ordered that the subject for discussion at our next meeting of the Faculty Institute be "Written Examination". Thereupon the Faculty adjourned.
Thursday, October 22, 1875
The Faculty met. Dr. McKee absent.
The roll was called to see that every student was doing his duty. The President reported he had reprimanded Messrs. Eifort and Sharp, and that they had given the required pledge. There being no further business, the Faculty adjourned.
Monday, October 25, 1875
The Faculty Institute met at Dr. Beatty's.
Mr. Duncan appeared before the Faculty on being questioned with regard to his neglect of duty. He confessed his laziness, his irregularity and dislike to study. However upon his [illegible word], promise to turn over a new leaf
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and do better, the Faculty determined to bear a little longer with him. He then made a bow and withdrew. The subject "Monthly Examination" was then discussed without reaching any definite conclusion. However, it was perfectly clear from the opinion expressed by the members of the Faculty that the thing was attended with difficulties and therefore impracticable. After a pleasant talk, the Institute adjourned.
Friday, October 29, 1875
Faculty met. Prof. Randolph absent.
A short talk was held over certain students not performing their duties. The President suggested that each Professor present a list of books, from which lists a selection was to be made. There being no further business, the Faculty adjourned.
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Friday, November 5, 1875
Faculty met. The young Professor Jason P. Chenault absent; gone to a burial. No business. The Faculty adjourned.
Monday, November 8, 1875
Faculty Institute met at Dr. Beatty's.
The subject of changing the course of studies in such a manner so that Latin and Greek be read throughout the whole course was discussed. After some discussion the Faculty was unanimous in adopting the change, whereupon Dr. Beatty and Professors Chenault and DeSoto were appointed a committee to devise a plan by which such a change is to be effected. The meeting then adjourned.
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Friday, November 12, 1875
Faculty met. Dr. McKee absent.
Mr. Milliken presented a paper containing the course of study he had pursued in Georgetown College, District of Columbia, recommending him to an admission into the Senior Class. The paper was read, the contents and design discussed, and then it was ordered that Mr. Milliken be admitted into the Class simply upon the recommendation of his College. There being no further business the Faculty adjourned.
Friday November 19, 1875
Faculty met. Dr. McKee absent.
The application of Mr. Thomas Crittenden to be admitted into the Sophomore Class on trial was granted. Mr. Dunn appeared before the Faculty to answer to the charges of inattention and irregularity and absence from his classes. Upon his promising to mend, he was suffered to remain, upon condition however, that should he relapse
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into the same indolent habits he is to go home. A very interesting discussion took place with regard to the kind of books the College should purchase. Dr. Beatty's opinion prevailed. There being no further business the Faculty adjourned.
Monday, November 22, 1875
Faculty Institute met at Dr. Beatty's.
Mr. Brand appeared to answer to charges of neglect of duty. Upon Dr. Beatty telling the young man very kindly but very positively that if he neglects his work he must go home, the young man withdrew. The subject of books was then discussed. It was ordered that the students be allowed Friday, provided they be punctually present Monday morning. It was ordered that the Faculty Institute meet at 6:30 p.m. until further ordered. The meeting then adjourned.
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Friday, November 26, 1875
The Faculty met. No business.
Friday December 9, 1875
Faculty met. The roll was called to see if the students were attending to their duties. It was ordered the Prof. Fales be appointed to make out a list of books and confer with Mr. Samuels about the cost of them. There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
Friday December 16, 1875
The Faculty met. No business.