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Friday January 8, 1876
Faculty met. All present.
It was ordered that Mr. Ira Bright be, and he is hereby permitted, to quit his Greek and become irregular. There being no further business the Faculty adjourned.
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Friday, January 14, 1876
Faculty met. Prof. Randolph absent. It was moved, seconded, and carried that in the annual report of the Faculty to the Board, the Faculty ask for authority to impose fines as punishment for minor offences. It was ordered that Dr. McKee be appointed and he is hereby appointed a Committee of one to write to Mr. Rainey's father with regard to his son leaving College without notifying the Faculty. Moved we adjourn, unanimously and gladly carried.
Friday, January 21, 1876
Faculty met. All present. Messrs. Cheek and Green appeared before the Faculty to answer to the complaint for disorder in the Hall. After hearing the case, it was ordered the President inflict such a punishment as he may think proper. The entire Freshman Class appeared before the Faculty to hold an inquiry meeting with
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regard to difficulty in studies and how many hours they devote to study. It was then ordered that Dr. Beatty announce in Chapel the number of hours each student is required to study. On motion it was ordered that the College Home students be summoned to come before the Faculty to hold an investigation into the causes of certain disorders and dissatisfaction. Moved we adjourn, unanimously carried.
Monday evening January 24, 1876
Faculty Institute met at Dr. Beatty's. Mr. John Allen came before the Faculty to answer to the charge of improper and insulting conduct in Mr. Chenault's room. The Prof. made his statement which was followed by that of Mr. Allen. After some pow-wow, it was ordered that Mr. Allen be not permitted to go to his class unless he make such an apology as shall be satisfactory to the young Prof., and that the Prof. is to read the apology to the class.
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In is ordered that Prof. Fales be and he is hereby authorized to have the Catalogue printed. It is ordered that the President be and he is hereby requested to make inquiries with regard to having a plan of the College Building. It was ordered that Dr. Beatty and Prof. Fales be and they are hereby appointed a committee to inspect the three College lots and report to the Faculty at their next meeting. It is ordered that the investigation of the College Home disorder and dissatisfaction be postponed until after the regular semiannual Examination, and that Monday February the 7 at 2:30 p.m. be set for such an investigation.
January 31, 1876
Faculty met at Dr. Beatty's. All present. It is ordered that one thousand copies of the Triennial Catalogue be printed. Messrs. Duncan and Kinnaird appeared before the Faculty asking permission to enter the Freshman Class in Latin and Mathematics, whereupon
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it was ordered that the President requested to say to the petition that their petition cannot be granted. It was ordered that the young Prof. be and he is hereby appointed a committee to remain with the Home students during the investigation and then the Faculty adjourned.
February 4, 1876
Faculty met. Prof. Randolph absent. Owing to the absence of Prof. Randolph the roll was not called. Prof. Fales made his report. It was moved and seconded that the report be adopted and spread upon the Record; carried -
In as much as the Old Campus and Preparatory lot are an eyesore to the public as well as to ourselves while remaining in their present condition, it is ordered by the Faculty of Centre College that the following arrangement be made with regard to them. That they be rented to some person either one or both as he may desire on the following condition, viz. that he shall
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repair or make new the fences wherever needed and obligate himself to keep them so while he is using them. Replace all trees destroyed by the [illegible word] or keep them replaced, and he shall stake them thoroughly to prevent as far as possible the cattle or horses from injuring them, or, if preferred, he shall pay a reasonable rent for the same to be determined by the Faculty, which shall be appropriated for the above mentioned purposes. In consideration of which he shall have the sole use and benefit thereof.
Moved we adjourned. All said Aye.
February 3, 1876
Faculty met. Absent Prof. Randolph.
Mr. Worthington appeared before the Faculty to answer for his absences. The young having unsatisfactory excuse, it was therefore ordered that Dr. Beatty reprove the young sinner for his absences, without a good excuse, which was accordingly done. It is ordered that the Faculty have 250 circulars printed.
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1st - Ordered that the President give a very severe reprimand to these inmates of the Home who have engaged in card playing, and to warn them that the first repetition of the offense will be followed by immediate dismission from the Home. This reprimand to be given in the presence of all the Inmates of the Home.
2nd - Ordered that a sharp reprimand be administered to those guilty of the late misdemeanors, such as moving wagons, gates, etc., and that the individual caught again participating in such mischief will be dealt with promptly and severely. Moved we adjourned. All said Aye.
Friday, February 10, 1876
No meeting.
Friday, February 17, 1876
No meeting.
Monday February 20, 1876
The Faculty Institute met at Dr. Beatty's.
Mr. John Marshall
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appeared before the Faculty to ask permission to attend the Ball to be held at [unclear: Thorels?] Public House. The Faculty refused to grant the request upon the grounds that it was in violation of the laws of the College. It was ordered that Dr. McKee or Dr. Beatty be a committee to procure a suitable person to take charge of the College House next session, and then the meeting adjourned. Dr. McKee was appointed chairman of the Committee.
Wednesday, February 23, 1876
At a special meeting of the Faculty it was ordered that in as much as Mr. Semple had embodied in his speech delivered on the 22, language offensive to great part of the audience,
That every student be requested and compelled to submit his speech to the President in the form originally written and that the speech be delivered precisely in the very form
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and language approved by the President, and that any subsequent change or alteration whatever made in the speech without the knowledge of the President shall and the same is hereby regarded as a crime of rebellion, and will very severely punished.
It was ordered that the President be requested to give to the said Mr. Semple a very severe reprimand in the presence of the Faculty, and it is further ordered that the President announce publicly in the Chapel the unqualified and unmitigated disapprobation of such language on the part of the entire Faculty.
It is further ordered that the President announce publicly in the Chapel that any student who shall bring liquor, cards or deadly weapons on the College grounds, shall be forthwith expelled from College.
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It was ordered that the Faculty hold an investigating meeting of all the students with regard to the disorder in the Halls or in any part of the building; also with regard to playing cards, or drinking or carrying deadly weapons; and that the examination be conducted one Class at a time and each member of the class as the Faculty may choose. The special meeting then adjourned.
February 24, 1876
The Faculty met to hold the investigation of all the students according to order of February 23rd. The examination lasted six days from February 24 to March 2nd inclusive. It was very severe and unpleasant to the students as well as to the Faculty, but in as much as the good of the College required it, the Faculty went into it with manly patience and brave virtue. Prof. Randolph would now and then quickly tire and very politely retire from the investigating process.
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Friday, March 3, 1876
Faculty met. All present. It is ordered that all those who were drunk be dismissed: Crow, Harlan and Milliken. It is ordered that all those who were at the dance - Kenney, Davison, and Guest Jr. - be reprimanded by the President, and then the Faculty adjourned to meet on Monday.
Monday, March, 6, 1876
Faculty met at Dr. Beatty's; all present. It is ordered that Mr. Crittenden be and he is hereby dismissed. It is ordered that Taylor be and he is hereby dismissed. It is ordered that young Mock be dismissed privately and that his father be informed of the fact. Moved and seconded that the order for the dismission of Crow, Harlan, and Milliken be reconsidered; carried. Moved and seconded that they be reinstated upon the following condition: that they be privately but severely reprimanded, and that they
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give a pledge never to taste or drink any intoxicating or malt liquor during their connection with the College, and that in case they be guilty of the violation of such a pledge, they be instantly dismissed.
It is ordered that those who have been guilty of playing cards in the College building or College grounds be severely reprimanded, and that they give a pledge never to play cards in the building or on the grounds of the College, and that a violation of such a pledge will be followed by immediate dismission. It is ordered that those who have been drinking at saloons be reprimanded and give a pledge never to visit those saloons. Moved and seconded that Prof. be appointed a committee of one to procure a bulletin board and then we adjourned.
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Friday, March 17, 1876
Faculty met. All present.
Mr. Burton was examined in Rhetoric and passed a very credible examination. The President then communicated to the Faculty the desire and anxiety of Mr. Thomas Crittenden to have his [son] readmitted into College, and that be as soon as possible. After some considerable talk, it was moved and seconded that in the sense of the Faculty it be deemed prudent to readmit young Crittenden back into College. Moved and seconded that Mr. Crittenden be allowed to return to College one month from the date of his dismission on the 3rd of April, upon the condition, however, that he give and sign a solemn pledge so long as he is to be connected with the College not to be guilty of those misdemeanors for which he was dismissed. Moved and seconded that Dr. Beatty and Prof. Fales be appointed a committee, whose duty it shall be to select and assign the plot of ground on which Janitor Holman is to commence his garden.
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March 10, 1876
Faculty met. All present.
It is ordered that on Mr. Allen's committing any offense which requires discipline by the Faculty, his father is to withdraw him and that his father be informed of this action. Messrs. Kenney, Davison and Guest Jr. appeared before the Faculty - received their reprimand and gave a pledge not to violate the laws of the College. Messrs. Worrall, Rankin, Guest, Magoffin, and Harmon appeared before the Faculty - received their reprimand for playing cards in the basement of the College Building and gave the pledge never to play cards in the College Building or grounds. Mr. Guest Jr. petitioned the Faculty to be allowed to quit his Greek, whereupon the President said to him he should bring a letter from his father permitting him to quit the Greek. And the Faculty adjourned.
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March 24, 1869
Faculty met. Dr. McKee absent.
Mr. Ferrill appeared before the Faculty to answer to the charge of throwing snowballs. Upon his solemn promise to abstain from such disorder hereafter, he was dismissed. Mr. Allen was summoned before the Faculty for creating disorder and for being absent from his class. It was moved and seconded that the President be requested to see and to say to Mr. Allen's father to remove his son from College. Mr. Hull, having absented himself from recitations a week without a satisfactory excuse, it was ordered that the President be requested to say to Mr. Hull that, in case he commits any offence requiring the censure of the Faculty, he be dismissed. It was ordered that Mr. Green be reprimanded and warned that in case he does not improve in conduct and study so as to satisfy the Faculty, he be dismissed.
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March 27, 1876
Faculty met. All present, except Prof. Fales.
It is ordered in the case of Hull, that he be censured and warned that in case he repeats the same offence, he will do so at his peril. It is ordered that the President say to Mr. Keller and John Bright that permission must be obtained from the parents in advance and shown to the Faculty - if obtained after the commission of the misdemeanor, the Faculty will and must regard it as a violation of the College laws, and will be punished accordingly. It is ordered that James McKee be warned against a perseverance in his course for bringing snow in Chapel, whispering, and absences from recitations. It is ordered that James Boyle be warned that in case he does not alter his course, he will have to withdraw from the College.
It is ordered that Mr. Warrall be warned to take good care of himself, and not to get sick so often, and to make up the deficiencies in his studies. It is ordered that the sentence in the case of Mr. Dils be changed, and that he be allowed to
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reenter his class, and to do the very best to catch up and keep up with his class. It is ordered that Mr. Williams be referred for running off during the session of the [illegible word]. It is ordered that young Mock be readmitted into College, but that he go into the Sub-Freshman Class.
Friday March 31, 1876
Faculty met. Dr. McKee absent. The roll was called. Ordered that Dr. Beatty be requested to say to Mr. Crittenton to enter the College on Monday, April 3d.
Monday April 3, 1876
At a special meeting of the Faculty, the following young gentlemen appeared to answer to the charge of decoying their fellow student Hull into the woods and of trying to terrify him in order to extract a confession of Hull's supposed or suspected complicity in the scurrilous publication, called [illegible word]. Report - the parties of the above act are Sam Ayres,
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John Marshall, Sam Boyle, Edward H. Owings, Henry T. Lyttleton, Charles T. Thomson, Sam Payne, Walter L. Hays, and Henry Skinner. After hearing a full statement from Mr. Hull, and then from each of the above named persons, the Faculty adjourned to meet tomorrow at 12 p.m.
Tuesday April 4, 1876
Faculty met pursuant to adjournment. The following witnesses were examined: Payne, Kennedy, Park, Vaughan, McCartney, Boyle, Granger, Whitaker, Venable, Kincaid, Sam Ayres and Parkman - and then the Faculty adjourned to meet at 3 p.m.
Tuesday 3 p.m. April 4, [18]76
Faculty met pursuant to adjournment. The following young gentlemen were examined: Kenney, Bright; and then the Faculty adjourned to meet tomorrow at 3 p.m.
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Wednesday April 5, 1876
Faculty met pursuant to adjournment. Every prof expressed his opinion in regard to what punishment should be inflicted upon the young gentlemen guilty of the offence committed upon the person of Mr. Hull. After the expression of their opinion, in which there was some difference, it was moved and seconded that whereas the Faculty deem this a case difficult of such a solution as will be satisfactory to every member, Dr. Beatty be requested to invite every member of the local board and members residing abroad to meet with Faculty on Monday night at the residence of Dr. Beatty for the purpose of consultation - and then the Faculty adjourned.
Friday April 7, 1876
Faculty met; all present.
Sam McKee appeared before the Faculty to answer to the charge of neglecting his studies and of being often absent from his recitations.
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After hearing his plea as rather reasonable excuses, it was ordered that Dr. Beatty reprimand and warn the said Sam McKee, that in case he does not mend his course to the satisfaction of the Faculty by the time his father returns, he will be dismissed from College. The young gentleman was called and the reprimand was accordingly administered, and the warning given by the President in the presence of the Faculty. A letter was read from John B. Temple, Esq., with regard to introducing and teaching the mathematics involving the principle of Life Insurance.
Monday evening, April 10, 1876
At a very special meeting held at Dr. Beatty's, there were present, besides the members of the Faculty, the following members of the Board: Dr. Scott, Dr. Yerkes, Messrs. Welsh, Kinnaird, & Barbee. Dr. Hays was also present, but only as advocate for the accused. The meeting having come to order at the insistence and request of the above named
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members of the Board , and with a perfect [illegible word] of the members of the Faculty, Dr. Beatty made a brief, but true and clear, statement of all the facts in the case. He declared also that in as much as no similar case had ever come up for the consideration of the Faculty, and in as much therefore, the Faculty was not unanimous in their opinion with regard to the degree of punishment to be inflicted for such misdemeanors, he would be glad for every member of the Board present to express his opinion on the case. Dr. Beatty was again requested to express what he thought would be an adequate punishment, whereupon Dr. Beatty gave it as his opinion that, whereas the young members had been already punished by the civil authorities, that they designed to do not the least harm or injury upon the person of Hull, that they exceedingly regretted their conduct, that they have been and are still among the most gentlemanly, diligent, and orderly students, and that it [was]
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their first and only violation against the rules of the College, the young gentlemen (Samuel Ayres, John Marshall, Samuel Boyle, Edward H. Owings, Henry T. Lyttleman, Charles T. Thomson, Samuel Payne, Walter L. Hays, and Henry J. Sinner), should not be dismissed, but severely reprimanded, probably in Chapel. Dr. Hays then rose and in his defense stated substantially what Dr. Beatty had said, and he fully and heartily endorsed Dr. Beatty's opinion. The members of the Board then asked if the Faculty was unanimous of the opinion of Dr. Beatty; they all answered in the affirmative. Prof. Fales, however, stated that he had voted for the immediate expulsion of the young gentlemen, for he was a bloodthirsty and most uncompromising advocate for order and government, and for preserving the discipline of the College in its full integrity, but in as much as Mr. Hull's father had acted so ungraciously and foolishly, and tried to browbeat the Faculty, he was now in favor of retaining
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the young men. There being a perfect harmony of opinion between the members of the Board present and the Faculty, it was moved by Dr. Yerkes and seconded by Mr. Welsh that the young gentlemen be retained upon the condition set forth in the opinion of Dr. Beatty, the Faculty concurring therein. This motion was put to the vote and carried most unanimously and most cordially, and then the meeting very gladly adjourned 11 o'clock at night.
April 17, 1876
No meeting.
Tuesday April 25, 1876
At a special meeting of the Faculty, Mr. Whitley appeared to answer to the charge on the part of Prof. Jason Chenault of giving him a very impertinent answer. The young man disclaimed any such intention, and then upon the request of the young Professor himself the case was dismissed. Mr. Crittenden also appeared for constant whispering
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and thereby creating disorder. It was thereupon ordered that Dr. Beatty reprove Mr. Crittenden in the presence of his class - and the meeting adjourned.
Friday April 28, 1876
Faculty met; all present. No business.
Friday May 5, 1876
Faculty met; Randolph absent. No business.
Friday May 12, 1876
Faculty met; all present.
Mr. Lyttleton was summoned to answer to the charge of Prof. Chenault of creating disorder by leaving the class without permission. Witnesses were Archibald, Thompson, Ernst, and Kenney. It was thereupon ordered that we suspend judgement, and leave it to him to go home, with the privilege of coming back next Session. After a very patient examination and comparing the grades between Semple and Skinner, the record stood as follows
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Skinner Semple |
98 96 8/10 |
It was thereupon ordered that Mr. Henry Joseph Skinner be declared Valedictorian of the Class, and that Mr. A.B. Semple be declared the 2d Honorman - and then the Faculty adjourned, and the worn out Secretary, in writing the minutes, adjourns to a new book - if he can get one.
Monday May 1, 1876
Faculty Institute met at Dr. Beatty's. It is ordered that the sum of twenty five dollars of the Alumni Funds be appropriated to the payment for the music on Commencement. After some talk the meeting was adjourned.
This was omitted in the appropriate place. It is what grammarians call [written in Greek]
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Monday June 13, 1876
Faculty; all present.
A communication from Mrs. Gilbert was read with regard to the ill treatment she received from the College Home students. The P. Department is [illegible word] to be delivered over to Mr. Ralston on the payment on his part of one hundred dollars ($100), or to be conducted under the old plan guaranteeing to Mr. Ralston the sum of $1200 (twelve hundred dollars), and that these two plans be submitted to the Board. That it is the opinion of the Faculty that the Preparatory be continued as was last year. It is ordered that on consideration of the shortness of time and the incompleteness of the evidence, his case be postponed to the next session. Mrs. Gilbert's complaint was then taken up. Messrs. Park, Marshall Granger, Vaughan, McRoberts, Sr., and Whitaker were summoned as witnesses to testify in this case. Moved that we suspend any further action. Moved that Waller Chenault and R.P. Ernst draw for the watch.
Friday June 16, 1876
It is ordered that Dr. Beatty have full power to confer with the Southern Party with reference to the Preparatory Department. It is ordered that Dr. McKee be authorized to employ a suitable person to be in charge of the Home - and then Faculty adjourned.
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Danville August 16, 1876
Faculty of Centre College met at Dr. Beatty's with Drs. Beatty, McKee and Nelson present.
It was resolved that Samuel R. Cheek be tendered the position of teacher of the Sub-Freshman Class; that his salary be fixed at $500 per annum, and that he be required, if necessary, to teach in the College and Preparatory Dept. to the extent of five hours a day. Faculty then adjourned.
Alfred B. Nelson, Secretary pro tem
Monday September 4, 1876
The Faculty held its meeting in Chapel; all present.
After much discussion upon the subject of the Sub-Freshman Class, it was moved and seconded that the Sub-Freshman Class be divided into two sections, to be called lst and 2d division of the Sub-Freshman Class.
Tuesday September 5, 1876
Faculty met at Dr. Beatty's.
The following order was unanimously passed, that those members of the Sub-Freshman Class who passed a satisfactory examination be promoted to the Freshman Class, and that the rest be part of the 2d division of the Sub-Freshman Class.
Tuesday 2 o'clock sharp September 5, 1876
Faculty met at Dr. Beatty's.
It was ordered that the absence of students from Chapel exercises be noted and reported to the parents in the regular semiannual circular. Prof. De Soto offered his resignation as secretary of the Faculty. Of course it was accepted, and Dr. Nelson unanimously elected to the office, and the old secretary drew an easy breath - in token of gratitude to the Faculty and comfort to himself - and then Faculty adjourned.