September 6, 1876
Faculty met in Dr. Beatty's recitation room with all the members present. Action was taken touching several students as follows:-
James I. Bright lost his regular standing in the Junior class, and was allowed the opportunity of recovering it. William H. Crow was allowed to become irregular. Henry P. Dudley was put on probation in the Sophomore for one month. William L. Welsh's case was to be inquired into by the President. Samuel G. Boyle was permitted to go into the 2d year Sub-freshman class for one month in Latin & Greek, at the end of which time he is to stand his examination in those studies as a candidate for the Freshman class. He is to stand his examination at once in mathematics, and, if successful, is to recite in the meantime in that department with the freshmen. John F. Harman was readmitted to the 2d year Sub-freshmam class, with the privilege of examination for the Freshman class in one month. In the meantime to recite mathematics with the Freshmen. William T. Guest was allowed to become irregular. John M. Rankin was allowed to enter the lst year Sub-freshman with understanding that he is to make the effort to enter the 2d yr. subfreshman at the expiration of five months. Andrew G. Whitley was allowed to become irregular. Faculty then adjourned to meet next day.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
September 8, 1876
Faculty met in Dr. Beatty's Study, with all the members present. The minutes of the previous meetings of the week were read and approved.
James Duncan was allowed to recite for one month with the sophomore class, with the understanding that, if he do not sustain himself, he goes into the freshman.
The students were divided into three classes for Bible instruction, which are to be taught respectively by Drs. Beatty, Hitchcock and Nelson.
It was decided to hold the regular meetings of the Faculty on Friday at the close of the third hour in the faculty room of the College.
Faculty then adjourned.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
September 15, 1876
Faculty met in faculty room, all the members being present. Minutes of previous meeting were read & approved.
On motion of Dr. McKee it was resolved that the public elocutionary exercises of the students be held in the Chapel during one of the regular recitation hours in the presence of the Faculty.
On Dr. McKee's motion Prof. Nelson was requested to read & report to the Faculty on The True Order of Studies by Rev. Thomas Hill. D.D.
Blakeman, at his own request, was allowed to go back into the freshman class.
Skinner is to be required to make up his deficiencies.
The Following contract with Mr. Ralston, Principal of the Preparatory School, was ordered to be recorded in the minutes. He is to take the building & conduct the school as heretofore at his own risk, receiving the tuition himself and employing & paying his own assistant. For the rent of the building he will pay $100 per annum. Tuition is not to exceed $50 per annum, contingent fee included.
Faculty then adjourned.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
September 22, 1876
Faculty met in the usual place, with all the members present except Dr. McKee. Minutes of the previous meeting were read & approved.
A letter was read from Prof. N. S. Shaler, Chief of the State Geological Survey, in which he expressed a desire to connect the Survey with the Departments of Mathematics & Natural Science in the College, and proposed that Profs. Fales & Nelson take the field during vacation, with such students for assistant as may be necessary: the expenses to be paid by the Survey & the Professors aforesaid to receive some compensation for their services. The Faculty expressed its willingness to cooperate with Prof. S. in this matter & referred the letter to Dr. Beatty to answer according to his best judgement.
On motion of Prof. Nelson it was "Resolved that the German be made coordinate with the other studies of our curriculum, and that five recitations in the same, of one hour each, be required every week."
An order was then passed forbidding the lending by members of the Faculty of instruments & other property belonging to the College.
Prof. Fales was directed to manufacture as many keys to the entrance doors of the College & Library buildings as may be necessary to accommodate the members of the Faculty.
To prevent conflict with the recitation in German, the regular Faculty meeting was changed to Friday at 2:30 p.m.
Faculty then adjourned.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
September 29, 1876
Faculty met in the faculty room at 2:30 p.m., all the members being present except Dr. McKee. Opened with prayer by Prof. Fales. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. No business worthy of record in the minutes was transacted. Faculty adjourned.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
October 6, 1876
Faculty met in the usual place, with all the members present except Dr. McKee. Session opened with prayer by the Secretary. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
It was ordered that Mock and McKee be summoned to appear before the Faculty on Monday next at the close of the 3d hour to answer for absence from recitations.
Parrett was admitted to regular standing in the Freshman class.
In accordance with a minute adopted September 6, 1876, Boyle, Harmon, and Duncan were ordered to appear before the Faculty for examination on Monday next at the close of the 3d hour.
It was decided to hold extra meetings of the Faculty on the first Monday night of each month in the study of the President, and oftener at his discretion.
Faculty adjourned.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
October 9, 1876
Faculty met pursuant to adjournment in the faculty room, with the President and Profs. Fales, Hitchcock, Nelson and Cheek present.
On obedience to summons, Messrs. Boyle, Duncan, Mock & McKee put in their appearance. Boyle was ordered to be examined in mathematics, and was admitted to the Freshman class on trial in Latin & Greek. Duncan was allowed to have further trial. Mock was censured for his bad behavior and his unnecessary absences, and, on his promise of diligence, punctuality and good behavior, was allowed to continue at college. McKee was censured and when obliged to be absent in future, is to produce written permission from his parents.
Faculty adjourned.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
October 13, 1876
Faculty met in the usual place, with all the members present, except Dr. McKee. Session opened with prayer by Dr. Hitchcock. Minutes of the two previous meetings were read and approved.
Crittenden appeared to answer for being involved in a street-fight. From his own version of the encounter, the Faculty, while it did not justify his conduct, considered that there were extenuating circumstances in his favor. It was therefore ordered that he be censured and warned that this would be added to the previous list of offenses recorded against him.
Faculty then adjourned.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
October 27, 1876
Faculty met in faculty room at the usual hour, with all present except Prof. Fales. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
On account of Crittenden's repeated absences, disorderly conduct, violation of the solemn obligations assumed by him on his reinstatement in his class, and for his bad influence upon other students, it was resolved by a unanimous vote that he should not recite again with his class; and the President was furthermore directed to write to his (Crittenden's) father and make a preemptive request of him to withdraw his son from College immediately.
By unanimous vote the President was likewise directed to say to Dr. Ayers that unless his son radically changes his course, the faculty would be compelled to dismiss him from college.
The Secretary was added to the Committee on paper & envelopes, which now consists of Prof. Fales & him.
Faculty then adjourned.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
November 3, 1876
Faculty met in the usual place, with all present except Dr. McKee. Session opened with prayer by the President. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved.
The matter of procuring suitable stamped paper & envelopes was recommitted to the same committee, with instructions to inquire into the cost of having an electrotyped engraving of the college building prepared.
Guest, Sr. and Jr., Rankin, and Owsley were absent from Chapel on Thursday last.
Faculty adjourned.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
November 10, 1876
Faculty met in faculty room, with all present except Dr. McKee. Session opened with prayer by Dr. Hitchcock. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Welsh appeared in obedience to summons by the Secretary to answer to two days' absence from recitations without good reason. It was ordered that he be marked zero in his grade for those two days; that his father be notified of the case; and that he be warned against a repetition of the offense.
Prof. Fales is to take oversight of the improvements & repairs of the College buildings, grounds, etc.
The Secretary is to superintend all printing connected with the College.
It was resolved that $80 per annum of the fund for the purchase of philosophical apparatus, etc., be permanently given to the department of natural & physical science, and that the remainder be given permanently to the department of mathematics; one-half of the whole fund still to go to the library.
It was further resolved that the mathematical department be allowed to borrow from the library fund until there is enough to buy a first class engineer's transit.
Prof. Fales was allowed to lend the College barometer to Prof. Eddy of the Deaf & Dumb Asylum.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
November 13, 1876
Faculty met to consider the case of McKee who was absent from several recitations without having produced permission from his mother, as required by action of Faculty Oct. 8, 1876. It was resolved that he be required to bring her written statement for his past absences, and hereafter always to bring a similar statement to his Professor on his first appearance in the class-room after any absence.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
November 21, 1876
Faculty met in Dr. Beatty's study, with all present accept Prof. Cheek. Minutes of the two previous meetings were read and approved.
Dils and Cohen are to be summoned before the Faculty at its next regular meeting with a view to readjusting their status in the college classes.
It was resolved that the Junior class have two months in Latin this year, and the Senior class two months in Greek; and furthermore that the Junior class be taken two months in Rhetoric by Prof. Hitchcock.
The Senior class is to be allowed to stand an examination in part of its studies at the middle of this session.
Mr. C. F. Beach, in answer to his inquiry, is to be informed that the Faculty will during the Christmas holiday examine him on any studies in which he may prepare himself.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
November 24, 1876
Faculty met at the usual time & place, with all present except Dr. McKee. Session opened with prayer by the Secretary.
Cohen was allowed to continue a little longer in the freshman class, and in the meanwhile Dr. Beatty is to confer with his father with a view to have him try to induce his son to enter the 2d year subfreshman.
Dils voluntarily went back into the lst year subfreshman.
Putnam & Farrand appeared to answer for creating disorder in the hall during hours of recitations. First, it was ordered that Putnam be required to vacate his room in the college. Second, that Putnam & Farrand be suspended till the 2d Monday in February, 1877, with the understanding that they are to be readmitted to their class only on condition of their standing a satisfactory examination on the studies gone over by the class in the meantime.
Mr. Ralston appeared to have the Faculty consider his claim for remainder of salary as principal of the Preparatory Department. Question postponed to Monday next at 3 p.m. Profs. Fales & Nelson were appointed a committee to audit Mr. Ralston's accounts & to report to the Monday meeting.
Adjourned to Monday at 3 p.m.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
November 27, 1876
Faculty met at 3 p.m. Monday in the usual place, with all present except Dr. McKee.
Mr. Ralston made an additional in reference to his claim, where the consideration of the case was deferred for the present.
Putnam & Farrand appeared to make a further statement touching the disorder created by them. The decision in their case was not altered; but Mr. Putnam was allowed, provided he bore himself becomingly in the meantime, to reapply for the college-room at the expiration of the time of his suspension.
To answer to a petition from them, the students of the college were allowed a holiday on Thanksgiving Day and the day following.
Prof. Hitchcock was appointed to procure two boys from the College Home to occupy Putnam's vacated room for the time being.
Crawford & Rankin were privately dismissed from College by a unanimous vote & the President was directed to notify them & their parents of this action.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
November 28, 1876
Faculty met in Dr. Beatty's room at 12 o'clock with all present except Dr. McKee.
Subfreshmen petitioned for reinstatement of Crawford & Rankin. The action of the Faculty in the case was not modified.
Hereafter the subfreshmen are to be kept by Prof. Cheek during the 2d hour.
Boys committing disorder in Chapel are to be reported to the Secretary, who is once a week to hand a complete list of the names so reported to the President to be read out in Chapel every Monday morning. After the third reading of their names, such offenders are to be summoned before the Faculty.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
November 29, 1876
Faculty met in President's room at the close of the 3d hour, with all present except Dr. McKee.
A petition from Messrs. Worrall & Ernst asking for mitigation of the penalty pronounced upon Crawford & Rankin was presented. No action was taken upon it.
Mock's father is to be informed by the President that if his son does not improve both in behavior & recitations, he must withdraw him from college.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
December 4, 1876
Faculty held its regular monthly meeting in Dr. Beatty's Study, with all present except Dr. McKee & Prof. Fales.
Communications from Messrs. Ernst, Worrall, Crawford and Mrs. Rankin, asking for the immediate reinstatement of Crawford & Rankin, were read. After a thorough canvas of the whole question, it was determined not to modify our action in the case; and the Secretary was appointed to draw up a paper expressive of the sentiments of the Faculty in relation thereto, to be sent to the parents of the two dismissed students.
Question chosen for discussion at the next monthly meeting : "The Government of a college is by laws and by a faculty, and not by a single individual."
Adjourned till next day at 4 p.m.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
December 5, 1876
Faculty met in the study of the President with all present excepting Dr. McKee.
Pursuant to the action of the Faculty yesterday, the Secretary presented a paper which, after some amendments, was adopted in the following form.
While deeply sympathizing with the feelings of the young men themselves and fully appreciating the suffering of their parents, nevertheless in view of the necessity of maintaining the discipline of the College and of the circumstances of the case, to wit: the firing of a large fire cracker in the College Hall near the class room of the President & during hours of recitation; the denial on the part of the perpetrators of the act of their participation in it, they having, in the presence of full faculty & other suspected students, been warned by the President that a falsehood would add very greatly to their criminality, denied that they were guilty or that they had any knowledge whatever of it; and considering the fact that further investigation of the case offers no extenuation of the misdemeanor committed by the students in question, and desiring to act conscientiously in this matter in the sight of God: we feel compelled to decline to modify our action in reference to the case.
The Faculty, however, hold that they are perfectly competent to restore students who have been dismissed, where, by the subsequent conduct of the offenders and after the lapse of sufficient time, they are satisfied that the ends of justice have been answered & that no injury will accrue to the institution from their restoration.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
December 8, 1876
Faculty held its regular weekly session in the Faculty room with all present except Dr. McKee. Opened with prayer by Dr. Hitchcock. Minutes of two previous meetings read and approved. After attending to the routine business, Faculty adjourned.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
December 11, 1876
Faculty held a called meeting in the study of the President to consider a letter from Dr. McKee asking for the restoration of Crawford & Rankin. All present, except Dr. McKee. The Secretary was directed to answer the letter in question, saying that the matter would be deferred till the return of Dr. McKee, as it was learned from his family that he was expected home in a few days.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
December 15, 1876
Faculty held its regular weekly meeting in the faculty room, with all present except Dr. McKee & Prof. Cheek. Session opened with prayer by the President. Minutes of two previous meetings read & approved.
A motion was passed requiring all the subfreshmen to attend Chapel exercises and to be kept in Prof. Cheek's room during the lst hour.
A second letter from Dr. McKee, asking for the restoration of Crawford & Rankin, was directed to be answered by the Secretary to the effect that the Faculty would await his return, when he could pursue the case in person if he desired.
Dr. Beatty & the Secretary were appointed a Committee to examine & report upon the accounts of Mr. Ralston.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.
December 23, 1876
Faculty held its regular weekly meeting today instead of Friday. All present except Dr. McKee. Session opened with prayer by Dr. Hitchcock.
In order to make a satisfactory adjustment of Mr. Ralston's accounts, it was agreed to submit the case to three arbitrators, one to be chosen by Mr. Ralston, one by the Faculty, and the third to be chosen by the two first selected. The Faculty chose Mr. Robt Jacobs as their and Mr. Geo. Welsh as his alternate.
The case of Crawford & Rankin was then taken up, and in view of the representations made to the Faculty of the spirit manifested by these young men under their recent discipline and of their pledges of future good behavior, the Faculty resolved, that if they present themselves on the 1st of March 1877, and pass a satisfactory examination on the studies gone over by their class during of (sic) their suspension, they will be readmitted to their former standing.
A. B. Nelson, Sec.