1879 | Centre Faculty | 1881
Centre College Faculty Minutes (Vol. 2 - 1880)

12 noon, Monday, January 5, 1880

Faculty held a called meeting with all present but Dr. McKee. Ernst, on his giving a pledge to abstain from all disorder in the future and to discourage it in others, was restored to his class. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, January 16, 1880

Faculty held its weekly meeting with all present but Dr. McKee. Opened with prayer by the Secretary. It was ordered that Barnes, on account of his general deficiency in his studies, be required to fall back one year and join the present Sophomore class. The time for the semi-annual examinations was fixed for January 28, 29, 30. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Wednesday, January 21, 1880

Faculty held a called meeting with all present. A committee consisting of Barbour, Bedford, Clark, and Ernst, representing the members who seceded from Chamberlain Society the Friday previous, appeared to lay their case before the Faculty and ask permission to form a new literary society. It was replied by the Faculty that they had no objection to the students' represented by the Committee having a speaker on Twenty-Second: and that permission would be given them to occupy a room in the College temporarily for their meetings, while the question of a permanent organization would be taken under advisement by the Faculty. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, January 23, 1880

Faculty held its regular meeting. Rankin & Joplin appeared and made a statement concerning a difficulty which occurred between them. It was ordered that they receive a public reprimand by the President. Birdwhistell came from Chamberlain Society to ask for the confirmation of Dunlap, who was elected 22nd speaker vice Fithian resigned. He was confirmed under instructions from the President. A letter was received from H. T. Lyttleton in regard to the conditions on which he could receive the degree of A.B. Moved and adopted that provided he has studied all the text-books passed over by the class during the time, and is prepared to pass his examination on such studies, he may present himself for the same, but with the understanding that as he has spent no time in the class, the examination will be very rigid.

J. C. Fales, Secretary pro tem

3 p.m., Friday, February 27, 1880

Faculty held its regular weekly session in Dr. Beatty's study, all being present but Dr. McKee. The nomination of students as candidates for the various speakerships of the two literary societies was gone into, with the following result:

Twenty-Second Speakers

Cowan (Harry)

June Speakers

McKee, S.
V. Moore

No restriction was placed on the Societies in their choice of declaimers. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, March 5, 1880

Faculty held its weekly meeting with all present but Drs. McKee & Hitchcock. Opened with prayer by the Secretary. The roll was called over the standing of each student inquired into. H. T. Lyttleton, a former student of the college returned to graduate with the present Senior class, is to be required to stand an examination on the following studies preparatory to receiving his diploma: Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, Geology, German, Mental & Moral Philosophy, Political Economy, Logic, Evidences of Christianity, and Butler's Analogy. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Thursday, March 11, 1880

Faculty met with all present but Dr. McKee. Minutes of previous meeting read & approved. J. A. Knox & Bedford appeared to answer for disorder in Prof. de Soto's rooms. It was ordered that Knox by reprimanded by the President before his class, and be warned that a repetition of the offence will be visited with severe punishment, inasmuch as this is already his second offence of similar character. This being Bedford's first offence, it was ordered that he receive a private reprimand. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, March 19, 1880

Faculty held its weekly session with a full meeting. Opened with prayer by Dr. McKee. The following motion was made and seconded: Whereas Garland has been found guilty of presenting a forged testimonial of character & scholarship from Dr. W. H. Anderson late President of Millersburg College, and of having attempted to conceal his offence by furnishing a second forged certificate; therefore, in view of his aggravated guilt, it is ordered that he be dismissed from College and his father notified of this action of the Faculty. Pending the consideration of this motion Garland was summoned to appear before the Faculty at a meeting to be called by the President at as early a day as possible. It was furthermore resolved that Garland's name be enrolled in the Scientific class.

The Secretary was instructed to have 1000 copies of our catalogue printed at the Advocate Office, if the terms are satisfactory. Our advertisement in the College Courant was continued for 6 months for $3.50. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary.

3 p.m., Friday, March 26, 1880

Faculty met with all present but Dr. McKee & Prof. Fales. Opened with prayer by the Secretary. Minutes of previous meeting read & approved. Secretary reported that he had contracted with the Advocate office for the publication of the catalogue for $42 for 1,000 copies. Adjourned to 12 1/4 p.m., Monday.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, April 2, 1880

Faculty held its weekly session with all but Dr. McKee present. Opened with prayers by Dr. Hitchcock. The President reported the result of his interview with the Editors of the College Courant touching their publication of articles indulging in unjust and unbecoming criticism of the Faculty. He laid down to them the law on the subject stating that as the Courant was published by the students of the College, it was therefore under the general control of the Faculty; and the Faculty would not permit the publication of articles reflecting on themselves, on the students, or on the citizens of the town or county - in a word that all personalities must be avoided hereafter. The Editors thereupon voluntarily pledged themselves not to violate this law in future. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, April 9, 1880

Faculty met with all present but Dr. McKee. Opened with prayer by the Secretary. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The resolution in regard to Garland, offered March 19, was called up and passed unanimously. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, April 23, 1880

Faculty met with all present but Dr. McKee. Opened with prayer by Dr. Hitchcock. No business requiring record. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

4 1/2 p.m., Friday, May 7, 1880

Faculty met at the close of the Senior examinations in the president's room. All present but Drs. McKee & Hitchcock. It having been found that Birdwhistell & Curry had the highest average marks for scholarship, and that their respective grades differed only by a small fraction, and in view of the fact that though Birdwhistell's mark was a fraction the highest yet Curry was a student of College for five years while B. was only for two years, it was therefore decided that the honors should be divided equally between them: the question as to who should deliver the validectory to be determined between themselves in any way they may choose. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

11:15 Friday, May 21, 1880

Faculty held its weekly meeting with all present but Dr. McKee. Opened with prayer by Prof. Fales. It was resolved that the closing examinations should be held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday preceding Commencement week. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

11 a.m., June 4, 1880

Faculty met with all present. It was resolved that the final examinations should be held the week preceding Commencement week, beginning on Wednesday and ending on Friday and a schedule was adopted. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

Saturday, 9 a.m., June 12, 1880

Faculty held a meeting with all the members present. The prizes were awarded as follows:

Senior Greek to St. Clair.

The Boyle Sophomore prize was equally divided between Overstreet and M. V. Moore; and they are to be allowed to choose whether they will take books or medals, or a watch, and if the latter, the one which is to receive the watch will be determined between themselves, by drawing lots or otherwise. (Since the foregoing action was taken, the liberality of a friend provided a second watch, and one was given to each.)

The Secretary was directed to notify A. A. Lewis that he will be required to pass his examination on the Bible in Prof. Fales's room before Commencement. Adjourned to meet next Saturday at 8 a.m.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

4 p.m., Thursday, June 15, 1880

Faculty held a meeting in Dr. Beatty's study, all being present but Dr. McKee and Prof. de Soto. The annual report of the Faculty to the Board of Trustees, prepared by Dr. B., was read and approved. In it the following students were recommended for the degree of A. B.: Hervey Barbour, Clifton R. Barret, James M. B. Birdwhistell, Nathaniel L. Curry, Richard P. Dunlap, Frank Fithian, George A. Joplin, Robert W. Knox, Alfred A. Lewis, Charles M. Lewis, Henry T. Lyttleton, John P. McCartney, William T. St. Claire, and James W. Skinner. William H. January, having completed the Scientific Course, was awarded a certificate. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

The following students receive honorable mention:

Senior Class

Mental Philosophy - John P. McCartney, James W. Skinner.

Greek - Richard P. Dunlap, Charles M. Lewis.

Natural Philosophy - James W. Skinner, George A. Joplin.

Junior Class

Edgar C. Newlin, Benjamin F. Bedford, Robert L. Blakeman, Edward H. Ernst, W. W. Erwin.

Political & Moral Science - John J. Argo, Benjamin F. Bedford, Robert L. Blakeman, Edgar C. Newlin.

Natural Science - Edgar C. Newlin, John J. Argo, William P. Vaughan, Joseph W. Caldwell.

Mathematics - John J. Argo.

Sophomore Class

Greek - Benjamin H. Magruder, Matthew V. Moore, William T. Overstreet, Walter W. Owsley.

Mathematics - Lyman B. Bohon, Benjamin H. Magruder, D. N. Marble, Matthew V. Moore, William T. Overstreet.

Latin - Behjamin H. Magruder, Walter W. Owsley, Lyman B. Bohon, Robert L. Pulliam.

Freshman Class

Greek - Benjamin F. Blakeman, John Burgin, R. W. During, Edward E. Hogg.

Mathematics - John Burgin, R. W. During, James F. Vanarsdall.

Latin - John Burgin, R. W. During, Edward E. Hogg.

3 p.m., September 10, 1880

Faculty held its usual weekly meeting with all present. Opened with prayer by Dr. Hitchcock. No business worthy of record was transacted. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, September 17, 1880

Faculty met with all present. Opened with prayer by the Secretary. The roll was gone over carefully and the work of each student was inquired into. The following new students were conditioned on the studies annexed to their names. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

September 20, October 6, 20, 27, November 3 meetings of the Faculty were held but no business requiring record was transacted.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, September 24, 1880

Faculty held its regular weekly session with all present but Dr. Hitchcock & Dr. Beatty. Opened with prayer by Prof. Fales. No business requiring record.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, October 1, 1880

Faculty held its weekly meeting with all present but Dr. Beatty. Opened with prayer by Dr. Hitchcock. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. It was ordered that Weber be required to go back into the Freshman class, inasmuch as he is unable to keep up in the Sophomore. On the recommendation of the professor in that department, Edwards was excused from reciting Mathematics for five months, he having presented a [illegible word] from his last teacher showing that he had already completed the Sophomore Mathematics. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, October 8, 1880

Faculty held its weekly session with all present but Dr. Hitchcock now sick, who was represented by Prof. Randolph. Opened with prayer by Secretary. It was ordered that Fry be required to quit the study of Greek in Sophomore class. Veach was allowed to substitute German for Mathematics in the Junior class. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12 noon, October 22, Friday, 1880

Faculty met with Beatty, McKee, Fales, Randolph & Nelson present. Opened with prayer by Prof. Fales. The roll was gone over other work of each student was inquired into. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, November 5, 1880

Faculty met with Beatty, Fales, de Soto, & Nelson present. No business.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12 noon, Friday, November 12, 1880

Faculty met with Beatty, Fales, de Soto, Randolph & Nelson present. Prayer by Secretary. Hogg was suspended for two weeks for gross disorder in Profs. de Soto's & Randolph's rooms, and for impertinence to the former professor. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12 noon, Monday, November 15, 1880

Faculty met with Beatty, Fales, Randolph & Nelson present. Ordered that H. Cowan be summoned to answer for irregular attendance. It was resolved that Fry be required to join the Freshman class or quit College. Adjourned to 12 noon, Tuesday.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12 noon, Tuesday, November 16, 1880

Faculty met with Beatty, de Soto, Randolph and Nelson present. Hiner appeared to answer for disorder in chapel recitation room. He was required to promise that he would amend his behavior in future; and his father was to be informed of his conduct & of this action of the Faculty. It was ordered that Tunis and Lap. McKee be privately reprimanded by the President for disorder in Prof. de Soto's room. Fry, with the counsul of his father was allowed to drop mathematics & continue in the Sophomore class in Latin & Greek on trial. [H. Cowan's father informed of his irregularities]. Adjourned to 12 noon, Wednesday.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12 noon, Wednesday, November 17, 1880

Faculty held a meeting with Beatty, de Soto, Randolph & Nelson present.

Hogg appeared to answer for disrespectful & insulting language to Prof. de Soto, who reproved him in the hall while he was in the act of creating disorder. Hogg while in the presence of the Faculty still exhibited an unrepentant & defiant spirit and made no apology for the language used. It was therefore unanimously resolved that he be dismissed from College. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12 noon, Friday, November 26, 1880

Faculty held its regular session with Beatty, McKee, Fales, De Soto, Randolph & Nelson present. It was resolved that hereafter any student committing in Chapel shall be summoned to answer for the offence before the Faculty. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12 noon, Monday, November 29, 1880

Faculty held a called meeting with the President and Profs. Fales, Randolph and Nelson present. It was ordered that Stodghill be suspended from College on account of his irregularity in attendance and low grade of scholarship, especially in the Greek room; but the execution of the sentence is to be delayed to see whether, after this morning, he will be induced to mend his ways. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12 noon, Friday, December 3, 1880

Faculty held its regular meeting, the President and and Profs. Fales, Randolph, de Soto, and Nelson being present. Opened with prayer by the Secretary. The roll was called. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12 noon, Friday, December 10, 1880

Faculty held its weekly session. Present Dr. Beatty and Profs. Fales, Randolph, de Soto and Nelson. Lap. McKee appeared to answer for disorder in chapel. It was ordered that he be reprimanded by the President. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12 noon, Friday, December 17, 1880

Faculty met with the President and Profs. Fales, Randolph and Nelson present. Opened with prayer by Prof. Randolph. No business requiring record. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12 noon, Tuesday, December 21, 1880

Faculty held a called meeting with the President and Profs. Fales, de Soto, Randolph and Nelson present. Lap. McKee appeared in answer to summons by Prof. Randolph who stated that he had been very disorderly, disrespectful, insubordinate and highly insolent in his (Randolph's) room for weeks past, repeating, over and over, the same offences, talking even aloud in class, aloud laughing at slight and trivial incidents, though often warned and reproved for it: and was disrespectful in every way possible towards the professor, when reproved for these and other disorderly acts. Prof. de Soto's statement was substantially to the same effect. In the Mathematical room while his conduct was not nearly so bad, still for three or four days preceding the holidays it was very reprehensible. In view of the aggravated character of these charges and recalling the fact that he has already been before the Faculty this session at least twice, for disorder in chapel and recitation room, it was ordered that he be suspended from College till the beginning of the next term in February; and that he be reinstated then only on his pledge of future good behavior. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary