1878 | Centre Faculty | 1880
Centre College Faculty Minutes (Vol. 2 - 1879)

3 p.m., Friday, January 10, 1879

Faculty met with all present but Dr. McKee. Opened with prayer by the Secretary. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Dunlap and Cowan of the Subfreshman class appeared & made application to enter the Freshman class. It was decided that they be allowed to do so whenever they pass a satisfactory examination in Greek & Mathematics, they having already passed in Latin. Roll was gone over. Faculty adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, January 17, 1879

Faculty met with Dr. Beatty and Profs. Hitchcock and Nelson present. Barbour appeared and received censure for absence from Prof. de Soto's room without sufficient reason. In answer to petition from the 22nd Speakers they are to be allowed to have their celebration on the 21st instead of the 22nd of February. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, January 24, 1879

Faculty held its weekly session in Dr. Beatty's room with all present but Dr. McKee. Dunlap (Junior) appeared to receive censure for absence from Prof. de Soto's room without sufficient reason. Newlin to answer for a series to petty disorders committed in Prof. de Soto's room. The charges being fully admitted by him the censure of the Faculty was pronounced upon him, and he was warned that a repetition of such disorders would lead to suspension. The parents of both Dunlap and Newlin are to be informed of their offences and their punishment. The Secretary was authorized to purchase a Nautical Almanac of 1879 for the College Library. The Secretary and Prof. Fales were appointed a committee to prepare a circular to be addressed to our Alumni, for the purpose of eliciting information to be used in the triennial catalogue.

The following schedule of examinations was adopted:

January 1879

27. 28. 29. 31.
Hours 11 to 1   Hours 9 to 12 10 to 10 1/2
  Junior Greek Senior Rhetoric Junior Political Economy
Sub-Freshman Latin Sophomore Latin Junior Chemistry Sophomore Greek
  Freshman Mathematics Sophomore Mathematics Freshman Latin
  Freshman Greek
    Sub-Freshman Greek Afternoon
      Junior Mathematics
      2 to 3:30

Faculty adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, February 7, 1879

Faculty met in Dr. Beatty's study with all present but Dr. McKee & Prof. Cheek. The reports of the grade and deportment of students for the five months just ended were made out. It was decided to revive and enforce the order relative to chapel disorder which was passed November 28, 1876. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, February 14, 1879

Faculty met in the Presidents with all present but Dr. McKee. Opened with prayer by Prof. Hitchcock. The regular bi-weekly roll-call was had and the standing work of each student were inquired into. Andrews & McChord were summoned to appear before the Faculty February 28, to answer for general irregularity. Adjourned to meet in Dr. Beatty's study next Thursday at 7 p.m.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, February 28, 1879

Faculty met in Dr. Beatty's study with all present but Dr. McKee. The nominations for Society speakers were as follows.

  Chamberlain Deinologian
22nd: Birdwhistell Barrett
  Curry Bowman
  Fithian Boyle
  Joplin Ford
  McCaratney Knox
  Skinner St. Clair
Orators: Caldwell, Sr. Cowherd
  Caldwell, Jr. Irwin
  Ernst Newlin
  Irwine Overstreet
  Knox Read
  Vaughn Thomas
  Bohon Thomas Geo. S.
  Courtney Miller (Spec.)


A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, March 14, 1879

Faculty met in Dr. Beatty's recitation room with all present but Drs. McKee & Hitchcock. Opened with prayer by Secretary. The President was directed to purchase a new bell for the Chapel. A two-inch advertisement was ordered to be inserted in the new College paper at $8 per annum. On motion of the Secretary it was resolved that no one should be allowed the use of the Electric Pen unless by express order of the Faculty. Junior recitaiton in mathematics was changed to the 1st hour and the Sub-Freshman to the 4th hour.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, March 21, 1879

Faculty met in Dr. Beatty's room, with all present but Dr. McKee. Opened with prayer by Prof. Fales. >Minutes of previous meeting were read & approved. It was resolved that hereafter the final examination of the Senior Class be concluded on the 2d Thursday in May, and that the date by published in the Calendar. Prof. Fales was authorized to buy for the College 1,000 large envelopes, & to have an advertisement of the college printed on them: the envelopes to be used in sending out catalogues.* Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

* Mrs. Farrand was authorized to recieve as boarders in the College Home Judge Breckinridge & family till the beginning of next term.

3 p.m., Friday, March 28, 1879

Faculty met in Dr. Beatty's room with all present but Dr. McKee. Opened with prayer by Dr. Hitchcock. After a discussion as to a revision of the minutes of the previous meeting the following resolution was adopted:

There being a difference of opinion in the Faculty touching the advisableness of Dr. McKee's omitting this year the usual instruction of the Seniors in Evidences of Christianity, and of allowing instead there of Prof. de Soto to give them additional instruction in Latin, it is the judgement of the Faculty that Dr. McKee had better take them through the usual Spring course.

Andrews appeared to answer for absences from Prof. Fales' and de Soto's rooms. The president was directed to say to Andrews that his excuses were not satisfactory and that he must renew his pledge to attend all his college exercises regularly in future. Darnall appeared to answer for long-continued and repeated absences from Dr. Beatty's Bible recitation after repeated remonstrance by Dr. B. It was ordered that he be reprimanded before that Faculty, and be required to give a pledge of future regular attendance. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, April 4, 1879

Faculty met with all present but Dr. McKee & Prof. Cheek. Opened with prayer by the Secretary. Andrews and Darnall appeared to receive the censure of the Faculty and to give the pledges required of them. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, April 11, 1879

Faculty met with all present. Opened with prayer by Prof. Fales. >Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Barbour, Barret, January, Knox (Jr.), McCartney, and St. Clair appeared in answer to summons by Prof. de Soto for absence from his room without leave, and for creating disorder above his room in the Deinologian Hall while he was conducting his recitation. They all having stated on their honor that they believed they had the President's permission to hold a class meeting in said Hall at the time indicated, the case was dismissed.

In answer to their petition the Senior Class were granted permission to hold Class-day exercises in Chapel on the day before Commencement, with the understanding that this and other celebrations of like character shall always be conducted under the supervision of the Faculty. They are also to be allowed to plant an ivy at the corner of the College building and to have an inscription cut on one of the corner stones.

The President was directed to warn the students against disorder outside of the recitation rooms and to say they any one caught perpetuating disorder of any kind will be severely dealt with. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

P.S. One thousand (1,000) copies of the Triennial Catalogue consisting of 72 pages were ordered to be printed at a cost of $125. (Four pages were afterward added at a cost of $5 additional.) A.B.N. Class meetings to be held in classroom.

3 p.m., Friday, May 2, 1879

Faculty met with all present but Dr. McKee & Prof. de Soto. Owing to Prof. Fales' being suddenly called away from Danville, and on their petition, the Senior Class were excused from a formal examination in Prof. Fales' department, with the distinct understanding that this case was not to be construed into a precedent. Another petition was received from the Senior Class asking that their grades be not published on the Commencement programme, inasmuch as they had only one year's notice of our intention to make such announcement. The Faculty declined to grant their request, saying that in computing the grades for the programme they would not go back more that one year, if the average grade of the previous years was less than that of the current year. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

5 p.m., Thursday, May 8, 1879

Faculty held a called meeting at the close of the Senior examinations, all being present except Prof. Fales. A request was presented to the Faculty from Edwards, Sr. and Jr., asking that the examination of the contestants for the Senior Greek prize be continued. The Faculty declined to grant their request. J. H. Clagett of the Senior Class having received the highest average grade, received the Valedictory. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, May 16, 1879

Faculty held its regular weekly session, with all present but Dr. McKee and Prof. Fales. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.

Van Winkle appeared to answer for absent and tardy marks and for impertinence to Prof. N. It was ordered that he be reprimanded by the President in the presence of his class and required to make an apology to Prof. N. He is moreover to be warned that he occupies a precarious standing in College and that another summons before the Faculty for any offence will subject him to a severer penalty.

A letter was read from Dr. Buck, Chancellor of Central University urging the adoption by the colleges of Kentucky of some means to dissuade young men from leaving our state to seek an education. Dr. Beatty was appointed a delegate to a conference among college representations to be held in Louisville touching this matter.

A communication from Dr. Edwards was presented, criticising the action of the faculty in reference to the Junior Greek Prize. A reply was drawn up which the President is to forward to Dr. E. in the name of the Faculty. 500 photo-engravings for the Catalogue were ordered at a cost of $10. A schedule of the examinations was directed to be sent to the Visiting Committee. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, May 23, 1879

Faculty with all present but Prof. F. & Dr. McK. Minutes read & approved. The following Freshmen "cut" a Latin recitation during the week: Allen, Evans, Marble, McKee J., Miller, Moore, Owsley, Overstreet, Pulliam, Raul(?) Thomas. The usual notice was ordered to be sent to their parents or guardians. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

Clagett was awarded the Valedictory at a called meeting May 8.

8 a.m., Monday, June 16, 1879

Faculty met with all present. Minutes read & approved. Diplomas were signed and the Profs. N. & F. were appointed to determine the grades of the Seniors for the Commencement programme. The prizes were awarded as follows:

Freshman General Scholarship Prize was divided among Moore, Owsley and Overstreet.

The Boyle Prize to Newlin.

The Junior Greek Prize to Clagett.

The Natural Science prize was divided between Clagett & Argo.

In reference to religious instruction an answer was returned to the Board of Trustees, stating we would endeavor to give the students a weekly recitation in the Bible. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

8 a.m., Friday, June 20, 1879

Faculty met in Dr. Beatty's study with all present. Minutes read & approved. Reports of the students for the term just ending were made out. The subject of the Preparatory Department was referred to the "local" Faculty. J. B. Walton was reelected Manager of College Home. The following examining committees were appointed:

St. Louis - Messrs. E. H. Sample, R. S. Voorhes and B. Jones.

Louisville - Messrs. Dr. Humphry, Prof. J. W. Chenault and Jms. Marshall.


A. B. Nelson, Secretary

8:30 a.m., Monday, July 7, 1879

Faculty met in Dr. B's study. Present Dr. Beatty and Profs de Soto, Fales and Nelson. It was resolved that hereafter the Sub-Freshman Class, under the same name, should be taught in the Preparatory Department. The Preparatory Department was then placed under the entire control of J. B. Walton, who is to employ S. B. Cheek as his chief assistant, the proceeds of the school to be divided between them in such proportion as they shall privately agree upon. Mr. Walton is to have the building and grounds free of rent, and he is to bear all the expenses except such as arise from ordinary wear and tear. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

Friday, 11 a.m., September 5, 1879

Faculty met will all present. Session opened with prayer by Dr. McKee. Nothing was done except calling the roll and assigning to each student his place and work. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, September 12, 1879

Faculty met with all present. Opened with prayer by Dr. H. No business requiring record. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, September 19, 1879

Faculty held its regular weekly session with all present but Dr. Hitchcock. Opened with prayer by the Secretary. Letters from the Faculty of Georgetown College were presented, stating that Mr. Lewis, who came from that institution to Centre College, had completed the course of Mathematics & Astronomy prescribed in their catalogue; that he has also completed Olmsted's Natural Philosophy; and their Latin course and Junior Greek. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12 noon, Tuesday, September 23, 1879

Faculty held a called meeting with all present. Barnes appeared to answer for various irregularities. The President was directed to say to him that he must improve at once and decidedly, and to write Barnes's father informing him of his son's delinquencies. Barnes is also to be warned that a continuance of these irregularities will be visited with a much severer punishment. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, September 26, 1879

Faculty held its weekly session with all present. Opened with prayer by the Secretary. Minutes of previous meetings were read and approved. Knox, of the Junior class, appeared to answer for disorder in Prof. de Soto's room. The President was directed to administer a rebuke in the name of the Faculty. Van Winkle was ordered to be summoned before the Faculty on Monday next at 12 N., to answer for absences and deficiency in his studies.

It was ordered that the present Senior class be required to write two compositions during the session, such compositions to be written on thesis paper and submitted to the examining committee: the productions of each class to be bound in a separate volume and placed in the College Library. It was furthermore ordered that this class be required to hand in their first composition by the first Monday after Christmas and the other by the first Monday in May. Non-compliance with this order, without a satisfactory reason, shall work a forfeiture of diploma.

It was ordered that Garland of the Senior class be required to produce his certificate from the Faculty of Millersburg, or to be examined and be put in such class as the examination shall assign him to.

The rolled was then called. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12 noon, Monday, September 29, 1879

Faculty held a called meeting, with all present. Van Winkle appeared and made his statement. It being evident that he was unwilling to make a serious effort to amend his conduct or improve his scholarship, the President was directed to advise his uncle to take him away from college. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

Thursday, 3 p.m., October 9, 1879

Faculty held its weekly session with all present. Opened with prayer by Dr. Hitchcock. The question of the instruction of students in the Bible was considered at some length. The arrangement finally agreed upon was that Dr. Beatty and Prof. Fales should take the Senior and Junior classes, alternating them at the middle of the session: and that Profs. Hitchcock and Nelson should take the Sophomore and Freshman classes, likewise alternating at mid-session. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, October 17, 1879

Faculty held its weekly session with all present but Dr. McKee. Opened with prayer by the Secretary. The President stated that he had distinctly announced to the students that the instruction in the Bible given to the several classs would be entirely non-sectarian. A certificate of honorable dismission from the College was given to R. F. Thomas, at his request. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12 noon, Thursday, October 30, 1879

Faculty held a called meeting with all present but Drs. McKee & Hitchcock. Cornelius Skinner, J.W. Caldwell and Irwin appeared to answer for creating disorder in Prof. de Soto's room. Skinner disclaimed all intention of creating disorder and was excused. It was ordered that Caldwell and Irwin be reprimanded by the President in the presence of their class, and that Irwin, on account of repeated and aggravated disorder, be informed that a repetition of such disorder would result in his suspension from College. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday [November] 7, 1879

Faculty met with all present but Drs. McKee and Nelson. It was ordered that Barnes be summoned before the Faculty next Friday to answer for neglect of studies and non-attendance at recitations. The request of the Y.M.C.A. to have the recitations for next week shortened 5 minutes each in order that their prayer meetings for the week might begin at 11:45 was granted. Adjourned.

R. S. Hitchcock, Secretary pro tem

3 p.m., Friday [November] 14, 1879

Faculty met with all present. Opened with prayer by Prof. Fales. By a misunderstanding Barnes and Newlin were not notified and failed to appear. They were summoned for a meeting next week. No other business. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, November 21, 1879

Faculty held its weekly meeting with all present but Dr. McKee. Opened with prayer by the Secretary. Newlin appeared to answer for various small disorders in Prof. de Soto's room. Ordered that he be privately rebuked by the President. Barnes appeared to answer for absences and general neglect of studies. The President was directed to inform him that he is below probation with Profs. de Soto and Fales, and that he must make immediate improvement in his attendance and scholarship; otherwise he will be required to fall back into the next class, or leave College. Gabe Caldwell was summoned by Dr. Beatty for scattering matches on the floor and for refusing to give a pledge of future good behavior when called to account for it. On his again refusing to give the required promise in the presence of the Faculty, he was ordered to be suspended until he shall comply with this requirement. On request of Mr. Clagett a free scholarship for the Freshmen year was given to the best one of his present candidates for the next Freshman class. A petition from the students asking for a holiday on the day after Thanksgiving, was granted in condition of their good behavior and their attendance on the College exercises up to 12 o'clock on Wednesday previous. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

3 p.m., Friday, December 12, 1879

Faculty held its weekly session with all present but Dr. McKee. Opened with prayer by Dr. Hitchcock. On their pledge of good behavior, permission was given to the Senior Class to use the College Chapel for some ceremonies connected with the burial of Dr. Johnson in effigy. Will Thomas, summoned by Dr. Beatty, appeared to answer for having assisted in the explosion of a cannon fire-cracker near the vestibule of the College building. He acknowledged his complicity in the disorder, and the President having repeatedly warned the students that anyone caught perpetrating disorder in or about the College would be summarily dealt with, it was ordered that Thomas by indefinitely suspended. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12 noon, Wednesday, December 17, 1879

Faculty held a called meeting with all present. Ernest appeared & acknowledged being particeps criminis with Thomas in the explosion of the cracker for which Thomas was disciplined. It was therefore ordered that the same sentence be pronounced on Ernst, to wit, that he be suspended indefinitely. On Thomas's giving his solemn pledge that he would neither commit nor countenance disorder of any kind in the future, it was ordered that he be restored to his standing in College on the resumption of studies after the holidays. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary