1881 | Centre Faculty | 1883
Centre College Faculty Minutes (Vol. 2 - 1882)

12:30 p.m., Friday, January 7, 1882

Faculty met with all present but Dr. McKee. Opened with prayer by the President. It was ordered that the mid-term examinations should begin on January 30. It was resolved that hereafter these examinations should always close on the last Friday in January, and that the announcement should be published in our calendar. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12 noon, Wednesday, January 25, 1882

Faculty met with all present but Dr. McKee. A schedule of examinations was reported by the Secretary, which was adopted. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12:30 p.m., Friday, February 10, 1882

Faculty met with all present but Dr. Beatty, who was detained by sickness. Opened with prayer by Dr. McKee.

Taylor appeared to answer for great irregularity in attendance & deficiency in his studies. It was ordered that he be required either to drop behind into the Freshman class, or join the Scientific class. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12:30 p.m., Friday, February 17, 1882

Faculty met with all present Dr. McKee. Opened with prayer by the Secretary. On petition of the Y.M.C.A. they were granted the use of a room in the College building for a reading room on condition that it is to be surrendered by them if the Faculty should need it for some other purpose. Irvine, on account of ill health is to be excused from our Senior essay, but is expected to write the other before graduation. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12:30 p.m., Friday, February 24, 1882

Faculty held its weekly session with all present but Dr. McKee. Opened with prayer by Dr. Beatty. In view of the entire absence of excitement and improper electioneering in regard to 22nd speakers, it was resolved that no nominations be made and that the election be left wholly to the free choice of the societies themselves; provided that the societies be informed that the Faculty expressly reserve the right to control the elections, hereafter in the manner prescribed by the Board of Trustees, should such control become necessary. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12:30 p.m., Friday, March 3, 1882

Faculty met with all but Dr. McKee present. Opened with prayer by the Secretary. The roll was gone over and the states of each student inquired into. Dr. Beatty and Prof. Fales were appointed a committee on the improvement of the Preparatory building and grounds. It was resolved that the class-standing of the students should not be hereafter be published in the catalogue. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12:30 p.m., Friday, April 14, 1882

Faculty held its regular meeting with all present. Opened with prayer by the Secretary. It was ordered that Blakeman be required to pass the examinations in Latin which he failed to stand at the close of last session. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12:30 p.m., Friday, April 21, 1882

Faculty met, all being present but Dr. McKee. Opened with prayer by Prof. Fales. No business requiring record. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12:30 p.m., Friday, April 28 & May 4, 1882

Faculty held its usual session, but there was no business requiring record.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

5 p.m., Friday, May 12, 1882

Faculty held a meeting at the close of the Senior examinations, with all the members present. Overstreet, having the highest average scholarship for the four years, was awarded the valedictory. Allen, Veech, Parry and Irvine were excused from speaking on Commencement day. It was resolved that the Class-Day speakers be notified that if there is anything in any speech as delivered which is not found in the copy submitted to the Faculty, the person delivering such speech shall forfeit his diploma. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12 noon, Friday, May 26, 1882

Faculty met with all present but Dr. McKee. Guest was summoned before the Faculty for his frequent absence during the session. It was ordered that he be censured, and informed that only the near approach of the close of the session prevented his suspension. Grant and McAlister were present to answer for disorder in the hall, after their class had received recently a rebuke and warning from the President. It was ordered that they be suspended for the remainder of the term, with the privilege of being examined with their class. It was decided that Taylor be informed that he must withdraw at once, or he will be suspended. The Secretary reported that the new catalogues were ready for delivery, 1200 having been printed through the Danville Tribune at a cost of $192.50. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

8 a.m., Monday, June 12, 1882

Faculty met with all present but Dr. McKee. The Boyle Prize was awarded to Sandidge. Honorable mention was given to several students in the various classes. The following members of the Senior class were recommended to the Board of Trustees for the degree of A.B.

George J. Allen Benjamin H. Magruder
John L. Bosley Dwight N. Marble
Albert G.C. Collins William L. McEwan
David T. Edwards William T. Overstreet
Andrew F. Evans Thomas W. Parry
Hartwell P. Grider John M. Rankin
Alexander M. Irvin Bethel B. Veech

There being no further business the Faculty adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

8 p.m., Monday, June 19, 1882

The Faculty met in Dr. Beatty's study. Mr. Walton was reappointed as principal of the Preparatory Department, with the understanding that he is to spend $75 a year on the improvement & repair of the building & grounds, the money to be spent under the joint direction of the Faculty & the Principal. The question of conferring A.B. as an honorary degree was appointed to be discussed at the next meeting. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12:30 p.m., Friday, October 27, 1882

Faculty held its weekly meeting in with all present but Dr. McKee. Opened with prayer by Prof. Fales. The roll was called & the work of each student inquired into. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12:30 p.m., Friday, November 10 & 17, 1882

Faculty meetings were held; but no business requiring record was transacted.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12:30 p.m., Friday, November 24, 1882

Faculty held its regular meeting with all present. Opened with prayer by Dr. McKee. A petition was received from the students asking for holiday on Friday after Thanksgiving Day. Granted on condition that they promise to be punctually in their places on Monday with good lessons. At Dr. McKee's suggestion the Faculty agreed to meet in Dr. Beatty's study, Dec. 26, to consider a programme for the College Educational Association. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12:30 p.m., Friday, December 8, 1882

Faculty met with all present but Dr. McKee. Opened with prayer by Prof. Fales. The roll was gone over & the work of each student inquired into. It was ordered to be put to record that Boyle, H. Moore and F. Samuel left College without permission on the day before Thanksgiving. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary