1886 | Centre Faculty | 1888
Centre College Faculty Minutes (Vol. 2 - 1887)

1 p.m., Friday, February 18, 1887

Faculty held its regular meeting, with all present but Dr. McKee. Opened with prayer by Prof. Fales. It was ordered that an annual catalogue be issued for the current session, and that 1,000 copies be printed. It was agreed that hereafter on the Fridays when the Faculty meeting is held, the classes shall be dismissed 15 minutes before the end of the fourth hour. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

1 p.m., Friday, February 25, 1887

Faculty held a called meeting, with all the members present to make nominations for 22nd speakers for 1888. The following members of the Junior class were nominated in the Chamberlain Society: Messrs. Bruce, Obediah Caldwell, Noel, Stodghill, Vanarsdall, Jr., and Walton. Nominations in the Deinologian Society were deferred, as the election therein does not occur therein does not take place until May. No nominations were made for the Oratorical Contest in June, as it was found that the Faculty had surrendered this power under article 2 of their agreement with the societies touching this matter. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

1 p.m. Friday, April 1st, 1887

Faculty held its regular meeting, with all present. Opened with prayer by Dr. McKee. Profs. Nelson, Cheek, and Dr. McKee were appointed a committee on furnishing rooms in College Home. Dr. Beatty was requested to effect an arrangement with Mr. McWilliams with a view to his canvassing the state for the College during the summer vacation. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12:30 p.m., Friday, May 6, 1887

Faculty met, all being present but Dr. Mc.Kee, and opened with prayer by the Secretary. Profs. Cheek and Redd were appointed a committee to make arrangements for the Alumni Dinner. The Secretary was authorized to pay Mr. Alex Anderson $10 to write up Commencement for the Courier Journal. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12:30 p.m., Monday, May 9, 1887

Faculty held a called meeting at the close of the Senior Examinations, at which all were present, excepting Dr. McKee. It having been found that William L. Sumrall, of the Senior Class had received the highest grade for scholarship, he was awarded the valedictory. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

12:30 p.m., Friday, June 3, 1887

Faculty met in Dr. McKee's room. Prof. Fales was authorized to employ such a force as might be necessary to protect and care for College grounds and property on Class Day. It was moved and carried that Dr. Beatty direct the motions of Mr. McWilliams while in the field during the vacation, canvassing for the College. Adjourned to meet at 8:30 a.m. Friday, June 10th, 1887.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

9 a.m., Saturday, June 13, 1887

Faculty met in Dr. Beatty's study with all the members present. The following judges were appointed to award the medals in the oratorical contest: Rev. E.N. Pearce, Samuel Harding, Esq., and James S. Van Winkle, Esq.

The Boyle Prize was awarded to Edward Lee Grubbs.

The Beatty Prize to Charles D. Grubbs, William L. Sumrall, and Frank D. Van Winkle.

The Junior English Prize to William M. Stodghill and James M. Walton.

The following members of the Senior Class were recommended to the Board of Trustees for the degree of A.B.

William L. Clark
Edward M. Green
Frank N. Lee [crossed out]
William L. Sumrall
Rowland S. Dawson
Charles D. Grubbs
George Nicholas
Frank D. Van Winkle

The following for the degree of B.S. - Richard G. Denny, Frank N. Lee, Eugene K. Wilson.

Certification - James C. Hamilton, C.M. Mason, James T. Vaughn.

The following honorary degrees were recommended to be conferred.

A.M. on W. C. Wiles, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa.; Rev. Samuel B. Alderson, Washington C.H., Ohio

LL.D. on Hon. James F. Phillips, Class of 1855, Kansas City, Mo.

The following students were awarded honorable mention:

Senior Class

Psychology & Logic - Charles D. Grubbs, Frank D. Van Winkle.

Mechanics - Charles D. Grubbs, Frank D. Van Winkle.

Greek - Charles D. Grubbs, Frank D. Van Winkle.

English - Edward M. Green, Charles D. Grubbs, Frank D. Van Winkle.

Elocution - Rowland S. Dawson, Edward M. Green, Charles D. Grubbs, Frank N. Lee.

Junior Class

Political Science - William W. Bruce, James G. Denny, Lucien D. Noel, George B. Vanarsdall, William M. Stodghill, James M. Walton.

Natural Science - W.A. Baker, William W. Bruce, Obediah B. Caldwell, Nathaniel C. Cureton, James G. Denny, Charles M. Mason, Lucien D. Noel, William M. Stodghill, James M. Walton.

Industrial Drawing - Obediah B. Caldwell.

Latin - William W. Bruce, Lucien D. Noel, William M. Stodghill, James M. Walton.

English: Shakespeare - William W. Bruce, Lucien D. Noel, William M. Stodghill, James M. Walton.

German - John B. Dailey, James G. Denny, Lucien D. Noel, William M. Stodghill, James M. Walton.

Elocution - William W. Bruce, Nathaniel C. Cureton, John P. Lapsley, Charles M. Mason, Lucien D. Noel, George B. Vanarsdall, James M. Walton.

Sophomore Class

Mathematics - James H. Cochran, Edward L. Grubbs.

Latin - James H. Cochran, John B. Dailey.

English: Anglo Saxon - James H. Cochran, Edward L. Grubbs, John M. Jean, James G. Sebastian.

Greek - James H. Cochran, Edward L. Grubbs.

Elocution - James H. Cochran, William D. Cochran, John B. Dailey, Willis Green, Walter E. Latimer, Luther B. Stodghill.

Freshman Class

Mathematics - William A. Baker, Joseph W. Bowen, Jacob T. Boyer, Haydon Y. Grubbs, Robert L. Oelze, Thomas B. Terhune, Daniel H. Yeiser.

English: Rhetoric - William A. Baker, Joseph W. Bowen, Jacob T. Boyer, Haydon Y. Grubbs, Robert L. Oelze, Thomas B. Terhune, Daniel H. Yeiser.

Greek - Joseph W. Bowen, Jacob T. Boyer, Haydon Y. Grubbs, Robert L. Oelze, Thomas B. Terhune, Robert H. Winn, Daniel H. Yeiser.

Elocution - John S. Van Winkle, Jr.


A. B. Nelson, Secretary

1 p.m., Friday, October 22, 1887

Faculty met with all present, and was opened with prayer by the Secretary. On motion the President was directed to warn the students against disorder in and about the College. The roll was gone over, and the work of each student was inquired into. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

1 p.m., Friday, November 4, 1887

Faculty met with all present, and was opened with prayer by Prof. Fales. It was resolved that in the judgement of the Faculty two men cannot do thoroughly the work of the Preparatory Department. A special meeting of the Faculty was ordered at 7 p.m. Thursday next, at which Mr. James B. Walton is to be invited to be present.

In view of the repeated absences and delinquencies in recitations of J.A. Davis, the President was instructed to write to his father, requesting him to withdraw his son from College.


A. B. Nelson, Secretary

7 p.m., Thursday, November 10, 1887

Faculty met in Prof. Fales study, with all present. Mr. Walton, the Principal of the Preparatory Department, was present by invitation. The whole subject of the Preparatory Department was considered in extenso, and the following resolution was adopted.

Resolved that Mr. Walton be informed that hereafter we will receive into the College from the Preparatory Department for the A.B. and B.S. courses only those students recommended for such courses by the principal; that we will admit to the Elective Course, from the Preparatory Department, only those who have completed the Preparatory course in English and Mathematics, and bear the principals certificate to that effect; furthermore; that we will admit no one into the College from the Preparatory Department unless he bring a certificate from the Principal, recommending him for one of the three courses above mentioned.

On motion it was ordered that John H. Harlan, Max Wolf, and A. Scott be sent back to the Preparatory Department, inasmuch as it has been found that they are unable to take any of the studies in the College courses.


A. B. Nelson, Secretary

1 p.m., Friday, November 18, 1887

Faculty met with all present, and was opened with prayer by the Secretary. Dr. McKee was appointed a committee to confer with the good students of the College Home, and tell them that the Faculty sympathized with them and will support them in their efforts to maintain order therein. The President was instructed to write to Mr. Van Winkle, informing him that his son is doing no good in Mathematics. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

1 p.m., Monday, December 5, 1887

Faculty held a called meeting, with all present. In answer to summons Benjamin F. Bowen, Edmund L. Hann, and William B. Bush appeared. They were reprimanded for their irregularity in attendance, and deficiency in scholarship, and were warned that unless there was a change for the better, they would loose their class standing. Adjourned.

A. B. Nelson, Secretary

Monday, January 3, 1888

Faculty held a called meeting, with all present but Dr. McKee. The following resolutions, prepared by Dr. Beatty, were unanimously adopted:

Resolved: It is with unfeigned sorrow that we have heard of the death of the Rev. Edward P. Humphry, D.D., who for so many years, and up to the time of his death held the important and responsible position of Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Centre College.

Resolved: His long, faithful, and eminent services to this Institution will be held in grateful recollection by the Faculty and the friends of the College everywhere; as the memory of his character, his labors, and his distinguished usefulness will be reverently cherished by all who have knowledge of them.


A. B. Nelson, Secretary