12:45 p.m., Friday, January 4, 1889
Faculty held its regular meeting, with prayer by Dr. McKee.
Stanley claims to have produced certificates of his studies at the A. and M. College, Lexington, Ky. that he could not get papers from all the Professors at once, as they were scattered. He is up in most of his work, but behind in Geology, in French.
Irvine desires to take Chemistry in lieu of Mechanical Drawing, which will be granted if practicable.
Keller through Vice President accounts for his repeated absences satisfactorily.
Woolfolk to be censured by Vice President for neglecting his studies. Dr. Nelson requested to prepare the schedule of Intermediate Examinations.
John W. Redd, Secretary
12:45 p.m., Friday, January 18, 1889
Faculty met with prayer by Dr. Nelson.
Oelze, Wilson, Skillman & Jno. VanWinkle, a committee representing both Literary Societies, wished to establish a College paper, to appear monthly. Dr. McKee advised to dissuade them from such an undertaking as not practicable at present; at all events, to urge the Societies to consider the expenses of the paper before attempting it. Day of Prayer for Colleges; deemed expedient that the students should attend the services in the Church, the two Presbyterian Churches uniting in these services.
Report to Board of Education of fall students. Kerr, Wilson, Cooper, Bull, Walton, Brown, Boyer, Terhune, Hudson.
Stanley produced certificates of proficiency on Logic, Eng. Lit., Analyt. Geometry, and Mechanics.
Letter from Dr. Rucker of Georgetown College, Kentucky, begging that Centre College make the last Thursday of February the day of prayer for Colleges as in the past. Dr. McKee advised to reply to Dr. Rucker that we have to conform to the time appointed by our Assembly.
Kerby and Fackler in order to abandon Greek must have parental authority, and allowed two months for examination in Chaucer to enter B. S. course.
John W. Redd, Secretary
12:30, Monday, February 12, 1889
Call meeting of the Faculty in Dr. McKee's room.
Faulconer required to produce certificate from Georgetown College, showing that he has an honorable dismissal, and that he has passed all studies of the first tenn of the Junior year.
Editors of the proposed College paper asked the privilege of using one of the rooms in College building to keep their books, magazines, etc., for reference and perusal. Request granted provided that the room be unused during recitations, that order and quiet prevail at all times, and further that said room receive no damage whatsoever.
Redd & Cheek to attend to letter from the Department of State in respect of an educational exhibit at the Paris Exposition of 1889, in behalf of Centre College.
John W. Redd, Secretary
12:30 p.m., Friday, March 1, 1889
Faculty met in Dr. McKee's room, with prayer by Dr. Young. All members present. G. Green was allowed to abandon Greek, and advised to fall back into the Freshman Scientific class. Willis Green reported to have passed well on Butler's Analogy.
Advertisement in Oracle College paper, one half page, at $15.00 was granted.
Printing 1000 catalogues referred to Profs. Nelson & Redd.
Nominations by the Faculty from the two Societies for June next in Oratorical Contest, as follows:
Deinologian: Boyer, Grubbs, Jr., Stanley, Turner, Sr., VanWinkle, Sr., Terhune
Chamberlain: Bush, Caldwell, Cowan, Irvine, Oelze, Yeiser, Sr.
Dr. Young desired to call the Faculty together, after his return from Chicago, to have a general talk about College matters, etc.
John W. Redd, Secretary
12:30, Thursday, March 7, 1889
Call meeting of the Faculty. Faculty ordered secretary to inform the Chamberlain Society that commencement representatives must be selected from the nominations made by Faculty.
John W. Redd, Secretary
12:30, Friday, March 15, 1889
Faculty met with prayer by Dr. McKee; Prof. Nelson absent from sickness. A committee in behalf of the Deinalogian Society met the Faculty, asking that Mr. Hemphill election be accepted. After deliberation it was deemed wisest to insist upon a selection from the nominations. Nothing further before the Faculty. Adjourned.
John W. Redd, Secretary
12:40 p.m. March 28, 1889
A call meeting with prayer by Dr. Young. Cowan summoned before the Faculty for disorder in Dr. McKee's room. Dr. Young said he would meet the class and give them a wholesome talk on deportment. Moved and carried that Prof. Walton be requested to give the Faculty at his earliest convenience a classified list of all the studies in the Preparatory Department, the number of pages gone over in each study, the amount of time devoted to each, entire, and also the amount devoted daily to each recitation.
Dr. Young also should meet the Chamberlain Society and adjust matters in reference to the second speaker next June, and if possible persuade one of the gentlemen nominated by Faculty and elected by said Society to accept the honor.
John W. Redd, Secretary
12:30 p.m., April 5, 1889
Faculty held this regular meeting, with prayer by Dr. Young; all members present.
Dr. McKee was granted privilege of examining the Junior Class 12th of April. Wright to arrange his examinations with each of the Professors. Deemed wisest to ask that Craig and Fackler be withdrawn from College. Senior Class asked to be examined in Logic and Mechanics at once, granted.
Diplomas for commencement referred to Dr. Young; Dr. Nelson to purchase medals. Roll called, and standing of each student inquired into.
John W. Redd, Secretary
12:30 p.m., April 19, 1889
Regular meeting of the Faculty, with Dr. Beatty as Chairman, and, as nothing of special importance was transacted, the Faculty adjourned after a few minutes session.
John W. Redd, Secretary
12:30 p.m. May 7, 1889
Faculty met with prayer by Dr. Beatty, and the roll of the students called and the work of the different classes looked after. The Secretary was directed to write to C. H. Sandford's father, stating that his son was too often absent, very remise in his duties, etc. The grade of the Senior Class was looked up, and the record of the work gave to valedictory to E. L. Grubbs of Shelby City.
John W. Redd, Secretary
12:30 p.m., May 24, 1889
The regular meeting of the Faculty; Drs. Young and McKee still absent in the East, in the interest of the College. Regular business attended to. The schedule of final examinations to be arranged by Dr. Nelson. It was deemed expedient not to allow special examinations to various members of the classes, unless it was a matter of urgent necessity prior to the general examinations. No further business. Adjourned.
John W. Redd, Secretary
12:30 p.m. June 10, 1889
Dr. Young called a meeting of the Faculty and made a general statement of his work in the East, showing that there were great encouragement, and asked each member of the Faculty to furnish a paper during the week of Commencement reviewing briefly the results of his year's work, the features of the work, the future, etc., of the college, to be printed in the different papers of the State.
John W. Redd, Secretary
8:50 a.m., June 17, 1889
Faculty met in Prof. Fales room to sign diplomas, and to arrange as far as possible for Commencement. The Boyle prize was awarded to W. B. Hunn of Shelby City, and the Ormand Beatty prize was divided between E. L. Grubbs and P. P. Nicholas. Committee appointed by Faculty as judges in the Oratorical Contest were, Dr. Pearce, Prof. Pratt and Judge Durham.
John W. Redd, Secretary
8:50 a.m., June 22, 1889
Faculty met for arranging reports of the 2nd term. All members present. Reports filled out.
Walton of Preparatory Department proposed Mr. Rupley of Perryville, now teaching at Crab Orchard, as his assistant in the place of Pulliam, and approved by the Faculty.
Dr. Beatty, Dr. Young, and Prof. Fales, Committee as to Tutor of the College for the next session.
Drs. Young and Nelson, Prof. Redd, Committee on Advertising.
Drs. Young and Nelson, Prof. Redd, Committee on Securing an Electro-type plate for the College, and having paper stamps for use by students & professors.
Professors Nelson & Redd, Committee to arrange for the securing of textbooks.
Prof. Walton requested to pay the annual $75 to the College Treasurer, Mr. J. A. Cheek.
During the Commencement, the degree of A.B. was conferred upon:
Edward Lee Grubbs, Shelby City
Patrick Pope Nicholas, Shelbyville
Degree of B.S. upon:
Robert Templeman Caldwell, Parksville
James Marshall Givens, Providence
Willis Green, Falls of Rough
Walter Evans Latimer, Paris, Texas
Augustus Owsley Stanley, Danville
Certificate upon: William Lawson Tarkington, Parksville
The Ormand Beatty Prize awarded to: Edward Lee Grubbs, Patrick Pope Nicholas
Henry Barret Boyle Prize: William Bell Hunn
Honorable Mention
Senior Class
Logic - Willis Green, Edward L. Grubbs, Walter E. Latimer, Patrick P. Nicholas, James M. Givens.
Butlers Analogy - Patrick P. Nicholas
Elocution - Robert T. Caldwell, James M. Givens, Willis Green, Walter E. Latimer, A. Owsley Stanley.
Mathematics - Patrick P. Nicholas, Willis Green.
Greek - Patrick P. Nicholas.
English - Willis Green, Patrick P. Nicholas.
Junior Class
Moral Philosophy - Jacob T. Boyer, Haydon Y. Grubbs, William D. Irvine, Robert L. Oelze, Horace G. Turner, John S. VanWinkle, Robert H. Winn, Daniel H. Yieser.
International Law - Jacob T. Boyer, Haydon Y. Grubbs, Robert L. Oelze, Thomas B. Terhune.
Elocution - Joseph W. Bowen, Edward H. Bull, Henry N. Craik, Haydon Y. Grubbs, William D. Irvine, John A. Mills, John S. VanWinkle, Horace G. Turner, Robert H. Winn.
Geology - Haydon Y. Grubbs, Robert L. Oelze, Horace G. Turner, Robert H. Winn.
Botany - Joseph W. Bowen, Jacob T. Boyer, Haydon Y. Grubbs, Alexander R. Hann, Robert L. Oelze, Robert H. Winn.
Industrial Drawing - George A. McRoberts.
German - Joseph W. Bowen, Jacob T. Boyer, Haydon Y. Grubbs, Alexander R. Hann, Robert L. Oelze, Robert H. Winn.
Latin - Jacob T. Boyer, Haydon Y. Grubbs, Alexander R. Hann, Robert L. Oelze, Robert H. Winn.
English - Joseph W. Bowen, Jacob T. Boyer, Haydon Y. Grubbs, Alexander R. Hann, George A. McRoberts, Robert L. Oelze, Horace G. Turner, Robert H. Winn.
Sophomore Class
Elocution - Leslie C. Bosley, Henry A. Brown, Hugh M. Grundy, William B. Hunn, Samuel B. Rogers
Natural Science - William M. Craig, Hugh M. Grundy, David G. Wright, Isaac Heizer.
Mathematics - Leslie C. Bosley, William B. Hunn, James Patterson.
Greek - Leslie C. Bosley, William B. Hunn, James Patterson.
Latin - Leslie C. Bosley, William B. Hunn, James Patterson.
English - Leslie C. Bosley, James O. Cooper, William B. Hunn, James Patterson.
Freshman Class
Elocution - Eugene W. Cook, Charles H. Holmes, Joseph C. Jones.
Mathematics - Charles H. Holmes, James R. Skillman, John E. Turner, Charles T. Yeiser.
Greek - Eugene W. Cook, William G. Lackey, William J. Price, Samuel M. Wilson, Charles T. Yeiser.
Latin - Eugene W. Cook, Charles H. Holmes, William G. Lackey, William J. Price, John E. Turner, Samuel M. Wilson, Charles T. Yeiser.
English - Eugene W. Cook, Charles H. Holmes, Henry B. Irvine, William G. Lackey, William J. Price, John E. Turner, Samuel M. Wilson, Charles T. Yeiser.
Honorary Degrees
A.M. in Course:
Rev. William L. McEwan, Class of 1882, Wilmington, Del.
John M. Rankin, Class of 1882, Washington, D.C.
John M. Rankin, Class of 1886, Perryville, Ky.
S. Jackson Pulliam, Class of 1886, Falmouth, Ky.
Hon. Degree of D.D.:
Rev. Samuel D. Crothers, Class of 1858, Greenfield, Ohio
Rev. Charles T. Haley, Newark, N.J
Rev. Samuel Carlile, Paterson, N.J.
June 23, 5 p.m., 1889
Called meeting of Faculty. Mr. Walton of the Prof. Department read his financial statement for the scholastic year just closed, and requested the privilege of changing the two upper grades in the Preparatory Department from $36 to $40, and from $40 to $45. The request was granted. Canvassing for the summer was given to Mr. Walton at $50.00 per month, and all expenses paid.
John W. Redd, Secretary
Session 1889-90
September 8, 1889
Faculty called together by Dr. Young. All members present and Prof. Epes, who was appointed by the Faculty for one session by order of Board of Trustees, was introduced and cordically welcomed. Interests of the College discussed, and opening seemed auspicious. After an hour's session, Faculty adjourned.
John W. Redd, Secretary
September 11, 1889
Faculty met to open the College. All members present, and seventy-five students present the first day. Students assigned to their regular classes.
During the first week Faculty held daily meetings to receive and classify all new students. Business of general character attended to, and Faculty meetings frequent for first two or three weeks of the session, but nothing that represent recording.
October 5, 1889
Faculty met with all members present. Names of students called, their work inquired into, and Banquet chief theme of conversation. No further business, adjournment.
John W. Redd, Secretary
October 18, 1889, 1 p.m.
Faculty met at usual hour, all members present. Roll called, and names of students for course given to Dr. Young. Reported by Faculty that the students were not doing good, honest work. Dr. Young asked to give the students a general talk, urging them to fresh efforts.
John W. Redd, Secretary
November 1, 1889, 1 p.m.
Faculty met at the order of Dr. Young, and all members present. A number of delinquents reported, Lawwill, Logan, Kliessendorff, Harding, Apperson, E. VanWinkle, Walden. General talk about interests of the College.
John W. Redd, Secretary
November 8, 1889, 1 p.m.
Faculty met with prayer by the President, and Mr. E. VanWinkle, Lawwill, Kliessendorff, and Walden appeared before the Faculty. Their cases were severally reported and discussed. The President admonished each kindly, but positively, that the Faculty would not tolerate continued absences, and that their recitations must be more carefully prepared. Other business of general importance attended to, and adjourned.
John W. Redd, Secretary
November 20, 1889, 1 p.m.
Meeting of Faculty called by D. Young. All members present, and prayer by Dr. Young. E. C. Turner was advised to continue the regular A.B. course. Roll of students called, and Dr. Beatty was asked to see the delinquents and advise them as to their duties, as Dr. Young would leave for the East in the interest of the College within a week. No further business.
John W. Redd, Secretary
November 26, 1889, 12:15 p.m.
Faculty met, and prayer by Dr. McKee. Recitations in the Bible assigned to Dr. Beatty. Professors Fales, Nelson and Redd in the absence of Dr. McKee. Dr. Beatty stated that he conferred with Messrs. Walden, Logan, Kliessendorf and others, and advised more zealous work, more determined efforts. He gave them a frank, friendly talk. At the suggestion of the Faculty, Dr. Nelson will see that Prof. Epes is remunerated for the past two months. Other talks of minor importance, and adjourned.
John W. Redd, Secretary
December 19, 1889, 12:45 p.m.
Faculty met at the call of Dr. Young, who had just returned from the East after an absence of four weeks. Dr. McKee absent, and prayer by Dr. Young.
The reports of the students from all teachers generally good, with few exceptions.
Dr. Young then arranged his classes for the 2nd term, viz Senior and Junior. It was decided to ask Mr. L. Vincent to give us six lectures in March, at $100.00.
After an interchange of thought on various subjects in the interest of the College, as the gymnasium, etc., adjourned.
John W. Redd, Secretary