January 10, 1896
Faculty met to receive new students, and to report them still behind in their studies.
It was moved and carried that fifteen unexcused absences in Physical culture on the part of any student shall cause his immediate dismission from the College. Carried unanimously. This decision to be announced from the Chapel the next Monday, 13th Jan. Warning was to be given at once.
It was also noted that the 1st & 3rd Fridays of each month thru would be regular meetings of the Faculty.
John W. Redd, Secretary
January 18, 1896
Dr. McKee called a meeting of the Faculty. to request that the Senior Class be given to Gov. Knott the 27th. inst, and that the class be excused from other recitations for that day. Granted.
Following members of the Senior Class still behind in their work for graduation. Lawwill, Goodloe, Wall. These students to be warned.
John W. Redd, Secretary
January 24, 1896
Faculty met to hear the excuses of students from the gymnasium and other department.
Archer allowed to substitute Geology. for Botany. Waddle to be censured by President for repeated absences from his classes.
A talk from Dr. McKee currently requesting member of the Faculty to be present at Chapel and to assist in keeping order.
John W. Redd, Secretary
January 31, 1896
Faculty met, all present except Drs. Young & Knott.
Roll of new students called, and studies properly assigned.
Dr. Young through note asked that the Faculty pass the following. rule: From Feb. 4th (to be announced from Chapel, Monday, February 3rd) ten unexcused absences from Chapel on the part of any student shall cause his dismisson from College pro facto.
Unanimously carried by the Faculty.
John W. Redd, Secretary
February 13, 1896
Faculty met to hear the excuses of all students reported by the Professor.
On request of the students it was decided that the 22nd celebration in memory of Washington be held Monday the 24th instead of Saturday the 22nd.
On suggestion of Dr. Young it was agreed that those members of the Freshman class who were so far behind in Mathematics as not to be able to catch up, either go to the Academy or secure a competent teacher to instruct them.
Prof. Stillwell asked the privilege of starting or establishing a course of Electricity. Granted.
John W. Redd, Secretary
February 21, 1896
Faculty met to consider excuses of such students as were still behind in their studies.
Clay Goodloe asked the privilege of continuing with the Freshman Class, provided he satisfy the Prof. of Mathematics. Two weeks time allowed him for experiment.
Mr. Bates of the Senior Class to instruct or coach those behind in the Freshman Mathematics.
John W. Redd, Secretary
February 28, 1896
Faculty met to hear Mr. J. Faulconer's excuse for not attending Chapel. No further business.
Motion to adjourn.
Jno. W. Redd, Sec.
March 27, 1896
Faculty met with prayer by Dr. McKee. Decided that candidate for the Chautauqua and Inter-state College Oratorical contests speak before the Faculty, Friday, April 10. Representative of the three Literary Societies to meet the Faculty April 3rd.
Jno. W. Redd, Sec.
April 2, 1896
Faculty met in Dr. Young's Study, with prayer by Dr. Y.
A general talk about the work in College. A large number of students reported as behind in their studies.
John W. Redd, Secretary
April 7, 1896
Faculty met to confer with the Literary Societies about the Inter-state Oratorical Contest, and it was decided to turn over the management of the contest to the Society. All details and business to be approved by the Faculty. Moved also that the committee report to the Faculty at once.
John W. Redd, Secretary
April 10, 1896
Faculty met to hear five minute speeches from the candidates for the Interstate College Oratorical Contest. After hearing the candidates, the Faculty selected Mr. Huston Taylor to represent Centre College, the contest being held in Danville, May 1896.
John W. Redd, Secretary
April 14, 1896
Faculty met, and it was decided that each candidate in the Chautauqua Oratorical Contest be required to present his speech written in type to the Secretary of the Faculty by 1st of May, and the several candidates will be heard by the Faculty for five minutes each on the following Friday. Their decision to be based upon composition and delivery. Also Faculty will reserve the right of rejecting any or all speeches. Faculty also reserved the action of April 7th, as Committee did not report as requested.
John W. Redd, Secretary
May 1st, 1896
Faculty met; all members present except Prof. Wager, who was sick. Dr. McKee reported Hart Goodloe for not appearing before Faculty when summoned. Upon motion, Mr. Goodloe was suspended for two weeks, suspension to be announced in Chapel the coming Monday.
No other business, the Faculty Adjourned.
John W. Redd, Secretary
May 8, 1896
Faculty met to listen to the speeches from the candidates for the Chautauqua Contest, viz Mr. Bates, Best, King, Zimmer. The Faculty, after hearing them all, chose Mr. Bates as Chautauqua representative.
No further business.
John W. Redd, Secretary
May 15, 1896
Faculty met to see whether the members of the Senior Class were deficient in any of their studies. Mr. Bates, Brown, Christensen, Hill, Keen and the Valedictorian to speak on Commencement Day.
Mr. Sam Wilson and Gabbert asked for holiday Wednesday, 20th of this month, when the Interstate College Oratorical Contest is to take place. Granted.
Moved and carried that all Class Day speeches of the Senior class are to be handed to Secretary of Faculty at least one week before delivery; and if any thing be spoken not in copies delivered, diplomas to be forfeited.
Also that those who do not speak on Commencement Day are to hand in a written speech before Commencement to be the property of the College upon same penalty.
John W. Redd, Secretary
Moved and carried that in future no more A.M. degrees be suggested by the Faculty to the Board of Trustees.
Sophomore watch for session 1895-96 goes to T. A. Baker.
Beatty Prize for session 1895-96 goes to Wallace Brown.
May 18, 1896
Faculty met at the request of Prof. Fales, who reported that Mr. Wallace Kelley had received the highest grade in his class during his entire course. Therefore, it was moved that Mr. Kelley be valedictorian of his class.
John W. Redd, Secretary
May 25, 1896
Faculty met to arrange about Final examinations. It was decided to examine all classes, and that each class should have one examination the Friday before Commencement.
Secretary of Faculty to answer Dr. Blanton's communication as to the course of study in the Public Schools of Kentucky adopted by the Committee of Ten. Faculty approved of the course and willing to admit the graduates of those schools in the regular Freshman class. [illegible word] Goodloe to pay for damages done to the gymnasium.
John W. Redd, Secretary
September 8, 1896
Faculty met in Dr. Young's study, prayer by Dr. Young. All members of Faculty present except Gov. Knott. General conference, and scheme of study discussed. After two hour conference, Faculty adjourned.
John W. Redd, Secretary
September 11, 1896
Faculty met to receive and to classify new students.
Nothing to report. Adjourned.
John W. Redd, Secretary
September 15, 1896
Faculty met to hear the requests of various students as to their studies. Adjustments and classifications.
John W. Redd, Secretary
September 16, 1896
The Faculties of the College and Seminary met in the Basement of the 2nd Presbyterian Church to pass resolutions in memory of Dr. William C. Young who died suddenly in the College building, September 16, 1896.
John W. Redd, Secretary
September 21, 1896
Faculty met to hear the petitions of the students as to classes.
Hudson allowed to take College course.
Desire of Board of Trustees to have Prof. Fales act as Dean of the Faculty and to be executive head of the College. On the part of the Faculty unanimously carried.
Dr. McKee to attend to excuses from the Bible, exercising his own judgement. Prof. Fales to keep all certificates of candidates for Freshman Class.
John W. Redd, Secretary
October 8, 1896
Faculty met to see about electives.
Resolution of the Board as follows:
Those students from Colleges of equal grade and rank with our own College will be accepted in the various classes upon their marks as shown by their reports.
Those students from the Academics or Public Schools to be accepted upon the grade of 75, not to put them over 75.
An A.M. course to be reported by the members of the Faculty; viz. what must be the time, conditions, limitations, etc for the degree of A.M.
John W. Redd, Secretary
October 15, 1896
Faculty met at the usual hour on Tuesday instead of Friday, to accommodate most of the Professors. Roll of students called and delinquents referred to Professor Fales, Dean of the Faculty. Some general business attended to.
John W. Redd, Secretary
October 27, 1896
Faculty met, prayer as usual by Dr. McKee.
Schemes of study to take effect 1st January 1897 referred to Prof. Fales, with the request that he prepare it. Dr. McKee agreed to keep his classes till Jan. 20th '97.
John W. Redd, Secretary
November 3, 1896
Faculty met with prayer by Dr. McKee. Only business of a general sort attended to.
John W. Redd, Secretary
November 10, 1896
Faculty met with prayer by Dr. McKee.
Moved and carried that J. R. Robinson must do better in his classes and that if then be not decided progress in a weeks time, he must either go back into the Freshman class or leave College.
Dr. McKee made complaint that some of the students were kicking his door and throwing rocks at it, and hoped an effort would be made to catch the guilty parties.
John W. Redd, Secretary
Tributes of Respect to Rev. W. C. Young, D.D., LL.D
Whereas Dr. W. C. Young, the President of Centre College and a member of the Faculty of the Theological Seminary, has been removed from our midst by sudden death, therefore, resolved, that we bow, with profound sorrow, but with unquestioning submission, to the manifested will of God - in the presence of its great mystery, hushing our [illegible word] hearts with the truth: Clouds and darkness were around about him; righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne. Resolved, that we hereby express our just estimate of Dr. Young's eminent qualifications for the high position he occupied in the Church, as an honored minister, and in the educational work of the Church, as the President of the College, and a member of the Seminary Faculty. For the uniform duties of this position, requiring versatility of talents. Dr. Young was gifted by a brilliant intellect, by force of character, by a comprehension scholarship, by extended travel in our own and other lands, by rare administrative ability, and by an unusually wide acquaintance with the men who give impulse and direction to the progress of the business, educational, and Christian world.
Resolved, that we shall ever cherish the name of Dr. Young in faithful hearts, remembering his indefatigable and remarkably successful efforts to build up our educational institutions; especially in the College, by increasing its financial resources and educational facilities, by his personal interest in the students, and by his influence as a faithful and eloquent preacher of the gospel. Resolved, that we recognize in this startling providence a most solemn illustration of the uncertainty of life, and the Master's call to greater diligence, fidelity and [illegible word] - that, like his departed servant, we may be found at the port of duty when the summons comes.
Resolved, that we hereby express to the bereaved family and sorrowing relative our deep and tender sympathy, commending them to the God of all consolation who healeth the broken in heart and bindeth up their wounds.
In behalf of the Faculty of the Seminary and the Faculty of the College.
November 17, 1896
Faculty met with prayer by Dr. McKee.
Decided that Dupuy of the Sophomore class go back into the Freshman class. Also, that Robinson, J.R. of the Sophomore class shall keep up his progress.
Moved and carried that the Football Team shall cancel the game of Saturday 21st.
The following resolution carried unanimously.
Resolved, that every original oration to be delivered in a public contest shall be submitted to the approval of a committee of the Faculty and shall not be delivered without the approval of such committee.
That no change whatever shall be made in the oration after it has been approved.
That no student shall be allowed to compete in such a contest unless his grade, at the time of the contest, shall be 60 in each department.
John W. Redd, Secretary
November 24, 1896
Faculty met with prayer by Dr. McKee.
Head excused from gymnasium owing to distance from town.
Dupuy given two weeks probation for improvement.
No further business of special interest. Faculty adjourned.
John W. Redd, Secretary
December 1, 1896
Faculty met with prayer by Dr. McKee.
Moved that in future nobody except a student in Centre College be business manager of the Athletic Association.
A motion to the effect that Music be given a place in the College, with the approval of the Board of Trustees.
John W. Redd, Secretary
December 8, 1896
Faculty held its weekly meeting. Prayer by Dr. McKee. A general talk about several of the students, who were falling behind. Nothing definite done. Motion to adjourn.
John W. Redd, Secretary
December 15, 1896
Faculty met in Dr. McKee's room. Scheme of study for 2nd term presented by Professor Fales and accepted.
Schedule of examination for 1st term announced.
Brodie reported as doing nothing in his classes. Suggestion that he return to the Freshman Class after Christmas.
Motion to adjourn.
John W. Redd, Secretary