1898 | Centre Faculty | 1900
Centre College Faculty Minutes (Vol. 3 - 1899)

January 3, 1899

Faculty met. Dr. Roberts in the chair. Several new students appeared before the Faculty to arrange their studies.

Nothing further of special interest, adjourned.

John W. Redd, Secretary

January 10, 1899

Faculty met, with President Roberts in the Chair.

Moved and seconded that the Clerk of the Faculty ask Mr. J. A. Cheek for record of the action of the Board of Trustees on the Master of Arts degree for the past four years. Carried.

Moved and seconded that the Committee on Catalogue be requested to commence work immediately. Carried.


W. H. Johnson, Secretary pro tem

January 17, 1899

Faculty met, Dr. Roberts in the Chair.

Mr. Sanford to present his letter of dismissal from Miami to the Faculty.

Moved and seconded that the hundred and fifty dollars presented by some friend of the College be divided into two parts, viz. $100. 00 and tuition for one session be given to that student who passes the best entrance examination for Freshman class, and $50.00 and tuition for one session be given to the student who receives the second grade for entrance into the Freshman Class. Carried.

Faculty to meet again Thursday the 19th for going over the roll of students. Adjourned.

John W. Redd, Secretary

January 19, 1899

Faculty met, all members present.

Mr. Grinstead to appear before the Faculty. Roll of students called to find out who are not attending to their duties. Mr. Irvine and Shaw reported as passed on Psychology.


John W. Redd, Secretary

January 24, 1899

Faculty met with Dr. Roberts in the chair.

Dr. Roberts reports his talk with those students who are behind and shrinking.

Mr. Grinstead requests that he be allowed to come before the Faculty to make his own defense. Granted.

Lovell Yerkes reported as too often absent.

Letter from President Thompson concerning Messrs. Jamison and Sandford to appear before the President and to hear what was their conduct at Miami.

The application of Rev. J. Brown of Louisville for honorary A.M. was refused.


John W. Redd, Secretary

January 31, 1899

Faculty met, all members present.

Mr. Grinstead appeared before Faculty, and after hearing his defense and his promise that he would do better in future and attend all his recitations, it was decided to give Mr. Grinstead another month of probation, and then upon the opinion of the Faculty it will be decided whether he shall remain a student in the College or not.

Lovell Yerkes reported again as doing very little, often absent.


John W. Redd, Secretary

February 14, 1899

Faculty met - all members present.

Mr. Winter asks to be enrolled a Senior, and to be allowed to substitute whatever studies he could, that had been prosecuted at Oberlin, in lieu of studies required for the A.B. Degree in Centre. His course at Oberlin was accepted, and his extra studies were taken as substitutes for French, etc.


John W. Redd, Secretary

February 21, 1899

Faculty met, all members present.

The case of Mr. Reinhart, to speak in the primary contest of February 22, 1899, in order to represent Centre College in the InterCollegiate Oratorical Contest of Kentucky, came before the Faculty, and after listening to both sides, Mr. C. Goodloe, C. Huguely, Chapman, Taylor, on the one side, and Messrs. Bronner, Grubbs and Reinhart on the other, and then upon careful consideration, it was resolved.

That Mr. Reinhart does not fulfill the requirements of Art 10 of the Constitution of Inter State Oratorical Association of Kentucky, and hence cannot be regarded as a regular contestant in the primary contest of February 22, 1899.

Resolved further, that it be the unanimous desire of the Faculty that Mr. Reinhart should speak on the coming primary without regarding himself as a regular contestant in place of Mr. Ledgard, the representative of the Deinologian Society. Carried.

After a little further business of a general character, adjourned.

John W. Redd, Secretary

February 8, 1899

Faculty met.

Professor Fales & Cheek appointed committee on Faculty gowns for Commencement. Cost, material, etc.


John W. Redd, Secretary

March 7, 1899

Faculty met, all members of Faculty present.

Scheme of studies to be arranged by Professor Fales.

Grinstead's name to be omitted from the roll for not keeping his promise.

Jamison & Sanford, both requested to leave College for not fulfilling conditions upon which they were admitted.

Following students reported,

Sallee, of Sophomore Class, absent, doing little
Yeager, of Sophomore Class, absent, doing little
Chism - absent too often
McClure - absent too often
Hargis - absent, doing nothing
Crawford - absent, doing nothing
Boyle, St. John Jr. - absent, doing nothing
Berry - absent, doing nothing
Moore, W. - too often absent


John W. Redd, Secretary

March 14, 1899

Faculty met, all members present.

Dr. Roberts reported Grinstead's request that he be allowed to remain in College the rest of the session. Request refused.

Sanford, upon his own request and promise to do better and to attend his classes, and to do his work faithfully, was granted the privilege of remaining in College. Any failure or neglect on his part will cause his dismissal at once. Chism to appear before the Faculty.

Professor Gordon requested that he be allowed to do the same work in Laboratory Physics that was done under Prof. Stilwell the last session, and that the students of senior class be allowed the privilege of choosing any two of the four following studies for the rest of the session, viz Chemistry, Laboratory Physics, English, Sociology. Request granted.


John W. Redd, Secretary

March 21, 1899

Faculty met, all members present.

Joseph Faulconer allowed to make up Logic with Professor Johnson. Professor Gordon to examine Shaw in Physics. McClure on probation for one month. Chism to have 12 hours work. Also to be admonished by the President. Clay Goodloe also to be admonished by the President.

Suggestion that the Presidents of the several Colleges in the State preside at the Inter-Collegiate Oratorical contests instead of the students met with approval.

Professor Johnson and Nelson were appointed a committee to convey this view of the College President to the students.

Nothing further, adjourned.

John W. Redd, Secretary

March 28, 1899

Usual meeting of the Faculty.

In answer to the question from Dr. Roberts, viz. what power has the College over the Mandolin Club and Athletics, it was agreed that all such organizations of the students were subject to the approval of the Faculty.

Manini allowed to take Botany.

Dr. Roberts reported result of his talk with McClure, Chism and Goodloe. All promising to do better.

Nothing further, adjourned.

John W. Redd, Secretary

April 4, 1899

Faculty met, all members present. Mr. W. Ledgard allowed to substitute his German for Ethics.

Dr. Roberts requested to arrange the question of Athletics.

Nothing further, adjourned.

John W. Redd, Secretary

April 11, 1899

Faculty met, Dr. Roberts absent in the East.

Gover. Knott read letters from Father Jenkins and Mrs. Thompson asking use of College Chapel for a lecture; referred to Gov. Knott.

Class roll of Seniors overlooked.


John W. Redd, Secretary

April 12, 1899

Faculty called together by Prof. Fales.

Faculty ordered Treasurer J. Cheek to pay the $15.00 as annual fee to the Southern Intercollegiate Association.

Mr. Rogers of Senior Class chosen to represent Centre College as representative speaker.


John W. Redd, Secretary

April 25, 1899

Faculty met. Petition from Senior class, asking that their Senior vacation begin a week earlier, was granted.

Sanford's name to be dropped from the roll.


John W. Redd, Secretary

May 2, 1899

Faculty met.

Dr. Roberts requested to see Mr. Rogers and advise him to represent the College as speaker in the Southern Intercollegiate Association, which will meet at Charlottesville, Va.

Seniors to be excused from speaking Commencement to give their names to the President.

Professor Gordon to look after the Commencement programs.

Commencement gowns for Faculty to be procured in time for the Commencement exercises in June; carried.


John W. Redd, Secretary

May 9, 1899

Faculty met. Moved and carried that there be seven speakers for commencement day. Moved that the following seven members of the senior class be appointed, viz Bronner, Huguely, Mustoine, Norwood, Rogers, Ledgard, and Bruce. Speeches not to exceed ten minutes.


John W. Redd, Secretary

May 17, 1899

Faculty met. Mr. Walter H. Ledyard, receiving the highest mark, was chosen valedictorian of his class. Mr. Bronner received the Ormond Beatty Senior Prize. Nothing further, adjourned.

John W. Redd, Secretary

May 23, 1899

Faculty met. Mr. J. Faulconer's record such that it was deemed expedient to inform him that it seems impossible for him to make up his studies for graduation this year.

Prof. Fales to arrange scheme of final examinations.

Nothing further, adjourned.

John W. Redd, Secretary

May 30, 1899

Faculty met. Scheme of examinations for June by Prof. Fales accepted. Mr. Gullion receives the Boyle Sophomore Latin watch. Next meeting of Faculty the Monday before commencement. Nothing further, adjourned.

John W. Redd, Secretary

June 12, 1899

Faculty met and conferred Ormond Beatty Senior prize upon Mr. Herbert Bronner and the Boyle Sophomore prize upon Mr. Gullion. Diplomas signed by the Faculty.

Miss Jo. Reed's graduates to be accepted into the Freshman class.

John W. Redd, Secretary

Session 1899-1900

September 12, 1899

Faculty met with Dr. Roberts. Decided that Prof. Cheek meet the Freshman class immediately after chapel exercises on Wednesday, the day of opening; Dr. Nelson the Sophomore; Prof. Thomas the Juniors; and Prof. Gordon the Senior.

Examinations for the Roswell Miller entrance prize to be held as follows:

1st Mathematics - Friday, September 22nd
2nd Latin - Saturday, September 23rd
3rd English - Monday, September 25th
4th Greek - Tuesday, September 26th

Mossbarger to be allowed Scholarship.

The case of Jenkins referred to finance committee of the College.

Moved and carried by the Faculty that Mr. Bell, Boyle, Eastland, Sr., Embry, Goodloe, W.O., Hargis, Lyle, Trigg take the Freshman class, as they failed on so many studies (three out of four) June 1899. All of the Freshman class.

Also that Mr. Crawford & Lee and Eastland, Jr., be allowed to go on into the Sophomore class, provided they make up all deficiencies by Christmas.

Also reported that of the Sophomore class, Mr. Berry, Nicholson, Roberts, C. B. and Sallee, J.M. failed and could not go into the Junior class.


John W. Redd, Secretary

September 19, 1899

Faculty met; the rolls of the various classes read over, and students classified. No further business, adjourned.

John W. Redd, Secretary

September 26, 1899

Faculty held regular meeting. Upon the reports of Professors Gordon and Redd that Mr. Nathaniel Lafon, of Senior class of 1899, had passed all examinations in the departments of Physics and German, it was, therefore moved and carried that Mr. Lafon be recommended to the Board of Centre College as worthy of the degree of A.B., having passed all examinations leading to that degree.

After examining the papers of all the competitions for the Miller Freshman entrance prize, it was decided that Mr. Halsey Powell of Mercer Co., Ky. was entitled to the first prize and Mr. H. E. Thearin, of Danville to the second prize.

No other business, Adjourned.

October 3, 1899

Faculty met, but as there was no business, adjourned.

John W. Redd, Secretary

October 10, 1899

Faculty met. Number of students now enrolled 230. No business before the Faculty. Adjourned.

John W. Redd, Secretary

October 17,1899

Faculty met. No business of importance. Adjourned.

John W. Redd, Secretary

October 31, 1899

Faculty met. Pendleton reported as doing nothing. Henry of Senior class was suspended till December 4th for cheating in Prof. Johnston's department. Mr. Henry to be privately dismissed, and a public statement of the same without naming the student.


John W. Redd, Secretary

November 8, 1899

Faculty met and Mr. Hunter, Higgins and Moore were reported for doing nothing. Chism reported for absence and doing nothing. Vinson absent from Prof. Fales. Downing absent from Professors Thomas and Johnston, without the required numbers of studies. W. G. Berry absent all the time. Engleman absent all the time. Warford, too often absent.


John W. Redd, Secretary

November 21, 1899

Faculty met, with Dr. Roberts in the chair.

It was learned that some of the students had been taking things from the gymnasium. Balleton caught breaking things. To be placed in Helm's hands, unless repairs at once made by the offenders.

Chism not to remain at College after Thanksgiving.

Clay Goodloe reported by Gov. Knott & Prof. Gordon.


John W. Redd, Secretary

November 28, 1899

Faculty met - Dr. Roberts in the chair.

The following students reported for not attending to their studies.

Trigg - reported by Prof. Fales - absent all the time
Eastland, Sr. - reported by Prof. Fales - absent all the time
Shields - reported by Prof. Fales
Hunter - reported by Prof. Fales - absent all the time
Warford - absent from all the Professors
Welsh, G. W. - doing nothing
Berry, W. G. - doing nothing
Goodloe, Clay - doing nothing - Gov. Knott
Wilson - absent from all the Professors
Mannini - absent from all the Professors


John W. Redd, Secretary

December 5, 1899

Faculty met. Dr. Roberts in the Chair.

Help asked for Knacbel.

Letter from Utterback inquiring after Ph.D.

Schedule for examination to be arranged by Prof. Fales.


John W. Redd, Secretary

December 12, 1899

Faculty met. Dr. Roberts in the Chair.

Scheme of studies after Xmas read by Prof. Fales and accepted. Scheme of Examinations accepted.

No further business, adjourned.

John W. Redd, Secretary