1892 | Centre Faculty | 1894
Centre College Faculty Minutes (Vol. 3 - 1893)

January 6, 1893

Faculty met for the purpose of receiving and classifying new students. A letter from Dr. Blayney was read before the Faculty and the secretary was directed to answer it.


John W. Redd, Secretary

February 9, 1893

Faculty met to formulate rules in regard to Athletics. Professor Cheek and Hubbard appointed a committee of the Faculty.

Hours for examination given by the Professor.

Professor Redd & Nelson to have printed 1250 catalogues for the session 1892-93.

Professor Fales & Young appointed to procure photographs of distinguished graduates and of the buildings to exhibit at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago.


John W. Redd, Secretary

April 3, 1893

Faculty met to hear the excuses of Brennan & Beckner, who were summoned before the Faculty for disorder in Breckinridge Hall.

Woodward, Brennan, and Burch suspended indefinitely by the Faculty for disorder of various kinds, and for utter failure in their duties in College.


John W. Redd, Secretary

May 1, 1893

Faculty met at the request of Dr. Young to consider an appeal in behalf of Woodward, who was suspended at the last meeting. The earnest appeal of Woodward's father & mother, and of his friends in College prevailed upon the Faculty's reversing the suspension, and then Woodward was reinstated in College.


John W. Redd, Secretary

June 12, 1893

Faculty met to pass on the graduating class and to sign diplomas. Beatty Prize awarded to King, Sallee & Scott.

Valedictory won by David Claude King. Boyle Prize won by G. W. Colvin and R. Mc. Dillehay of the Sophomore Class.

Moved & Carried that H. C. Buell take the A.B. degree instead of the B.S. degree.


John W. Redd, Secretary

June 16, 1893

Faculty met to fill out reports.

Resolved that no member of the Senior Class who is behind in any study at the beginning of the second, January term of the coming session will be allowed to graduate. No examination will be held by any Professor for deficits in the Senior Class after opening of second term. The resolution unanimously carried. All students with deficits to be informed at once.

Dr. McKee allowed to teach the Bible separately with the four classes during the coming session. Decided to send no speakers to Chautauqua in Lexington this year.


John W. Redd, Secretary

September 22, 1893

Faculty met for the purpose of classifying the new students. Nothing done except classifying and assigning work.


John W. Redd, Secretary

October 13, 1893

Faculty met to see that all the students were regularly attending their classes. Roll called and each student looked after. A general talk from the President.


John W. Redd, Secretary

November 17, 1893

Faculty met with Messrs. Montgomery, Rowland & Faulconer summoned for disorder in Chapel. Montgomery pleaded self defense, admonished not to assault a student in Chapel. Rowland accused of throwing eggs in Chapel. No satisfactory excuse, and therefore suspended for three weeks. Faulconer summoned for implication in egg throwing. Both Faulconer and Montgomery reprimanded by Vice President.


John W. Redd, Secretary

November 20, 1893

Faculty met at Dr. Worrall's to confer with Mr. W. Rowland in regard to his son's suspension. At his request his son was suspended from College only one week, with his assurance that his son would not give trouble in future. Mr. Rowland did not try to excuse his son, but promised to see that his son would behave after this. Therefore suspension of his son was for one week only.


John W. Redd, Secretary