January 7, 1901
Regular meeting of the Faculty. Kinkead's course to be arranged by Prof. Thomas Allen's conflicts to be adjusted as follows. 3 hours to Greek, 3 hours to Mathematics, 2 hours to English. The President to request Dr. McKee to give instruction in Elocution. McElroy, to be examined by the Professors, before allowed to take up regular Freshman class.
John W. Redd, Secretary
January 14, 1901
Regular meeting of the Faculty. President Roberts to ask Dr. McKee to take charge of the classes in Elocution. W. E. McElroy to be admitted into the Freshman class on the condition that he make up all past work. Committee reported on the Catalogue, Treasurer of the College to get prices for printing catalogue.
John W. Redd, Secretary
January 21, 1901
Regular meeting of the Faculty. The Faculty voted five dollars for the Blue Grass Graded Tournament, which meets in Lancaster, Ky., May 23, 24, 25, or medal for composition in history of the United States.
John W. Redd, Secretary
January 28, 1901
Regular meeting of the faculty. No special business. Settles of Senior Class to substitute Electricity for Mathematics, at his own request. Faculty meetings to be on 1st and 3rd Friday of each month, until further notice.
John W. Redd, Secretary
February 15, 1901
Regular meeting of the Faculty. Owing to the noises and confusion, yelling and whistling of the students going from one recitation to another, it was requested that the President warn the students; also advise them to be more quiet during Chapel exercises. No special business. Adjourned.
John W. Redd, Secretary
March 1, 1901
Regular meeting of the Faculty.
Prof. Johnson, in behalf of Mr. [illegible word] of Muskingum College, wished to know if Mr. [illegible word] could take the Senior Class (A.B., next fall). His course of study was laid before the Faculty, and the answer of the Faculty was that Mr. [illegible word] would have to take the Senior Class, and remain that year in the College, provided he had finished all the courses or an equivalent up to Senior year. Prof. Fales asked to arrange scheme of examinations for close of 2nd term.
John W. Redd, Secretary
March 8, 1901
Special meeting of the Faculty to approve of scheme of examinations submitted by Prof. Fales. Prof. Waggener proposed that in future, for special examinations, when asked for apart from regular examinations, the applicant be granted the favor, by paying a fee of $2.00. Carried - Prof. Cheek dissenting. Subject, of course, to the approval of the President.
John W. Redd, Secretary
March 22, 1901
Regular meeting of the Faculty. No special business. Speakers for Commencement to be chosen next meeting.
John W. Redd, Secretary
April 4, 1901
Regular meeting of the Faculty. It was moved and carried that the roll of the baseball team, with names of players and games to be played, be given the President of the College by the manager of the team. Messrs. Kinkead, Monks, and J. R. Walker summoned to appear before the Faculty Monday, April 8th. For Commencement exercises the following students were selected as speakers; time of each speech six minutes. Messrs. Alcorn, Best, Cram, Ewing, Gullion, Rodes, Sullivan, Washer.
John W. Redd, Secretary
April 8, 1901
Called meeting of the Faculty. On behalf of Messrs. Kinkead and Monks, it was resolved that Dr. Roberts should see them and warn them as to their conduct in future. Messrs. Washer & Cram appeared before the Faculty, asking that Mr. Grinstead be allowed to pitch for the Athletic Association. The request was refused. Messrs. Gordon, G. W. Welsh and a third to be chosen by Gordon and Welsh appointed by the President to standing Committee of Athletics. The extra week of vacation just prior to Commencement asked by the Seniors was granted.
John W. Redd, Secretary
April 19, 1901
Regular meeting of the Faculty. Question of playing baseball with Central University was discussed, but decided that owing to the friendly relationship existing now between the two Colleges, the game could be played. The third member of the Committee on Athletics was selected, viz., Arthur Van Winkle. This Committee to consult with President on motion of athletics.
John W. Redd, Secretary
April 30, 1901
Call meeting of Faculty to arrange the final examinations of Senior Class. No further business, adjourned.
John W. Redd, Secretary
May 14, 1901
Call meeting of the Faculty to ascertain and decide who is the Valedictorian of the class. After summing up the grades of the class 1900-01, it was decided that Mr. A. W. Gullion was justly entitled to be Valedictorian.
John W. Redd, Secretary
May 31, 1901
Regular meeting of the Faculty. At the request of Mr. Harvey Lucius Montgomery of Fla., it was moved and carried that a diploma be granted him in lieu of the original diploma recently destroyed by fire. Dr. Roberts, Professors Fales and Redd to attend to this.
John W. Redd, Secretary
June 10, 1901
Faculty met at 9 o'clock. Prof. Fales requested to give out information on news items to reporters of the press. Prof. Thomas to see the speech of the graduate in law, who is to represent the Department of Law. Prof. Redd to see the [illegible word] speeches. Beatty Senior Prize awarded to H. D. Sullivan. Boyle Sophomore Prize awarded to Robert Lockhart. Diplomas already signed by the Faculty recommended to the Board of Trustees. Degree of M.A. recommended to the Board in behalf of Acheson, Postle, Keizo Nakamura, Tokio, Japan.
D.D. recommended.
[End of Volume 3 of the Centre College Faculty Minutes]