1905 | Centre Faculty | 1907
Centre College Faculty Minutes (Vol. 4 - 1906)

January 1, 1906

The Faculty met at the call of President Hinitt. Present - Dr. Hinitt and Profs. Fales, Logan, Nelson, Redd, Cheek, Crooks, Blayney, and Fulton. The records of students who had failed in one or more students were considered in order that the Class Officers might be prepared to classify all students properly. J.P. Duncan, C. Kirkpatrick, L.H. McCormack, W.R. McConnell, & J.W. McGinnis of the Sophomore class, having failed on the majority of their studies, were remanded to the Freshman class.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary

January 5, 1906

Meeting opened with prayer by President Hinitt. Present - Dr. Hinitt and Profs. Fales, Logan, Nelson, Redd, Cheek, Crooks, Gordon, Throckmorton, Blayney, Fulton, Clark, Evans, and Messrs. Powell Cheek and Johnston. A motion making Oratory a Junior elective with credit given as for other electives was passed. It was voted that a pledge be required of each student in all examinations, the form of the pledge being left to the individual instructor.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary

January 12, 1906


Meeting opened with prayer by Dr. Logan. Present - President Hinitt and Profs. Fales, Logan, Nelson, Redd, Cheek, Crooks, Gordon, Throckmorton, Blayney, Fulton, Clark, and Messrs. Powell Cheek and Johnston. The roll of students names was read, together with the assignments of studies, in order to determine whether all students had reported for required amount of work.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary

January 19, 1906

 Present - President Hinitt and Profs. Fales, Logan, Nelson, Redd, Cheek, Gordon, Throckmorton, Fulton & Clark. Nothing done requiring record.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary

January 26, 1906

Meeting opened with prayer by President Hinitt. Present - Dr. Hinitt, and Profs. Fales, Nelson, Cheek, Crooks, Gordon, Throckmorton, Fulton, Clark and Johnston. Several matters of routine business discussed, but no action taken.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary

February 2, 1906

The meeting was opened with prayer by the President. Present - Dr. Hinitt and Profs. Fales, Nelson, Cheek, Crooks, Gordon, Throckmorton, Fulton, Clark, Evans and Johnston. It was voted that a charge of fifty cents per hour or equivalent be made for special tests.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary

February 9, 1906

The meeting was opened with prayer by Dr. Logan. Present - Dr. Hinitt and Profs. Fales, Logan, Nelson, Redd, Cheek, Crooks, Gordon, Throckmorton, Blayney, Fulton, Clark, and Evans. It was decided that in future the meetings of the Faculty be held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 4 o'clock P.M. Thomas Faulconer was transferred from Course A to Course B.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary

March 8, 1906

The meeting was opened with prayer by the President. Quinn's absences (Feb. 13-25), being due to sickness were cancelled. The absences of students, who attended the Student Conference at Nashville as delegates were excused. Present - Dr. Hinitt and Profs. Fales, Logan, Nelson, Redd, Cheek, Crooks, Gordon, Throckmorton, Blayney, Fulton, and Clark.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary

March 22, 1906

Present - Dr. Hinitt and Profs. Fales, Logan, Nelson, Redd, Cheek, Crooks, Gordon, Throckmorton, Blayney, Fulton, Clark, and Evans. E.F. McConnell's absences (March 5-9) were cancelled, being due to sickness. It was decided that the Senior Prize shall be awarded upon the basis of seventeen or eighteen hours per week, preference being given to Senior electives over extra studies. The Faculty Committee on Athletics was appointed to consider method of enforcing the rule for excluding from participation in intercollegiate games students who fall below grade.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary

April 26, 1906

The meeting was opened with prayer by Dr. Logan. Present - Dr. Hinitt and Profs. Fales, Logan , Nelson, Redd, Cheeks, Crooks, Gordon, Throckmorton, Blayney, Fulton, and Clark. It was decided that there shall be six speakers on commencement including the Valedictorian and Law Orator. The following were chosen speakers, J.C. Crenshaw, J.W. Harlan, W.O. Hopper, Donald McQueen, and J.L. Purdom. It was noted that all graduates except the commencement speakers, be required to write theses of not less than three or more than five thousand words. K.D. Alexander was required to drop all extra work because of low standing in his regular work.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary

May 10, 1906

The meeting was opened with prayer by the President. Present - Dr. Hinitt and Profs. Fales, Logan, Nelson, Redd, Cheek, Crooks, Gordon, Throckmorton, Blayney, Fulton, Clark, and Evans. The absences of Clifton Rodes, Sr., J.J. Wakefield, Geo. Lee, C.L. Garr, E.H. Clarke, C.K. Hay, F.A. Glass due to protracted illness were cancelled. Profs. Clark and Gordon were appointed a committee to prepare a permanent schedule.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary

May 11, 1906

The Faculty met at the call of the President. Present - Dr. Hinitt and Profs. Fales, Nelson, Redd, Cheek, Crooks, Gordon, Throckmorton, Blayney, Fulton, Clark, and Evans. Messrs. Grant, Milner, Cofer, and Purdom were present having been summoned by the President, to make statements concerning a disturbance in which they had participated in one capacity or another. After hearing the statements of these gentlemen, the Faculty instructed the secretary to summon Messrs. Faulconer and Wakefield to be present at nine o'clock A.M. May 12, & adjourned to meet at that hour.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary

May 12, 1906

The Faculty met pursuant to adjournment. Present - Dr. Hinitt and Profs. Logan, Nelson, Redd, Cheek, Crooks, Gordon, Blayney, Fulton, Clark, and Evans. Faulconer and Wakefield appeared and made statements relative to their connection with the disturbance of the day before in the halls of the Main Building. Dr. Clark, who had witnessed most of the occurrence, also stated what he saw. The Faculty then voted to leave the settlement of the case to President Hinitt as being in possession of all of the facts.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary

May 24, 1906

The meeting was opened with prayer by Dr. Logan. Present - Dr. Hinitt and Profs. Fales, Logan, Nelson, Redd, Cheek, Crooks, Gordon, Throckmorton, Blayney, Fulton, Clark, and Evans. J.L. Purdom was chosen Valedictorian of the Class of 1906. Drs. Blayney and Gordon were made a Commencement on Commencement arrangements.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary

June 9, 1906

Meeting opened with prayer by President Hinitt. Present - Dr. Hinitt and Profs. Fales, Logan, Nelson, Redd, Cheek, Crooks, Gordon, Throckmorton, Blayney, Fulton, & Clark.

The following graduate students, having completed their courses of study, were recommended to the Trustees for the degree of Master of Arts:

Thomas Armstrong Hendricks
John William Phelps
Thomas Albright Stewart

The following members of the Senior class were recommended for degrees:

Bachelor of Arts:
Willoughby Francis Colton
Clay Hughes Cox
John Crawford Crenshaw
Thomas Nichols Faulconer
John Wellington Harlan
William Hall Hawkins
Walter Owsley Hopper
Donald Windsor McQueen
John Leslie Purdom
Clifton Rodes
Bachelor of Science:
Milton Myles Davis
Frank Flaig
Gerald Fenelon Hager

In the case of Harry Graham Bright it was voted that he be recommended for the degree of Bachelor of Science upon the completion of his work.

Recommendation to the Trustees was made that the degree of Doctor of Divinity be conferred upon Rev. R.O. Kirkwood of Cincinnati and upon President J. Gray McAlister of Hampden Sidney College. It was also recommended that the degree of Doctor of Divinity be conferred upon the Rev. W.P. Nicholas one year hence. Hon. Allen G. Hall, Dean of Law School of Vanderbilt University, & Moderator of General Assembly of Southern Presbyterian Church, was recommended for the degree of Doctor of Laws.

Prof. Fulton was appointed upon the Commencement Committee in place of Dr. Gordon in the latters absence from town. Profs. Nelson & Crooks were appointed a committee to determine the awarding of prizes & report at the meeting of Faculty at nine o'clock A.M. Monday June 11th, 1906.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary

June 11, 1906

Faculty met with the following present - President Hinitt and Profs. Fales, Logan, Nelson, Redd, Cheek, Crooks, Gordon, Throckmorton, Blayney, Fulton and Clark.

Upon report of committee the prizes were awarded as follows:
The Ormand Beatty Alumni Prize to J. Leslie Purdom, Forkland, Ky.
The Sidney J. Johnson Prize to J.L. Crenshaw, Dermott, Ark.
Junior Honor Scholarship to J.L. Crenshaw, Dermott, Ark.
The Henry Barrel Boyle Prize to R.H. Hill, New Castle, Ky.
Sophomore Honor Scholarship to R.H. Hill, New Castle, Ky.
Freshman Honor Scholarship to L.T. McQueen, Covington, Ky.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary

September 11, 1906

The Faculty met at the call of the President. The meeting was opened with prayer by Dr. Hinitt. Present - Dr. Hinitt and Profs. Fales, Logan, Nelson, Redd, Cheek, Crooks, Gordon, Throckmorton, Blayney, Clark and Fulton. The Committee on the Schedule, consisting of Drs. Gordon and Clark, presented a schedule for the first term. This was adopted and ordered printed. Adjourned.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary

September 14, 1906

The Faculty met at the call of the President to consider certain difficulties in regard to the schedule, there being certain conflicts. Present - President Hinitt and Profs. Fales, Logan, Nelson, Redd, Cheek, Crooks, Gordon, Throckmorton, Blayney, Fulton and Clark. The Schedule Committee was requested to make necessary changes in the schedule and report the same at a meeting of the Faculty Saturday Sept. 15 at 9 o'clock A.M. Adjourned to 9 o'clock A.M. Sept. 15th 1906.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary

September 15, 1906

Faculty met to consider report of Schedule Committee. Present - Profs. Fales, Nelson, Redd, Cheek, Crooks, Gordon, Throckmorton, Fulton and Clark. Dean Fales presided. The changes in schedule proposed by the committee were adopted. Adjourned.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary

September 28, 1906

The meeting of the Faculty was opened with a prayer by Dr. Hinitt. Present - Dr. Hinitt and Profs. Fales, Logan, Nelson, Redd, Cheek, Crooks, Gordon, Throckmorton, Blayney, Fulton & Clark. No action of importance was taken. Adjourned.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary

October 12, 1906

The meeting was opened with prayer by Dr. Logan. Present - Dr. Hinitt & Profs. Fales, Logan, Cheek, Crooks, Gordon, Throckmorton,, Blayney, Fulton, & Clark. No action requiring record.

C. G. Crooks, Sec'y.

November 2, 1906

The meeting was opened with prayer by President Hinitt. Present - Dr. Hinitt & Profs. Fales, Logan, Nelson, Redd, Cheek, Crooks, Throckmorton, Blayney, Fulton, & Clark. The absences of Steele Andrews, W.B. Ardery, & W.C. Rees, due to protracted sickness, were excused. Adjourned.

Charles G. Crooks, Secretary