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- Financial Reports (1855-1870)
- Financial reports of Centre College, listing endowments, salaries, income, expenses, etc. Reports for the later years are extracts from the Board of Trustees minutes.
- Petition by Subscribers of Danville Academy (December 5, 1818)
- Petition by the subscribers of the Danville Academy to the Kentucky General Assembly requesting that the Academy's funds be united with those raised by the Synod of Kentucky for the purpose of establishing the "College of Kentucky", i.e. Centre College.
- Subscription Document (July 1, 1819) (Jpeg, 97Kb)
- "Thomas Montgomery a member of the Board produced a paper containing subscriptions to the College by Goodman Oldham & others amounting in the whole to $405 which was ordered to be filed & preserved by the clerk." (Centre College Board of Trustees minutes, September 4, 1819).
- Subscriptions put into the hands of John Green (August 9, 1819)
- "John Green & Joseph McDowell, Esqrs. are appointed as collectors of the funds due the institution in the room of David G. Cowan who is about to be absent ...." (Centre College Board of Trustees minutes, August 5, 1819)
- Trustees of Danville in Account with Centre College (May 16, 1820)
- Account of proceeds going to Centre College from the sale of the Public Square (Constitution Square) by the trustees of Danville.
- Amount of Subscriptions etc. to the Centre College (August 11, 1820)
- Report to the Trustees of the funds available to the college from subscriptions and the sale of the public square in Danville
- Report of the Funds of Centre College (March 3, 1821)
- Report of the financial condition of Centre College, with the amounts collected and still owed through subscriptions
- Student tuition payments (1822 or 23)
- Account of student tuition payments, dating from 1822 or 1823.
- Redmond Dougherty Account (February 28, 1822)
- Account of Redmond Dougherty for salary as Professor of Latin and Greek Languages.
- Samuel Finley Account (July 15, 1822)
- Account of Samuel Finley's salary for period served as president pro tem of Centre College.
- Student Tuition Accounts (ca. February 1823)
- Account of Centre College students who owe money, and who have paid.
- Assets of Centre College (September 11, 1824)
- Recapitulation of the assets of Centre College, written by James Harlan, Secretary of the Board of Trustees.
- Amount of Real Estate of Centre College (October 1824)
- Summary of the real estate assets of Centre College and the outstanding debts.
- Documents Relative to the Endowment of the Centre College by the Synod of Kentucky (1825)
- Jeremiah Chamberlain Account (1826)
- Chamberlain's account of his salary and miscellaneous expenses, including hiring a "negro boy" Jordan to cut wood.
- J.J. Polk Invoice (April 18, 1827)
- In Centre's early history, student final examinations were public events. This is a bill for advertising the Spring exams in J.J. Polk's Olive Branch newspaper.
- Student Payment Account (1820's)
- Note from Jeremiah Chamberlain, President of the College, to James Harlan to credit Nathan Price for payment of Preparatory Department tuition and one dollar for fuel.
- William R. Thompson Account (March 24, 1831)
- Account of William R. Thompson's salary for 1829-30. Thompson was Professor of Latin and Greek Languages at Centre College from 1824 to 1831.
- J.J. Polk Invoice (November 19, 1831)
- Invoice from Polk for printing Centre College president John C. Young's September 1831 commencement address.
- Joseph Huber Account (November 1, 1832)
- Record of payment to Huber for the purchase of a group of maps. Huber was Professor of Modern Languages at Centre College.
- Report of the Income of the Preparatory Department (1851)
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- Report of students, income, and expenses of the Preparatory Department for the year ending June 24, 1851.
- Amount of Income of the Preparatory Department (1852)
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- Report of students, income, and expenses of the Preparatory Department for the year ending June 24, 1852.
- Statement and Appeal in Behalf of Centre College (1873)
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- Appeal by the Synod of Kentucky for the support of Centre College by Presbyterians in the state and throughout the nation.
- Magoffin, B. Letter to John A. Cheek (June 6, 1903)
- Plaintive letter from Magoffin to John A. Cheek, treasurer of Centre College, asking that his note for $1,000 to endow a professorhip be returned.